Watchdog Report Vol.16 No. 43 March 6, 2016 EST. 05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Celebrating 17 Years of Weekly Publishing
Argus Report: GOP Antiestablishment mood could have Romney attack of Trump, backfire when it comes to anyone but Trump and Florida delegates are up in the air for Rubio and what of Ohio another winner take all state March 15?
Obituary: Former First Lady Nancy Reagan passes at 94, her partnership with president helped bring an end to Soviet Union, both actorsillary TrumppsHhH
Florida: With Florida being a must win state for presidential candidate Rubio, will Gov. Scott endorse the junior senator from Florida, is a must state win for Rubio to keep his campaign alive against an insurgent Trump?–Gov. Scott Declares State of Emergency in Lee, Martin and St. Lucie Following Heavy Rainfall and Record Army Corps Discharges –Governor calls on Obama to fund Herbert Hoover Dike repairs
Miami-Dade County: Commissioner’s want a “level playing field,” for App services, cost for fingerprinting, drug tests have to be reasonable for Uber and Lyft drivers says Heyman – Frost Museum board removed, new board and greater public participation by county to finish pared down Science Museum that ran out of money and bridge financing gamble by CEO Thomas major mistake, will there be any consequences? She told Bayfront Park trust members there “was enough money to do the shell,” she said
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Child advocate Lawrence calls for activism in capital
Public Health Trust: With $1.4 billion in capital funding change is coming to dated JHS campus and facilities, board and management say projects will be on time and on budget as public system tries to catch up with other health systems – Two more PHT trustee applicants needed only four have applied application deadline is extended by Chair Arriola – health trust will be looking for trustees in near future, only the best of the best need apply to be on seven member oversight board, $830 million GOB oversight board looking for trustees as well
City of Miami: Mayor Regalado says Miami is in great shape, historic $2.2 billion in more development in the wings, but traffic and congestion and quality of life changing in city — 40th Calle Ocho 2016 Festival created by Kiwanis Club of Little Havana revving up, largest Hispanic block Party in nation with some 800, 0000 expected to attend Mar. 13 event, actor Andy Garcia Grand Marshall
City of Miami Beach: Mayor Levine on Florida Round-up WLRN makes his case along with tourism officials for yes vote for new convention center and hotel vote ends March 15, along with Party primaries, likely large turnout on issue – Beach voters coming around regarding new convention center and March 15 vote, 60 percent threshold needed to pass
Community Events: The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES
MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016! – Major new show at The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse – History Miami has 100th anniversary show of iconic singer Frank Sinatra
Editorial: Elected officials and municipal employees getting free tickets that are not disclosed still a problem with some 30,000 public employees, Ethics commission years ago found very few people get gifts, since so few reported as required, state attorney KFR lists a host of tickets even to Miami Heat game – Public institutions need to remember baby boomers not as nimble with technology as young folks, small font a nightmare for some – One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade County and involve some serious public money in the billions
Letters: Pet trust founder on past WDR – advocate’s petition for FDOT to come up with alternative to yellow polls and injuries from pole divers
Sponsors – Publisher’s mission statement & Subscription information is at the bottom of this issue
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for 16 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this service is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well. Thank You. And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account at However, because of fiscal issues I was barely able to publish this week as Miami continues to get more expensive and it is no easy task to do the WDR weekly and I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. Thank you for the past support over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years back in 2003 go to:
ARGUS REPORT – Heard, Seen on the street
>>> GOP Antiestablishment mood could have Romney attack of Trump, backfire when it comes to anyone but Trump and Florida is up in the air for Rubio and what of Ohio another winner take all state March 15?
With the verbal fireworks cooling after the GOP rumble in Michigan Thursday and had Mitt Romney telling the media he feels like a GOP “umpire,” when he held a press conference and Romney was highly critical of front runner Donald Trump, who he considers “unhinged,” and his campaign for not clearly repudiating David Duke a former grand dragon of the KKK and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. jumped on the issue and trump just brushed off “Little Marco as the businessman is now calling the junior senator from Florida. And a host of ads are running attacking Trump but many Republicans are concerned it is too late (and Trump is calling his campaign a movement) and Romney is giving the impression Washington and the establishment is going to control who is the party’s champion and this perception plays into Trump’s continued support as a Republican Party outsider. And for more go to:
Show of Trump’s hands comment hurts Rubio?
Further, Rubio made a reference to the size of Trump’s hands and it was a juvenile salacious reference that historically Rubio has stayed away from but the heated rhetoric has changed all that and has Trump calling Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, “Lyin Ted,” and the race is disturbing said one political operative and Democratic Party front runner Hillary Clinton is still facing headwinds concerning her private email server and some of the emails are being questioned and whether here were sensitive and what they’re security classifications status might be.
>>> PAST WDR: The New Hope, Historical Society is celebrating the 259th Birthday of Benjamin Perry, the Father of New Hope, just north from where Gen Washington crossed the Delaware River
The New Hope Historical Society is celebrating the 259th Birthday of Benjamin Perry March 6. He is considered the Father of New Hope, Pa. located on the Delaware River just north from where Gen. George Washington crossed the river and his subsequent attack on Trenton and the Prussian troops celebrating Christmas. And my father Arthur J. Ricker, M.D. founded the society with some friends in 1958 and my brothers and sisters all helped in one way or another raising money for the organization and ultimately. The buying and preserving of the Benjamin Perry Mansion in the center of the town where the canon is located and for more go to And the Watchdog Report wishes the Society over fifty years old many more years preserving historical reminders of years past in the town that I grew up in and my father had his medical practice, very much a Dr. Marcus Welby practice in Bucks County Pennsylvania and the Perry sisters were his patients.
March 6th @ 4-6 pm Benjamin Parry Birthday Party
Click on image to enlarge
Click here to learn about Benjamin Parry
>>> So Trump Is Officially the Frontrunner, Now What? By: John Zogby Contributor
Zogby press release: There is no way to deny it now: Donald Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Remarkably, he has shown that his appeal is not short-lived, limited to only about 33% of the GOP voters, or narrow among one class or region. Indeed, his victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada display a broad appeal to a wide swath of voters and – contrary to those, including myself, who have said he might not perform as well if he had only one opponent – and his support could even grow larger.
Trump has also shown that the marriage of celebrity culture and presidential-nominating media-circus atmosphere has been consummated. Perhaps it will never be the same. In the past fifty years we have gone from “Kennedy-esque”, to a professional actor, to “very cool and hip”. The Trump phenomenon in this Age of Kardashian was the logical next phase. (But I don’t want to even think of the next one – Folies Bergere?)
Please click on the link below to view the full release:
>>> Zogby press release: The GOP’s Rocky Road to Cleveland
I spent the past few days in Akron, Ohio at the University of Akron’s EXL Center for Entrepreneurism. One of my events was a political panel on the 2016 election and we were all asked by a member of the audience: “Is Cleveland ready for the Republican Convention?” One of my colleagues started to answer positively about improvements to the airport and convention center when I interrupted and said I think the man was really asking whether or not the world was ready for this convention. The audience member agreed that is what he was truly getting at.
And it is a good question. The GOP and the nation are in for a very difficult time. This past week, frontrunner Donald Trump received withering attacks from both the 2008 and 2012 party presidential nominees, relentless hammering from his colleagues Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and pointed prosecutorial questions from debate moderator Megyn Kelly. The New York State Attorney General offered that he is certain he is the goods on fraud at Trump University and 22 prominent Republican foreign policy experts labeled Trump’s foreign policy ideas as dangerous to the national security. At least one group of major donors got on a phone call convened by eBay founder Meg Whitman and vowed to look into ways of stopping Trump’s march to the presidential nomination. And for the first time in history, a presidential candidate talked about the size of his genital organ.
>>> Miami gets Buddy Bear with German Consulate, symbol of friendship with Berlin, by local Grove artist Fleishman
The local German Consulate Headquarters on Brickell has a new Buddy Bear in its lobby, a symbol of Friendship in Berlin done by Coconut Grove artist Cynthia Fleischman, a two degree UM graduate and she has pioneered a new form of body painting and below is the Bear and links to her web pages and she is an inspiration to many after a tragic accident on I 95 where she had to have her leg amputated and has carried on since that tragic day.

Fleischman on the left with Buddy Bear and German consulate General Jürgen Borsch And for more on Fleischman go to >>> 2016: German Buddy Bear
The German Buddy Bear I had the honor of painting is now permanently in the entrance of the Miami New World Tower at 100 Biscayne Blvd. The Bear symbolizes worldwide friendship, tolerance and peace, and I thank the German Consulate of Miami for choosing me as the artist. What a wonderful experience and movement to be part of, accomplished one-legged!
>>> Former First Lady Nancy Reagan passes at 94, her partnership with president Reagan helped bring an end to Soviet Union, both actors
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan passes at 94, and she was an integral part of her husbands administration in the White House and was a great protector of her husband Ronal Reagan and people did not cross Nancy Reagan and she was a big proponent of Alheizmers research and she was a political powerhouse and the nation will now reflect on her passing and her role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union (called a “Evil Empire,” by her husband) and while controversial she did make her mark, bringing awareness to Breast Cancer and saying No To Drugs.
>>> With Florida being a must win state for presidential candidate Rubio, will Gov. Scott endorse the junior senator from Florida, is a must state for Rubio to win to keep his campaign alive against an insurgent Trump?
Gov. Rick Scott is being coy about who he would support in the March 15 GOP primary and the business man made his fortune in the healthcare industry and he penned a editorial praising the Donald Trump campaign but Scott has yet to make a formal endorsement and since Sen. Marco Rubio must win his home state as is the case with Ohio Gov. John Kasich and his race in Ohio.
Scott who has a mixed reputation is an out sider of the establishment who ran using much of his own money in the first race but took outside contributions for his reelection in 2014 and since Trump is eclipsing Rubio in the state’s polls Texas Senator Ted Cruz is also staking a claim in the Sunshine State. And Scott is facing major opposition with his major initiatives in the legislature like $1 billion in business tax cuts and $250 million for Enterprise Florida whose mission is to bring new companies to Florida but some consider it corporate welfare and a poor investment for taxpayers. And the governor with numerous past vetoes has failed to build bridges with law makers.
>>>>Happy 171th Birthday Florida
Florida turned 171 years old Wednesday and the state has been claimed by a host of countries over the Centuries and for more on the history of the state go to
Florida celebrated its 171th Birthday Wednesday and she is how Gov. Rick Scott celebrated it on his twitter page
>>> Gov. Scott Declares State of Emergency in Lee, Martin and St. Lucie Following Heavy Rainfall and Record Army Corps Discharges –Governor calls on Obama to fund Herbert Hoover Dike repairs
Press release: Today, Governor Rick Scott signed Executive Order 16-59 which declares a state of emergency in Lee, Martin and St. Lucie counties following heavy rainfall which has resulted in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers frequently discharging water from Lake Okeechobee to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries. This is a result of inadequate funding by the federal government. Governor Scott also today called on the Obama Administration to fully fund the more than $800 million in needed repairs to the federally operated Herbert Hoover Dike which would safely hold water to prevent these discharges. To date, the state of Florida has invested $880 million more than the federal government is required to provide for clean water to the Everglades. To view the Executive Order, click HERE.
Governor Rick Scott said, “The negative effects of flood waters and harm to wildlife we are currently witnessing in these counties is only the beginning if the President doesn’t fund the more than $800 million in needed repairs to the Herbert Hoover Dike. Our communities are in imminent danger of prolonged flooding and environmental devastation if the dike is ever compromised. Not only is the well-being and health of our families at risk if the Obama Administration doesn’t immediately begin funding repairs to their federally operated dike, but our housing market, tourism industry and agricultural community will fail if the dike is not repaired and properly maintained.
“We need President Obama to get engaged immediately on this issue and fully fund the needed repairs to their dike so massive U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ discharges are no longer needed. With heavy rainfall and record discharges, we have no choice but to declare a State of Emergency in these counties today and hope President Obama will pay attention to this crisis.”
The State of Florida has invested nearly $2 billion in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and $1.8 billion in providing clean water to the Everglades. Governor Scott’s 2016-2017 Florida First budget includes an additional $5 billion dollars over the next 20 years to substantially complete the CERP and ensure that clean water is sent to the Everglades. Since the CERP was passed in 1999, the State of Florida has invested $880 million more than the federal government on implementing the 50/50 cost-share plan. This funding, in addition to the $800 million needed for the Herbert Hoover Dike repairs plus the $5 billion contained in Governor Scott’s Florida First budget, means the federal government needs to invest $6.7 billion to keep up with Florida’s commitment to the greater Everglades ecosystem over the next 20 years. President Obama only asked for $155.5 million next year, less than half of what the federal government should be investing annually.
>>> Commissioner’s want a “level playing field,” for App services, cost for fingerprinting, drug tests have to be reasonable for Uber and Lyft drivers, says Heyman
The County Commission had a workshop on Uber and other App ride services and commissioners wanted to make the “playing field level,” said Commissioner Estephan Bovo and he is a traditionalist when it comes to using taxis and Commissioners Sally Heyman and Javier Souto wanted to know the costs for fingerprinting and drug screenings and Souto wanted the county to do spot testing to be sure drivers are not impaired and a risk to passengers and the these car services are only gaining popularity and has some people selling their cars and using only these on demand services to get around and has become a hot potato for officials.
![]() Bovo |
![]() Heyman |
![]() Souto |
And to see elections issues in Miami-Dade running up to the March 15 elections, go to
DaveBarry and Carl Hiassen had a event snd the two award winning journalists hav chronicoled South Florida over the decades and to waatch the video of the affair and the upcoming presidential races go to:
>>> PAST WDR: Frost Museum board removed, new board and greater public participation by county to right and finish pared down Science Museum that ran out of money and bridge financing gamble by CEO Thomas major mistake, will there be any consequences?
When it comes to the new impressive $325 million Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum the organizations CEO Gillian Thomas seems to have had a What me Worry attitude when it came to the funding of the massive project that will likely open a year later in 2016. Then planned and has had the past board removed and the bad news just keeps on coming and someone needs to bring Thomas back to earth and her entitlement attitude when it comes to public funding that was seen at past internal budget hearings where she argued for more public funding despite the $165 million in GOB funding already given to the Museum and her attitude of entitlement of these public dollars has been a persistent problem ( And the museum is said to have turned down a $10 million donation for the aquarium but the money was turned down, because they wanted to use the money for more immediate costs, says a knowledgeable source) and the secrecy of how decisions have been made has been dark and deep and the GOB oversight board must also have been kept in the dark and accountability seems to have been missing since only recently was it revealed the organization had run out of money and has put the museum’s very generous benefactors Phillip and Patricia Frost in a Public relations nightmare. Since it is a front page story in The Miami Herald and I am been told the Frosts are not happy about the situation and how it has been handled and many are wondering if Thomas will have to fall on her sword and Cultural Affairs director Michael Spring was the county’s Watchdog on the project that also recently has a member from the County’s Inspector General’s office looking into the project that would not allow the press or IG to attend past board meetings in the past even though they got this large slug of public money to kick off the project and it remains to be seen if the projected attendance numbers will actually pan out though the museum’s staff says these numbers are ‘conservative,’ states The Miami herald. And to see all the listed $2.9 billion GOB projects and their projects go to and The frost Museum is not included on the GOB webpage and there is no info on construction issues and financing which is surprising since the citizen based oversight board is made up of citizens and chaired by former County Commissioner Katy Sorenson.
And for Mayor Carlos Gimenez this is a reelection nightmare though he insists it is not a county project and not under his portfolio but there was a significant slug of public money to the museum and this sudden fiscal demise should not have caught leaders by surprise and people question whether Spring’s Cultural Affairs department should have overseen such a large and complicated project. And Thomas educated in chemistry is often seen walking her dogs in South Coconut Grove and tools around town in a tony SUV. And she joined the Museum in 2003 and first made a public splash when at a County Commission meetings she demanded commissioners put a bond for the facility on the county ballot. And had Commissioner Dennis Moss asking “who are you?” given the threatening tone of her request and her fishing for more county funding was apparent during the County’s Resource Allocation Meetings (RAM). And at these meetings she was always asking for a greater share of convention development taxes and Tourist Development Taxes and back in 2013-2014 $2.5 million of these funds were allocated to the science museum and Thomas insisted once construction started the donations would come in which has not happened and the organization fell willfully short and this ‘aggressive gamble [did not allow for a funding plan that failed,’ states the Miami Herald headline on the matter. And Gillian in photos looks like she has no worry in the world. And any contrition on the foul-up seems to be elusive but that may change when Gimenez asks the County Commission to approve a bridge loan funding coming in at $45 million to pay the venders who at one point stopped work until they were paid. And the facility will likely open a couple of years late and not in 2016 as had been predicted. Editor’s note: when the Museum was just about to break ground Thomas was asked at a Bayfront Park Trust meeting that oversees Museum and Bicentennial Park, if the organization had enough money already raised to finish the project. Further Gillian may see in the tea leaves there are dark clouds in the horizon and her house in the Grove is up for sale. And she told Trust members that “there was enough money to build the shell,” of the complex structure and that money was the $175 million GOB money the Museum received from the County.

$5 million summer job funding from Children’s Trust hoped to help quell youth violence, with shootings almost daily countywide
County Commissioners had an extensive discussion of the recommendations in a Joint Round Table on Youth Safety committee Action Plan, on all the gun violence in the county (Where 60 kids have been shot and 20 have died says District Supt. Alberto Carvalho) and students are being killed almost daily. And the creation of best practices policies on how to focus on this small ultra-violent youth. And the County will be getting some money ($5 million) for a summer jobs program from the Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade County and months ago County Commissioner Xavier Suarez made a presentation to the Trust board showing the data that summer jobs are a great vehicle to increase local people’s security and families That has some homes in parts of the county having bullet holes created by AK 17 bullets said Moss and the “easy access to guns,” is contributing to the violence. And such summer jobs funding was seriously cut back during the Great Recession and the youth programs are missed. And Commissioner Dennis Moss also pointed out how this community violence is destroying the fabric of our societies in South Florida. And thee Watchdogreport writes about this only because the county has a long history of taping into the numerous Trust’s that we have including back in 2000 when county commissioners shifted some $ 70 million in unfunded mandates to the Public Health Trust. And Moss also wants to urge the state to put in more funding for summer jobs and not just the $20 million Scott is recommending statewide but Moss notes is too little to do the job effectively.
>>> Mayor Gimenez should insist water and sewer repairs on roads should end with a smooth roadway, and be part of a repairs final inspection.
Mayor Carlos Gimenez could get a huge number of votes if county contractors doing the $10 to $20 billion in water and sewer repairs on the streets after they dug up the road asphalt that the new asphalt be done so there is a smooth road and not the rough uneven surface the road usually becomes and this is a big deal given the mammoth scope of the upcoming work and any final inspection should include a suitable final road surface for currently the streets are getting badly torn up and is a major complaint that I hear all the time.
>>> Letter from child advocate David Lawrence, Jr.
Be patient with me, please. This is a tad longer than usual, but takes a little explanation.
We know that Floridians love their pre-K. How much? We invest almost $400 million a year, and 77 percent of all 4 year olds are enrolled. That’s the good news. But here, in the words of the late Paul Harvey, is “the rest of the story.” High enrollment is not enough; Floridians deserve to know about the return on their massive investment. That is, are children learning? (We know for a fact that only high quality brings real results.)
To measure learning gains, a kindergarten screening is given to kindergarten students early in the school year. What is learned leads to a “readiness rate” for pre-K providers. Those providers who do not meet the minimum rate set by the State Board of Education are placed on probation.
Last year there was no assessment of the simply vital early literacy skills. No readiness rate was calculated. This year readiness rates are headed toward being calculated with very incomplete data. Should those rates become final, most of the 1,200 low-performing providers will be removed from probation. That means no accountability tied to early reading skills or for the public investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. That’s lousy public policy. Do not let this happen. Please contact your legislators and Governor Scott and tell them:1. Do not calculate a readiness rate without information on VPK students’ early literacy skills.2. Require the Department of Education to include a measure of early literacy skills in kindergarten. Thanks. Dave Lawrence
>>> OIG report on Charter Schools and Dual enrollment:
>>> PAST WDR: With $1.4 billion in capital funding change is coming to dated JHS campus and facilities, board and management say projects will be on time and on budget as public system tries to catch up with other health systems
The PHT continues the massive expansion of the health system and at Friday’s televised board meeting Board Chair Joe Arriola discussed the $1.4 billion upgrade of facilities that will actually happen including the rehabilitation facility long promised but never materialized. And FIU Medical College Dean Rock, M.D. at the PHT board meeting televised noted the schools two year physician assistant program is going well and has “some 120 students,” in the program and is a key component to the community healthcare program being pushed by the public university and has medical students at a host of hospitals around Miami-Dade and these budding physicians are making their mark while training and are getting good reviews from their peers. And JHS is itself getting fiscally better and cash on hand is at 49 days much higher than when at some points. It was at nine or ten days of cash and under the leadership of Carlos Migoya and his team along with concessions from the unions they have done a remarkable job turning around the beleaguered organization whose new facilities will mirror the great medical care the system provides to the poor and uninsured now.
>>> Four trustee’s applicants accepted, but two more applicants are needed, application deadline extended
PHT webpage Overview: The Public Health Trust (PHT) was created in 1973 by the Board of County Commissioners as an independent governing body concerned with the county’s most vital healthcare resource: Jackson Memorial Hospital. The Trust is comprised of concerned volunteer citizens who set policies that assure that Jackson Health System is responsive to community needs. This “citizen body” provides leadership for joint planning between Jackson Health System, the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine, Miami-Dade County and other private and community organizations.
In 2003, the Board of County Commissioners amended Chapter 25A of the Miami-Dade County Code that governs the Public Health Trust. Notably, these changes altered the composition and size of the Public Health Trust as well as the responsibilities for countywide health care. A new Office of Countywide Health Care Planning was created under the Office of the County Manager and Jackson’s role was redefined to focus solely on the planning of facilities within the system. To read the Public Health Trust Bylaws, click here. View the Public Health Trust meeting calendar by clicking here.
>>> Please hold Monday, March 21st, 2016 at 11:00 AM to reconvene the Public Health Trust (PHT) Nominating Council at Jackson Memorial Hospital, located at 1611 N.W. 12th Avenue, 1st Floor, in the West Wing Board Room (see directions below) to review the applicants and interview process to fill the open seats on the Public Health Trust Board of Trustees. The applicant matrix will be emailed to the Nominating Council the week of March 7th, 2016 and the meeting agenda will be provided the week of the PHT Nominating Council meeting.
>>> Press release: As of the February 9, 2016 deadline for Public Health Trust (PHT) Board of Trustee applications, the following four (4) applications were received:
William Heffernan,
Irene Lipoff,
Albert Dotson, and
Ralph Patino.
Per the County Attorney’s Office, in order to bring an item forth to the Board of County Commissioners, the Nominating Council must put forth six (6) names, at a minimum. Therefore, Chairman Arriola has extended the PHT Board of Trustees application deadline until March 2, 2016 (3 weeks) at 4:00 pm.
As a result, the Chairman has requested that the February 24, 2016 meeting be rescheduled so the Nominating Council can review all the applicants after the extended deadline and decide finalists to interview. The date of the next Nominating Council meeting and a revised timeline will be forthcoming. I have included the 2016 PHT Board of Trustees application in case you would like to share with any candidates.
>>> Past WDR: Health trust will be looking for trustees in near future, only the best of the best need apply to be on seven member oversight board, $830 million GOB oversight board looking for trustees as well
The Public HealthTrust Nominating Council is meeting and is expected to be running an ad soon asking for residents to apply to be on the seven member oversight board that looks after the health trust system and is currently a much more nimble board then when it was 18 members years ago, but County Commissioners reduced the board’s size and under the leadership of Carlos Migoya alongside with the unions and major concessions from them the trust has operate the organization in the black the last three years after years of hemorrhaging red ink to the tune of a $84 million loss back in 20003.
>>> And the $830 million GOB bond oversight board is looking for trustees as well and if you have skills in construction consider applying here
>>>> Mayor Regalado says Miami is in great shape, historic $2.2 billion in more development in the wings, but traffic and congestion and quality of life changing in city
Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado said the “City of Miami is in great shape,” Wednesday at his State of the City Speech and he ticked off a host of first achievements of the city that a decade ago was recovering from a major fiscal nightmare and had a number of commissioners arrested but the City is booming but residents carp about the rising cost of living in Miami once relatively low cost but that has changed dramatically and affordable housing is a major need and is driving many Miamians out of the City that also is dealing with major traffic congestion.
What about the Miami construction boom?
Regalado said the City had another record year in developments being approved and while he is pushing for the restoration of the Miami Marine Stadium. And he is proposing a dedicated funding stream to bring the iconic structure back to life.
However, Regalado also said the building department has processed some “96,000 building permits, and inspections,” and there is still $2.2 billion in further development on the books and is a historic number the mayor declared to the crowd in the commission chambers. He gave a shout out to newly elected Miami Commissioner Ken Russell. “I am impressed with how much you have learned in three months,” said the long serving mayor now termed out.
Regalado first ran as the anti Manny Diaz regarding rampant development
And while Regalado is bullish about Miami, many residents carp about the traffic and over development of Miami and the mayor during the speech took shots at Miami-Dade County leaders where his school board Member daughter Raquel is running against County Mayor Carlos Gimenez and there was no one from the Mayor’s office at the state address, but elected leaders in municipalities forget that Miami-Dade County is the big enchilada of government and is the ultimate platform that HUD and many other federal programs use to distribute federal funds and while the relationship are better with these government entities it is futile in the long run to pick battles with the much larger County. That once had then Miami manager Gimenez looking at the County’s government center waving his fist, saying “that was the problem,” back in 2002 outside the old Miami arena.
And Regalado and his daughter Raquel are both journalists and the mayor over the years has blended his professional life with his political career and he has spent well over a decade in public life and his daughter ran for office back in 2010. But she is shooting for the stars now with this new campaign and she has yet to attack Gimenez in campaign ads but the race and vote in August is expected to be heated and brutal.
And Gimenez has raised millions for his war chest versus Regalado who has raised far less and she is expected to attack the incumbent for this serious fundraising where establishment candidates are facing blow back with voters as was the case with Jeb Bush who raised over $100 million and the money was referred to as “shock and awe.” But ultimately Bush not catch fire and recently dropped out so money is not everything it has been in the past as voters look for new blood after being disappointed by so many officials like the lead water crisis in Flint Michigan as a prime example of government incompetence and the failure of politicians doing their duty and has shaken the political Parties to their roots. And the mayor has to be careful of his dealings with the county and he cannot let his daughter’s race impact on his duties as mayor.
>>> Commissioner Suarez incoming president of League of Cities
Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez is the incoming president of the League of Cities of M-DCLC and he is also the vice chair on the County’s MPO a regional transportation board.
>>> Miami River Basilica Bridge is telling drivers to vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders
The second Avenue Basilica Bridge says it is, “vote for Bernie [country],” since on the roadway someone painted that request and can be seen when the bridge over the Miami River is up and Sanders is a favorite with millennials over Hillary Clinton.
>> Miami Police Major Moss in the running for Ferguson Police Force, steady officer on the tiller of community policing
Miami Police Major Delrish Moss is in the running to be Chief of Police in Ferguson Missouri and he is a Miami Treasure with the right temperament and communication skills. The Watchdog Repot has known the man since 2000 after the young Cuban Boy Elian Gonzalez was extracted by federal authorities and demonstrations and fires erupted throughout the county and he has always been a calming force and he is highly respected and if he is chosen will be a loss for Miami but I wish him well. And for more go to:
>>> 40th Calle Ocho Festival created by Kiwanis Club of Little Havana revving up, largest Hispanic block Party in nation with some 800, 0000 expected to attend Mar. 13 event actor Andy Garcia Grand Marshall
The Calle Ocho Festival is coming Mar. 13, and the festival is celebrating its 40th year as the nation’s biggest Hispanic block party where over 800,000 people gather along the iconic street running through Little Havana and is put on by the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana and the organization founded in 1978 is the largest Hispanic Kiwanis Club in the nation and when first organized only some 10,000 people were thought to attend versus the “100, 000,” that did come state’s club documentation. And this year’s Grand Marshall is actor Andy Garcia and the event got $10,000 in sponsor seed money from the Miami MESA board recently. And the club’s members give 250,000 hours of volunteer service, over 250 scholarships awarded, and over 70, 0000 holiday gifts distributed and 100,000 children helped including $8,000,000 in funds for initiatives and a host of other programs. And for ore go to
What about the Coconut Grove Playhouse and actor Kevin Spacey?
The Coconut Grove Playhouse shuttered since 2006 is gaining steam and fans and actor Kevin Spacey is getting support from a number of online groups and for more go to: And Spacey for the first time was on Face The Nation Sunday and he is a major cultural and arts advocate with a strong sense of public service and his interest in the Playhouse is very much welcomed.
>>> Mayor Levine on Florida Round-up WLRN makes his case along with tourism officials for yes vote for new convention center vote ends March 15, along with Party primaries, likely large turnout on issue
Mayor Phillip Levine was on Florida Round –up on WLRN Friday with tourist mavens talking up the new proposed convention center and a 800 room hotel and voters are deciding the issue at the polls and Levine is bullish but a Pac is ginning up the issue of increased traffic but officials note most of these mega medical conventions like The American Heart Association or College of Cardiology meetings have the physicians fly in and take taxis and generally do not rent cars and these huge groups need a central anchor hotel and the ageing convention center is just not cutting it anymore and is sure To be a boon to local businesses but critics carp it will change the ethos of the Beach that already is becoming very expensive and intensely developed over the past few years. And to hear the show go to . And Convention Center discussions were also on This Week in South Florida and NBC’ 6 show Impact
>>> Beach voters coming around regarding new convention center and March 15 vote, community and tourism leaders all behind the new design and deal that will jump start big time convention tourism
Press release: GMCVB Board of Directors unanimously approved support of the March 15, 2016 City of Miami Beach Referendum Item #60 approving the city’s lease of city property for a convention headquarter hotel adjacent to the Miami Beach Convention Center on Monday, January 25, 2016. The proposed 800-room headquarter hotel adjacent to the convention center is crucial to the success of the renovation of the Miami Beach Convention Center in attracting business and especially the highly coveted citywide conventions. The GMCVB encourages Miami Beach residents to VOTE ‘YES’ #60.
>>> Press release: The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES
MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016!
“An utterly flawless presentation!” – WIRED Part of the 2015-2016 Live at Knight Series
April 16, 2016 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $35-$125* VIP Package: $150*John S. and James L. Knight Concert Hall
MIAMI, FL January 15, 2016 – Now celebrating its 10th Anniversary Season, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is proud to present the return of THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES and its new highly-anticipated multimedia symphonic concert MASTER QUEST. This latest edition of The Legend of Zelda symphony will feature brand-new music and visuals from the new The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes video game released in October 2015. As part of the Center’s Live at Knight Series, MASTER QUEST will delight video game and orchestral music fans alike on April 16 in the John S. and James L. Knight Concert Hall.
Tickets to MASTER QUEST are on sale now and range from $35 to $125*. A VIP Package for $150* includes premium seating, meet and greet with executive producer Jason Michael Paul and principal conductor Amy Andersson, official tour VIP lanyard, limited edition poster and a VIP Fast Pass to the merchandise booth. Tickets may be purchased at the Adrienne Arsht Center box office by calling (305) 949-6722, or online at
Making its South Florida premiere, MASTER QUEST is a never before seen or heard multimedia concert experience featuring a live 56-piece orchestra, 20-person choir and a larger-than-life video presentation of gameplay imagery. The concert also boasts live orchestral performances of theme music from Nintendo’s beloved The Legend of Zelda franchise – now celebrating its 30th anniversary. Guests will enjoy their favorite game moments from the series, carefully and beautifully timed with a gorgeous orchestral score approved by Nintendo sound director and The Legend of Zelda composer Koji Kondo.
Those new to THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES will also have the opportunity to experience the beautifully orchestrated four-movement symphonic work from last season which chronicles fan-favorite moments from the video game’s rich and storied history, carefully and expertly timed with videos. The concert is a festive experience for all fans, many of which attend in “cosplay” as their favorite characters.
For more information, please visit: Support for the Live at Knight Series is provided by Wells Fargo. *All programs, artists, ticket prices, availability, dates and times are subject to change without notice. Additional fees may apply. Visit for up-to-date information, details and performance.
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Additional high-resolution photos are available at
The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is made possible by the public support of the Miami-Dade County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Tourist Development Council and the City of Miami Omni Community Redevelopment Agency, as well as the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. The Adrienne Arsht Center also receives generous support from individuals, corporations and local, state and national foundations. In its 10th anniversary season, the Arsht Center thanks its institutional donors for their historic commitment to the performing arts and Greater Miami: Adrienne Arsht; Miami-Dade County; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Dr. Sanford L. and Dolores Ziff & Family; The Arison Family/Carnival Corporation; Knight Ridder Inc. and The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald; Sears Roebuck and Co.; Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Foundation; Bank of America; Joyce and M. Anthony Burns; Audre and Donald Carlin, Hedy Carlin and B. Pair Carlin; The Cejas Family Foundation; Gilbert S. Kahn and John J. Noffo Kahn; Haskell Company; Miami Salon Group Inc.; Odebrecht; Peacock Foundation Inc.; Ryder Charitable Foundation; Terra Group; Wells Fargo and Lynn Wolfson.
About the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County
Set in the heart of downtown Miami and designed by world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is one of the world’s leading performing arts organizations and venues. Since opening in 2006, the Arsht Center, a 501C3 non-profit organization, has emerged as a leader in presenting innovative programming that mirrors South Florida’s diversity as well as a catalyst for billions of dollars in new development in the downtown area. Spotlighting legends and serving as a launch pad for local artists to make their mark on the international stage, the Center presents nearly 500 events each year across its eight flexible, state-of-the-art performance spaces. The Center programs 12 signature series, including the largest jazz series in South Florida, the biggest flamenco festival on the East Coast, and a robust program of new theatrical works as well as free programming for the community and an arts education program that serves nearly 30,000 children each year. As Miami’s new Town Square, the Arsht Center also houses Brava! A fine dining restaurant; the Café at Books & Books in the historic Carnival Tower and a weekly Farmers Market. Visit for more information.
>>> History Miami is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of iconic singer Frank Sinatra and for more go to
>>> Elected officials and municipal employees getting free tickets that are not disclosed is still a problem with some 30,000 public employees, Ethics commission years ago found very few people get gifts since so few reported as required, state attorney KFR lists a host of tickets, many for charities, one even to Miami Heat game
The issue of elected leaders getting free bees and tickets to events has been a persistent problem over the years in South Florida and the Miami-Dade County Ethics and Public Trust Commission once did an analysis and report and found out of some 30, 0000 employees at the County and the 34 municipalities only a hand full of people listed these items on the required disclosure forms for any ticket over $100. And the commission could only conclude that people were not accepting these benefits and one of the main people when it came to these types of gift disclosers was Miami Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle who extensively reported receiving a host of event tickets including one to a Miami Heat game and at least she reported them. But when it comes to the municipalities only sporadically are these gifts reported though many are on Miami Beach. But officials should realize how taking these perks send residents through the roof and is one of the reasons on a national scale voters are so angry with government and with elections coming around in the months ahead there was never a better time to play by the book and either wave off these gifts or pay the price at the polls. And voters are watching.
>>> Public institutions need to remember baby boomers not as nimble with technology as young folk’s small font a nightmare for some
There is not just a digital divide, but a widening technological gap as baby boomers get older and are expected to be more capable of their computer skills, despite having some medical issue like a stroke and public institutions are moving faster with this new technology leaving many people behind, who may or not have a smart phone that was first introduced Jan. 9th 2007 by Steve Jobs and the Apple iPhone and while young people have no problem with all this technology that is likely not the case if you are in your sixties where reading small font requires a magnifying glass and public institutions as they rush to embrace this technology that they need to remember that for some people they may need some help navigating it and catching up to speed of this technological revolution.
>>> One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade and these organizations involve some serious public money in the billions
Residents in Miami-Dade County periodically ask why I cover all the trust’s found in the county, from the Children’s Trust to the Public Health Trust to the County’s Homeless Trust and it is because elected county leaders are always looking for new funds and while the raids of these public dollars periodically occurs like in the case of the Citizens Independent Transit Trust where the county is slowly paying back the sales tax dollars absorbed by the county’s transit system in what was called “unification,” by county leaders but the Public Health Trust was also raided back in 20002 when county commissioners shifted some $ 70 million in unfunded mandates on to organization and that cost has risen over $100 million a year and was one of the reasons the Public health trust needed a $830 million GOB passed overwhelmingly by voters a few Years back to upgrade its infrastructure and ageing main campus
After this past money was diverted over a decade by the County commission that does provide some $250 million in public funds for a maintenance of effort contribution. But in Miami-Dade where everything is political. I keep watch so that these organizations are kept whole and politics is kept to a minimum and this oversight helps keep the organizations on the straight and narrow when it comes to public dollars and it is no small amount of money and helps explain why there have been so few scandals in the past that plagued the county back in the 1990’s and was a frequent topic in the media.
>>> A Reader on danger of yellow pole barriers on 195, and sign petition asking FDOT to modify polls
>>> Great story on the Pets’ Trust. I’d love to speak with you and tell you more. You are right… will be an issue in the Mayor’s race.
Please watch this… Pets’ Trust…the Story password is movie
And read this……..
Michael Rosenberg
President Pets’ Trust
Rita Schwartz Cofounder
>>> And another reader sent the following the shocking truth about Miami-Dade Animal Services,
Coconut Grove
>>> The Watchdog Report is Celebrating 16 years of weekly publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing and why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2008)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2016, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
Watchdog Report Supporters Invoice-Form Thank you
Large Business Supporters $500
Small Business Supporters $250
Name & Address Make checks payable to Daniel A. Ricker
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