Watchdog Report Vol. 16 No. 47 April 10, 2016 EST. 05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Celebrating almost 17 Years of Weekly publishing
Argus Report: Trump finding running a national campaign more difficult than managing a real estate empire
Florida: Scripted Scott runs into mama bear in Starbucks, staff escorts him out after vulgar word uttered, fires back with his own video
Miami-Dade County: Was public and Watchdog Report purposely kept in the dark, by county staff and Thomas regarding shortfall at Frost Science Museum, hints first surfaced back in 2013, writes IG Cagle. I was told all was OK, now people grumble, “major lack of oversight”
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Miami-Dade County School Board Awarded For Excellence in Financial Reporting
Public Health Trust: PAST WDR: PHT Trustee Patino withdraws his application at last minute, five remain Dotson major lobbyist, cop Javier Ortiz has his own controversies, and how will commissioners vote?
City of Miami: Walker tapped as CEO of Omni CRA, good choice by Miami commission and Russell
City of Miami Beach: Mayor Levine and Commissioner Arriola make pitch for Cuba to have a consulate on Beach, after Miami demurs, new tropic does a inside the Cuba trip story, Hispanic Affairs Committee to weigh in on hot button matter and make recommendation to commission
City of Opa-Locka: City Atty. Brown in the spotlight for emailing names of employees, used to chair County Review Committee
Community Events: The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES
MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016! – Major new show at The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse – History Miami has 100th anniversary show of iconic singer Frank Sinatra
Editorial: Will anyone be punished for Frost Museum “quagmire,” Moss used to say you have to kill someone to get fired from county? When it comes to PACs, politicians demur increasing transparency of shadowy groups and funding, usually attack ads, says Suarez – Elected officials and municipal employees getting free tickets that are not disclosed still a problem with some 30,000 public employees, Ethics commission years ago found very few people get gifts, since so few reported as required, state attorney KFR lists a host of tickets even to Miami Heat game – Public institutions need to remember baby boomers not as nimble with technology as young folks, small font a nightmare for some – One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade County and involve some serious public money in the billions
Letters: Children Trust correction to story — Pet trust founder on past WDR – advocate’s petition for FDOT to come up with alternative to yellow polls and injuries from pole divers
Sponsors – Publisher’s mission statement & Subscription information is at the bottom of this issue
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for 16 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this service is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well. Thank You. And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account at However, because of fiscal issues I was barely able to publish this week as Miami continues to get more expensive. It is no easy task to do the WDR weekly. And years ago the County Ethics Commission did a report that suggested over the past decade some $50 million had been spent fighting waste fraud abuse and public corruption and having the press at public meetings (some very obscure) changes the tone of the meeting (and is why you don’t speed past a state trooper, if you’re smart) Further, I have tried to be an information electrolyte available to all free (and that is a problem) between these large public institutions when I first started back in 1997. And many public meetings back then were not being recorded except by me and that is no longer the case. For an accurate public record is key and diminishes legal action. For you either have an accurate public record or you don’t. And I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. For I need your help and Thank you for the past support over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years back in 2003 go to:
ARGUS REPORT – Heard, Seen on the street
>>>> Trump finding running a national campaign more difficult than managing a real estate empire
And Donald Trump’s organization is having trouble campaigning for delegates and highlights the logistics of a national campaign being successful is no easy matter and he needs to recruit delegates since House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan, R Wisconsin seems to be doing a Cincinnatus when it comes to running for president though he denies it and in 2012 he ran as Mitt Romney’s vice president in a failed race and had President Obama reelected.
However, since becoming speaker something he did not want to be he has made a positive name for himself and he is a hard nose fiscal conservative and is well respected within the GOP. And if the GOP has a brokered convention his name is sure to surface since Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, Tx have such negatives with voters and why Trump supporters wished he would take a breath sometimes an look more presidential and measured that gets highlighted when any discussion of nuclear weapons is mentioned and the triad of air sea and ground that budget cuts are forcing being changed and does Trump have the judgement necessary for such a responsibility?
>>> 10 mile Underline under Metro Rail could boost real estate values by $3 billion and reduce pedestrian and cyclist deaths
Meg Daly the founder of Friends of the Underline spoke at the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon and the 10 mile bike and walking path is hoped to reduce pedestrian deaths in Miami which ranks fourth in the nation on such deaths and had Miami Police Chief John Timoney being shocked that we have more pedestrian homicides than though “murder and mayhem,” the shocked cop said a decade ago and Daly is the public face of the Underline and is very passionate about its future, that she says will create some $3 billion in real-estate values she said to attendees and for more go to
>>> Scripted Gov. Scott runs into mama bear in Starbucks, staff escorts him out after vulgar word uttered, fires back with his own video
A woman’s video of Gov. Rick Scott at Starbucks goes viral after she calls Scott a vulgar name and Scott fired back with his own video after he responded with all the jobs that have been created in a state with no income tax and makes for an easier business sell and WLRN 91.3 FM on April Fool’s Day did a story on Scott trying to lure Yale University from Connecticut to Florida since the university’s endowment in the billions and Yale would save plenty in taxes coming to Florida. And to see the video and Scott’s own go to And in interviews Scott historically does not respond to a question and just pivots to talk about all the jobs created and seems to live in a bubble an this woman’s comments caught him off guard and unscripted.
>>> Gov. Scott press release: Today, on Everglades Action Day, Governor Rick Scott signed HB 989 which creates an annual dedicated source of funding to protect Florida’s environment. The dedicated funding includes: Up to $200 million for Everglades restoration; Up to $50 million for Florida springs; and $5 million for Lake Apopka.
Under Governor Scott’s leadership, an historic $880 million water quality plan was created to protect the Everglades and a record $135 million has been provided for springs restoration. The Legacy Florida bill will take effect on July 1, 2016. Governor Scott will hold ceremonial bill signings in the coming weeks across the state.
Governor Scott said, “I want to thank the Florida Legislature for fulfilling the promise I made to create a dedicated source of funding to restore the Florida Everglades. Florida is known across the world for our pristine ecosystem and waterways, supporting our economy and quality of life. Over the last five years, we have invested more than $688 million for Everglades’s restoration. This legislation will continue our commitment to protecting Florida’s environment so future generations can enjoy all that Florida has to offer. I applaud Senator Negron and Representative Harrell for championing water issues and their work on this legislation.”
Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Jon Stevenson said, “Governor Scott’s signature of the Legacy Florida bill proves his commitment to the protection of Florida’s water and natural resources, which are vital to our economy and way of life. I applaud the Florida Legislature for the passage of this bill. The dedicated funding provided in this legislation will allow us to focus on projects that will greatly benefit our natural resources, including Everglades’s restoration and springs protection.”
Senate President Andy Gardiner said, “I want to thank all who worked on this important legislation to ensure Florida’s waters are protected for our children and grandchildren to enjoy. Florida families and businesses rely on the quality of our water, and it is important that we invest in their future quality of life. Thank you Governor Scott for signing this legislation today.”
House Speaker Steve Crisafulli said, “I am proud to join Governor Scott and Florida Legislators and applaud the passage of Legacy Florida. As a seventh-generation Floridian, I want to ensure that my children and grandchildren can enjoy Florida’s beautiful waters and coasts. The Legacy Florida program will allow us provide clean water to Florida’s growing population and will aide us in completing the decades-long restoration of the River of Grass.”
Senate President-Designate Joe Negron said, “The passage of Legacy Florida is an historic achievement in Florida and will bring much needed relief to communities effected by water releases in Lake Okeechobee and St. Lucie. I want to thank Governor Scott for signing HB 989 into law today and also recognize fellow members of the Legislature for their joined efforts on this important legislation.”
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto said, “I was extremely proud to be the first co-sponsor of the Legacy Florida bill which will ensure dedicated funding for projects that will reduce freshwater flows to the Caloosahatchee River from Lake Okeechobee. I’d like to thank Governor Scott for signing the bill into law today and continuing our shared commitment to our estuary. This is a vital step in taking care of our state’s most valued resources.”
Representative Gayle Harrell said, “By passing this legislation to establish the Legacy Florida initiative, the House is ensuring we have a dedicated and reliable funding source to restore the Florida Everglades, the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers and end the releases from Lake Okeechobee. Legacy Florida will enable us to preserve these natural treasures for future generations.
Representative Matt Caldwell said, “The restoration of Lake Okeechobee, the Indian River Lagoon, and the Everglades is a major concern for all of Southwest Florida. With the passage of Legacy Florida, we are taking steps to solve those concerns by creating a dedicated funding stream with the sole purpose of protecting the health of the Everglades.”
Eric Eikenberg, CEO of The Everglades Foundation, said, “The Everglades Foundation applauds Governor Scott for supporting this important legislation that will dedicate funding to Everglades restoration, and especially the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, to help move projects to completion. The Everglades is an economic engine for this state and a sound investment. Restoration projects create jobs and protect the water supply for one in three Floridians.”
Eric Draper, Executive Director of Audubon Florida, said, “On behalf of Audubon Florida, I am proud to join Governor Scott in supporting Legacy Florida and its commitment of Amendment 1 funds to ecosystem restoration and springs recovery. Dedicated funding will ensure steady progress on the projects needed to provide clean water to the Everglades and estuaries. Floridians should welcome this major step forward toward implementing plans to meet water quality goals and delivering freshwater flows.”
To view a copy of the transmittal letter, click HERE.
>>> Was public and Watchdog Report purposely kept in the dark, by county staff and Thomas regarding shortfall at Frost Science Museum, hints first surfaced back in 2013, writes IG Cagle. I was told all was OK, now people grumble “major lack of oversight”
Dr. Phillip and Patricia Frost got an earful Tuesday when the county commission agreed to help the new Frost Science museum that ran out of money after getting $175 million in county GOB money and construction came to a halt after donors contributions came up short after “naming rights were not sold,” said Michael Spring.
Commissioner Javier Souto used one of his trademarks comments that the cultural mavens were part of the “wine and cheese people and wore Gucci’s,” and he believes these people do not appreciate how sacred public tax dollars (even CDT money that is supposed to be restricted revenue) and was a frequent refrain when the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts was built and also needed an injection of more county money. And the museum supporters argue that donors will not contribute unless the museum is completed and that has been the argument for the need for the bond funds from the beginning. And Mayor Carlos Gimenez is calling for stronger oversight including two senior county employees on the board and the city of Miami will have three appointments to the board that is being reconstituted after the past board resigned in mass a few months ago and was chaired by Dan and Trish Bell.
Gimenez said new additions to the board would be Ed Marquez, the County’s CFO and treasurer and Michael Spring the director of cultural affairs who has no construction experience. And Souto argued the facility would be a tourist boom and Miami, “cannot be just about Mojitos and bikinis,” and science is a key ingredient to making Miami great and a tech hub. And Souto believes we are “falling behind,” because we don’t have enough science and if “we don’t have science we have nothing,” the former pharmaceutical representative said.
He said everyone loves the “Arsht center,” and we are trying to move ourselves into “space and genetics,” and all of that “starts with science,” said Souto. (And the Watchdog Report for years expressed my concern of the museum’s construction and how it rested on Spring who told me repeatedly that things were on track), but that clearly was not the case and some wonder why no one has been fired like Spring and Frost CEO Gillian Thomas who acts like a crack addict when it comes to public money and that was apparent at internal budget hearings on the museum and Thomas kept the bad news and the public in the dark until they ran out and stopped construction. Gimenez said we were first aware of the problem in October when the banks would not loan money based on “future pledges,” and caused the Frost to run out of money and people throughout the county are paying for this. “Promises made, but never kept and go on and on, “said Bovo and residents look at the county as “suckers.” Bovo also noted ballot language does not go into details and Bovo said he would support the bail out, “but painfully,” he closed.
“Quagmire,” is how Commission Chair Jen Monestime characterized the Frost museum problem last week
What about Commissioner Sosa?
Commissioner Rebeca Sosa noted the commission had passed in 2007 legislation where when things went off track “A Red flag Report,” would go up and commissioners would not have been blind-sided, and she wants frequent updates on the progress and not only was the media not allowed to go to Frost board meetings neither was the Office of the Inspector General. And I have carped about this lack of transparency and had discussed it with the past OIG Chris Mazzella and in past WDR’s put the burden on a few people on the board. Further Commissioner Sally Heyman gave Thomas and the OIG Mary Cagel a shout out for her work and Heyman took a shot at the media saying Frost in this deal is “not asking for extra money,” and it should be clear this is not “extra money,” but the “restructuring of money targeted to Frost and is a creative disbursement.” Even though Bruno Barreiro notes Frost will need maintenance dollars in some form or fashion and these entities must be “frugal with these dollars,”
And Barreiro suggested a certain percentage of any new revenue “go into an endowment,” and not the “operating budget.” Barreiro argued from the dais during the discussion. And spring noted any new pledges would go into endowments and help make the cultural venues sustainable, the cultural maven and artist told commissioners.
Why is the Watchdog Report so upset about this Museum fiasco?
I am upset about the Frost issue because I could have bet the house this would happen. We as a community always low ball such projects and the mayor noted the Arsht Center came in twice as much $472.6 million even though it was budgeted at $255 million and came in 20 months late and back in August of 2004 I broke the story in my Miami Herald column back then and Arsht used CRA money to cover the over $100 million shortfall. And while commissioners admitted there was a “major lack of oversight.”
After seventeen years of watching Miami-Dade County lurch from one nightmare to another, that resulted in voters creating the Office of Inspector General back in 1996. After cost overruns at MIA and a host of other big ticket county edifices including at Jackson came in late and now this new one where the county has $159 million invested said Spring and now this $45 million that was once to be used for up keep of the facility and IG Mary Cagle notes the first alarm bells should have gone off back in 2013 and this lack of “due diligence,” towards the fundraising goals was not caught and brings the matter to where it is today. Since the IG nor the WDR were not allowed to attend their board meetings and there was essentially a total blackout. However, I wrote a number of stories back then that there was trouble brewing and Thomas who is quite the socialite and while in the chambers. She did not speak at the Tuesday commission meeting, probable a wise choice though Spring answered a couple of questions but as Commissioner Dennis Moss has noted in the past. “No one in the county ever gets fired,” after some debacle and I suspect Spring and Thomas will feel no repercussions for creating this fiasco without any warning and the mayor may have weathered this one running up to his reelection, but issues are piling up and this is another very visible one.
What did Raquel Regalado say?
Raquel Regalado challenging Gimenez in the august mayoral election asked that commissioners “defer,” the vote but that did not come to pass and only Juan Carlos Zapata voted no on the 13 member commission. and now as I predicted months ago the bail out will be a big part of the mayoral campaign and the job Gimenez is doing since he took office in 2011as the strong mayor of the County and while billions have been made in cuts voters are going to remember the Frost Museum issue.
What about the Watchdog Report?
And County Mayor Carlos Gimenez argued that without this new funding the museum would have to be “mothballed.” Which was unacceptable to Commissioner Estephan Bovo and when it comes to the “Martini shaped tank,” engineers recommended building a “one tenth scale mode but that was (shot down by the CFO),”said one activist familiar with the aquarium design and construction especially using salt water. Since it was a cutting edge design and Dr. Frost noted he had lived here 50 years and never before been in the commission chambers and his brother on a furlough from the Army took him to the “Franklin Museum,” in Philadelphia and that visit is what piqued his interest in Science later attending the Albert Einstein College of Medicine earning his medical degree.
What did Moss say?
Commissioner Dennis Moss noting the over run at the Arsht Center said “we need to understand what went wrong,’ and how to avoid such mistakes in the future,” the long serving commissioner said and to read the Miami-Dade County’s Inspector General’s report go to
And any new such County deals must include the participation of the IG and media and transparency. For this crisis did not need to come out of the blue. Since over the past few years I was getting increasingly concerned with the project and tried to keep my eye on it through Spring,” who notes he is not a structural engineer,” and even Gimenez but here we are once again. Editor’s note see the editorial section.
>>>> MIA director Gonzalez says airport ready to take off, over 100 carriers, east west the new frontier, routes to Turkey and Dubai
Emilio Gonzalez, the director of MIA was the featured speaker at the Greater Miami Chamber’s monthly luncheon and he is in charge of the state’s largest economic engine, Miami International Airport. And at a recent omission meeting Commissioner Dennis Moss was critical of the man for being slow to give a couple of minority business slots to open restaurants at MIA. And Gonzalez who operates the most “regulated county department,” told the Watchdog Report when I asked him about the exchange that Moss has his own agenda and I have mine,” which is to generate the money necessary to pay off the airports $6.5 billion in bonds used to pay for the massive expansion of north and south terminals at MIA and the payments are close to $1 million per day. Gonzalez accepted the pressure cooker job after Jose Abreu retired after the expansion was finished and a new Central Terminal is the next big project and there are over 100 carriers flying out of MIA and while most flights are north and south there is also a push for carriers going east and west including Dubai and China and one of the challenges is to be able to absorb these new flights and “not to be constrained,” for carriers will go elsewhere given the investment and the man is a former U.S. Army officer who retired with the rank of colonel and he has a Ph.D. in international affairs from the University of Miami. He noted MIA accounts for 282,000 jobs he has a “new best friend, in Gov. Rick Scott,” he joked since Scott is known as the jobs governor
Web page bio: Emilio T. González, Ph.D., is the Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Miami-Dade Aviation Department. He oversees operations at Miami International Airport (MIA) and four general aviation (GA) airports in the Miami area, which together generate $33.7 billion in business revenue and support more than 280,000 direct and indirect jobs. MIA leads the way, handling almost 41 million passengers and more than two million tons of cargo annually, placing it among America’s busiest international passenger and cargo airports.
Under González’s leadership, MIA is aggressively expanding its extensive route network into untapped world markets, while leveraging technology to improve the customer experience at the airport. Dr. González has overseen the completion of one of the largest airport expansion programs in the U.S., a $6.5-billion capital improvement program that has added new terminals, roadways and other infrastructure to MIA and the County’s GA airports. He is now leading the planning process for another major infrastructure expansion at MIA. In addition, Dr. González personally directs the Department’s government affairs functions at the local, state, federal and international levels. Dr. González has spent most of his career involved in leader development, strategic planning, foreign affairs and international policy. He completed a distinguished 26-year career in the U.S. Army and retired with the rank of Colonel. He has served as Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House and was later appointed – and subsequently confirmed by the U.S. Senate – as Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, an Under Secretary position within the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, D.C. González has also held several executive-level positions in the private sector, including Senior Managing Director for Global and Government Affairs at a major Miami law firm, CEO of his own international and governmental affairs consulting firm, and President & CEO of Indra USA, the U.S. subsidiary of Spain’s Indra Sistemas, S.A., a leading multinational IT company. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. González earned a B.A. in International Studies from the University of South Florida; an M.A. in Latin American Studies from Tulane University; an M.A. in Strategic Studies and National Security Affairs from the U.S. Naval War College; and a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Miami. He has also served as a member of various boards in the banking, technology and social services industries. A recognized civic leader, Dr. González has been awarded the Boy Scouts of America 2014 Hispanic Heritage Award, Latin Builders Association 2014 Public Administrator of the Year Award, Friends of the American Latino Museum American Latino Influencer Award, and the 2015 Greater Miami Aviation Association Juan Trippe Award. |
GMCVB press release: During the month of February 2016, domestic passenger arrivals into Miami International Airport (MIA) increased by 6.8% compared to 2015. International passenger arrivals increased by 1.1% while total passenger arrivals increased 4.1% percent compared to the same time last year.
Record MIA Passenger Arrivals | ||
Record Domestic Arrivals | ||
February 2016 | February 2015 | % Change vs. 2015 |
949,469 | 889,119 | +6.8% |
Record International Arrivals | ||
February 2016 | February 2015 | % Change vs. 2015 |
818,899 | 810,902 | +1.1% |
Record Total Arrivals | ||
February 2016 | February 2015 | % Change vs. 2015 |
1,769,368 | 1,700,021 | +4.1% |
What about traffic downtown on Friday?
Alice Bravo the County’s transportation director should experience the downtown grid lock with closed roads poor signage of an alternative route and then you add a parked UPS and FED EX truck and the quagmire is complete except for the outraged and touchy drivers. And Bravo a former FDOT secretary also has the habit of eating breakfast with lobbyists, including one whose husband Raphael is close to Mayor Carlos Gimenez and since the department is also one of the County’s biggest. And Bravo previously worked at the City of Miami in capital projects and she is a civil engineer and UM grad.

Central Terminal extensive discussion Moss wants a vigorous debate on expansion and cost to get it done?
MIAs massive Central Terminal is getting a massive face lift and airport officials gave a major presentation to a tourism commission committee meeting and the issue of a “Fuel Farm,” for MIA is still up in the air and a pipeline route along the Miami River once considered is a no go said staff to the commissioners. And MIA had a record 50.6 million passengers and while some S. American countries have financial problems and “Venezuela’s [economy] is in a basket,” but a new ten year Chinese Visa is expected to help increase tourism from the Middle Kingdom even though the country’s economy has slowed as well. And international trade at MIA is down “4.87 percent,” said Manny Gonzalez at the tourism meeting.
And the estimated cost is $1.2 billion and other renovations will come in around $20 million per year in maintenance projects to allow the facility to “have capacity,” and not be “constrained,” to grow and will include new gates capable of handling the new domestic and international jumbo aircraft. And when it comes to the proposed fuel farm that will come in “close to $7 billion,” said Commissioner Jose Pepe Diaz at the tourism and trade committee meeting. A plan for that has yet to be finalized.
>>> Sosa wants to push for film incentives, blocked by state, productions go to Georgia, big economic impact
Film incentives that get vetoed or shot down in the Florida legislature was a hot topic and the county is looking at its own incentive program for movie people are going to Georgia to film and it is costing Miami-Dade millions in local community development revenue. And Commissioners Rebeca Sosa and Jose “Pepe” Diaz want to get the local state legislative delegation together, and also talk to Gov. Rick Scott and Enterprise Florida in a public sunshine meeting in the commission chambers, suggested Sosa last week and see if there was some way to end the stalemate in getting any film incentives money and funding. And the special Miami sun was what “brought the famous Jackie Gleason Show,” to Miami Beach said Diaz and the show put the Beach on the map back in the 1960s.
And who gets to have concessions at MIA had commissioners grilling MIA Director Emilio Gonzalez last week and commissioners Dennis Moss and Barbara Jordan asked if a local Creole restaurant had found a spot and commissioners have been beating on staff in what is a mystical process of becoming a concessionaire at the airport and had Commissioner Rebeca Sosa asking what she can say when asked about getting someone a concession.. Since in all her years on the dais she has never been involved with deals at MIA. And she did not know what to tell a resident, and frankly does not want to get into procurement and she has pushed for procurement reforms at the county and MIA, over her years in office.
![]() Bovo |
![]() Sosa |
>>> Mayor Gimenez let the media park at the Stephen P. Clark Center, they fell on their sword when juvenile court House built and three press spots were absorbed, created in 2000 after Elian Gonzalez controversy, parking on plaza sidewalk gets tickets from Miami Parking Authority
The Mayor should consider reinstating parking areas for the press that were lost when the Children’s Juvenile Court House was built and for a decade there were three parking slots for the media but since then parking around county hall is almost impossible and needs to be corrected and can be done by having a couple of dedicated media parking slots in one of the county’s garages now charging around $10.00 to park which in today’s world adds up if you try to be there every day like I used to be able to do and cannot for a variety of reasons.
>>> Mayor Gimenez should insist water and sewer repairs on roads should end with a smooth roadway, and be part of a repairs final inspection.
Mayor Carlos Gimenez could get a huge number of votes if county contractors doing the $10 to $20 billion in water and sewer repairs on the streets after they dug up the road asphalt that the new asphalt be done so there is a smooth road and not the rough uneven surface the road usually becomes and this is a big deal given the mammoth scope of the upcoming work and any final inspection should include a suitable final road surface for currently the streets are getting badly torn up and is a major complaint that I hear all the time.
>>> And here is what Lester Sola the director of Water and Sewer wrote regarding the matter of the torn up streets, “In response to your recent statement in The Watch Dog Report, I wanted to clarify the process that Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) undertakes in relation to paving roadways following construction projects. It is the policy of the department to leave an area better than they found it and to ensure the public’s safety and convenience.
Currently, WASD also works with municipalities, local and state utilities/entities that also conduct roadwork to attempt to schedule projects simultaneously in order to minimize repeated cuts and repairs to roadways, as well as to mitigate traffic impacts.
For emergency repairs following an event such as a water main or sewer line break, WASD performs a temporary road repair will allow the roadway to be reopened to traffic. The department then submits a paving request to Miami-Dade County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) for final restoration that is then completed in accordance to Public Work standards.
I hope this information is useful to both you and your readership and whether this would be something that you would be inclined to update on your site for your audience. If you have any questions, please contact me,” wrote director Sola last week.
>>> Miami-Dade County School Board Awarded For Excellence in Financial Reporting
District press release: The Miami-Dade County School Board has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S and Canada (GFOA) for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the 2015 fiscal year. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. This is the 31st consecutive year that the District has received this prestigious award. The CAFR is judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. A nonprofit organization, GFOA serves approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with offices in Chicago and Washington, D.C.
>>> PAST WDR: PHT Trustee Patino withdraws his application at last minute, five remain Dotson major lobbyist, cop Javier Ortiz has his own controversies, and how will commissioners vote?
A new efficiency expert hired by JHS has streamlined getting approvals for projects from months to just a few days, partially because in the old days there was no money for projects and thus no pressure to get projects approved in the highly beau acratic organization. And this new spirit is being demonstrated in the numerous projects being paid by the $830 million GOB passed by voters in 2012 and is funding a host of new projects including a new rehabilitation building badly needed. And an early flow chart was some 15 feet long and that has been shrunk considerable the man said.
>>>> Trustee Patino withdraws his application at last minute, five remain Dotson major lobbyist, cop Javier Ortiz has his own controversies, and how will commissioners vote?
Who are the finalists as new PHT trustees, high profile community service conflicts verboten, comes with media, IG and ethics and public trust commission. “Please see the revised list as Ralph Patino withdrew his application this morning. William Joseph, Heffernan, Dr. Irene Lipof, Albert Eugene Dotson, Esq., Robert Zarco, Javier Ortiz,” wrote Paulette M. Acevedo Assistant to the Deputy Mayor, Miami-Dade County Office of the Mayor, after the WDR did a public records request late week.
And the board is chaired by Joe Arriola whose son Rickey is a Miami Beach commissioner and was featured in a story on on Obama’s trip to Cuba.
>>> Walker tapped as CEO of Omni CRA, good choice by Miami commission and Russell
Jason Walker the new Omni CRA Director approved by the Miami commission recently is a great choice and the former El Portal manager has the experience needed to get the job done and he was once a District 2 candidate back in 1997 when Miami Commissioner Johnny Winton beat long serving commissioner J.L. Plummer 29 years in office. And Walker was a Winton staffer and has the temperament to get the job done and I wish him good luck in this new capacity.
>>> Omni CRA Dir Bockweg out the door reluctantly, was only following board policy, Claims “not a political position,” but became very political under Sarnoff
The past Omni CRA director Peter Bockweg was terminated Thursday after he made a desperate plea to retain his job during the Miami Commission meeting arguing he was only following the orders of the board members and his leaving was wrong since it was ‘not a political position,” he told commissioners who unanimously gave him the boot after he agreed to not sue the city that has one t will firing having the employee seeing the city for millions said Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez. However, Bockweg arguing about the politics of the position was almost funny after then Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff had his predecessor James Vilacorta fired and subsequently replace by Sarnoff with Bockweg and the man was very compliant to the commissioners wishes and prior to the CRA meeting Bockeg was outside of city Hall chain-smoking before the expected vote where he was relieved of his position.
>>> CRA’s still on Miami Commissioner Russell’s mind, wants ‘increased accountability and transparency,” of Omni CRA, says a staffer to county commissioners, after critical grand jury report
Miami Commissioner Ken Russell is pushing for more “increased accountability and transparency,” at the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). A commissioner staffer told commissioners at a county commission committee meeting last week and Russell has taken these CRAs to tasks after a grand jury report noted they many times became a political slush fund for politicians that sit on the board. And the commissioners are debating whether there should be a CRA workshop given the 11 in the county but representatives from a Homestead CRA were Luke warm on the workshop. The staffer also noted it will take the Omni CRA board to approve some of the reforms Russell has suggested in the past.

>>> Avid biker Zyscovich meets with Russell staff to explain “plan Z,” and the creation of protected bike lanes after riders killed on Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami architect Bernard Zyscovich an avid biker met with Russell’s staff Thursday to discuss his Plan Z to create protected bike lanes after numerous cyclists were killed going over the Rickenbacker Causeway and And Zyscovich is connected and his firm has done extensive work for the public schools district and once gave a major presentation on what the District could develop on the land it owns in downtown Miami and at the time I was shocked how he was pitching development ideas at the time years ago, and he is frequently seen riding his bike in the Grove.
>>> SEC done with bond investigation of city’s bond sales
And The Securities Exchange Commission has decided not to charge the municipality for bonds sold to fund a Florida Marlins Parking garage that had irregularities when the bonds were sold but also says the investigation could be reopened and the letter is not condoning what they did and a trial of a city CFO is planned for next summer said Miami assistant attorney Robin Jackson at the Miami Finance Committee Wednesday.
>>> A.C.s Ices at Kennedy Park is honored by commission and city leaders, has been an iconic fixture at park since 1978, kids line up everyday
And the Miami commission recently honored A.C. Weinstein for his decades of providing lemonade ices at Kennedy Park and his truck is a community icon serving a great hot dog since 1978. And the man who got hugs from the mayor to commissioners has served politicians kids for decades when they came to the one of the city’s iconic parks. And the reconition is well deserved since he also keeps his eye on the park and if it is being abused by the city in some way and the Watchdog Report wishes A.C. Many more years and good health.
>>>> Mayor Levine and Commissioner Arriola make pitch for Cuba to have a consulate on Beach, after Miami demurs, new tropic does a inside the Cuba trip story, Hispanic Affairs Committee to weigh in on hot button matter and make recommendation to commission
Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioner Rickey Arriola joined president Obama on his trip to Cuba and the politicians were trying to sell the idea that the Island nation put a new consulate in Miami Beach since Miami officials did not want it citing security concerns and past issues with the Venezuelan consulate Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado has told me in the past and Regalado, a former Pedro Pan has been adamant he would never go back to Cuba until the Castro brothers were dead and Levine and Joe Arriola took advantage of this split and while competing with Tampa, since South Florida has the highest concentration of Cubans and Miami Beach is a logical choice but it is generating controversy.
Further, the city’s Hispanic Affairs Committee is going to be meeting and weighing in on a Cuban consulate in the city and will make its recommendations to Miami Beach commissioners and given there will be public input it is expected to be a lively debate on the matter. The public hearing and discussion item will take place at the City of Miami Beach Hispanic Affairs Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm in the First Floor Conference Room at Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive.
Check out Mayor Levine’s trip to Cuba with Commissioner Rickey Arriola.
New did a major story on Mayor Phillip Levine’s trip with President Obama and included Commissioner Rickey Arriola and his father Joe Arriola, is the chair of the PHT board.
>>> Press release: Please enjoy my exclusive personal interview on Sirius with Secretary Hillary Clinton while she was in Miami Beach this week.
Click: An-intimate-conversation-with-Hillary-Clinton
>>> City Atty. Brown in the spotlight for emailing names of employees, used to chair County Review Committee
Opa Locka City attorney Vincent Brown is in the media for accidently emailing all city employees the names that will be called before the federal grand jury to testify what they know about any corruption and unusual contracts being let by city leaders and the Watchdog Report first got to know Brown when he chaired the Miami-Dade County Review Committee that approved large contract change orders at MIA and at one meeting. A one page paragraph explained why three change orders totaling some $800 million were passed in less than 30 seconds with no comments.
However, Brown says it was an ‘accident’ emailing the names of city employees that will be called before the federal grand jury to testify what they know about any corruption and unusual contracts being let by city leaders
And the Watchdog Report first got to know Brown when he chaired the Miami-Dade County Review Committee that approved large contract change orders at MIA and at one meeting a one page paragraph explained why three change orders totaling some $800 million were passed in less than 30 seconds and no discussion and I could not believe it at the time. And since then he has been seen on a billboard commercial for apartments in North Dade and the attorney was involved with the County’s Metro-Miami Action Plan Trust (MMAP), an organization formed after the Arthur McDuffie riots and he has a host of honors but it is surprising he sent out the email blast out ‘accidently’ he told the Miami Herald but given his education and experience it is odd.
>>> Press release: The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES
MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016!
“An utterly flawless presentation!” – WIRED Part of the 2015-2016 Live at Knight Series
April 16, 2016 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $35-$125* VIP Package: $150*John S. and James L. Knight Concert Hall
MIAMI, FL January 15, 2016 – Now celebrating its 10th Anniversary Season, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is proud to present the return of THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES and its new highly-anticipated multimedia symphonic concert MASTER QUEST. This latest edition of The Legend of Zelda symphony will feature brand-new music and visuals from the new The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes video game released in October 2015. As part of the Center’s Live at Knight Series, MASTER QUEST will delight video game and orchestral music fans alike on April 16 in the John S. and James L. Knight Concert Hall.
Tickets to MASTER QUEST are on sale now and range from $35 to $125*. A VIP Package for $150* includes premium seating, meet and greet with executive producer Jason Michael Paul and principal conductor Amy Andersson, official tour VIP lanyard, limited edition poster and a VIP Fast Pass to the merchandise booth. Tickets may be purchased at the Adrienne Arsht Center box office by calling (305) 949-6722, or online at
Making its South Florida premiere, MASTER QUEST is a never before seen or heard multimedia concert experience featuring a live 56-piece orchestra, 20-person choir and a larger-than-life video presentation of gameplay imagery. The concert also boasts live orchestral performances of theme music from Nintendo’s beloved The Legend of Zelda franchise – now celebrating its 30th anniversary. Guests will enjoy their favorite game moments from the series, carefully and beautifully timed with a gorgeous orchestral score approved by Nintendo sound director and The Legend of Zelda composer Koji Kondo.
Those new to THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES will also have the opportunity to experience the beautifully orchestrated four-movement symphonic work from last season which chronicles fan-favorite moments from the video game’s rich and storied history, carefully and expertly timed with videos. The concert is a festive experience for all fans, many of which attend in “cosplay” as their favorite characters.
For more information, please visit: Support for the Live at Knight Series is provided by Wells Fargo. *All programs, artists, ticket prices, availability, dates and times are subject to change without notice. Additional fees may apply. Visit for up-to-date information, details and performance.
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Additional high-resolution photos are available at
The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is made possible by the public support of the Miami-Dade County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Tourist Development Council and the City of Miami Omni Community Redevelopment Agency, as well as the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. The Adrienne Arsht Center also receives generous support from individuals, corporations and local, state and national foundations. In its 10th anniversary season, the Arsht Center thanks its institutional donors for their historic commitment to the performing arts and Greater Miami: Adrienne Arsht; Miami-Dade County; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Dr. Sanford L. and Dolores Ziff & Family; The Arison Family/Carnival Corporation; Knight Ridder Inc. and The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald; Sears Roebuck and Co.; Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Foundation; Bank of America; Joyce and M. Anthony Burns; Audre and Donald Carlin, Hedy Carlin and B. Pair Carlin; The Cejas Family Foundation; Gilbert S. Kahn and John J. Noffo Kahn; Haskell Company; Miami Salon Group Inc.; Odebrecht; Peacock Foundation Inc.; Ryder Charitable Foundation; Terra Group; Wells Fargo and Lynn Wolfson.
About the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County
Set in the heart of downtown Miami and designed by world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County is one of the world’s leading performing arts organizations and venues. Since opening in 2006, the Arsht Center, a 501C3 non-profit organization, has emerged as a leader in presenting innovative programming that mirrors South Florida’s diversity as well as a catalyst for billions of dollars in new development in the downtown area. Spotlighting legends and serving as a launch pad for local artists to make their mark on the international stage, the Center presents nearly 500 events each year across its eight flexible, state-of-the-art performance spaces. The Center programs 12 signature series, including the largest jazz series in South Florida, the biggest flamenco festival on the East Coast, and a robust program of new theatrical works as well as free programming for the community and an arts education program that serves nearly 30,000 children each year. As Miami’s new Town Square, the Arsht Center also houses Brava! A fine dining restaurant; the Café at Books & Books in the historic Carnival Tower and a weekly Farmers Market. Visit for more information.
>>> History Miami is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of iconic singer Frank Sinatra and for more go to Toast Jack Daniel’s biggest fan: American icon, Frank Sinatra. Jack Daniel’s was as much a part of Sinatra as his tuxedo, his fedora and his golden voice. And much like Sinatra, this whiskey is one of a kind. Jack Daniel’s Distiller Chris Fletcher is flying all the way from Tennessee to present you with an exclusive whiskey tasting. Learn about Jack Daniel’s and how it became Sinatra’s signature cocktail. Taste Jack Daniel’s Black Label, Gentleman Jack, Single Barrel, and of course the new Sinatra Select. Members: $40 Non-Members $55 |
>>> Will anyone be punished for Frost Museum “quagmire,” Moss used to say you have to kill someone to get fired from county?
Note to Miami-Dade county commissioners, trust but verify. After the Frost Science Museum discussion and passing a $45 million supplement using CDT funds and is originally for convention development and not for administration costs said Commissioner Juan C. Zapata last week at Tuesday’s Frost museum discussion in the commission chambers. That the WDR first saw coming a couple of years back when I observed the mindset of the CEO Jillian Thomas.
First when she came before the commission and demanded the body put a bond for the new museum on the ballet and $175 million was later included in a 2004 $2.9 billion countywide bond along with the Perez Art Museum (PAM). But it was at internal budget meetings called resource allocation meetings where she showed an entitled attitude and even Commissioner Sally Heyman gave her a shoot-out for her strong leadership in promoting science in Miami-Dade. But Heyman is wrong if that science leadership is enough to forgive what a “quagmire” the project had become and the need for this new money through a “creative,” way of financing Mayor Carlos Gimenez came up with using future money already pledged for maintenance of the state of the Art facility where certain features are being scaled back to rein in the cost and to listen to county commissioners, The public asks why was it hidden for so long and sprung as a surprise and with 75 percent completed the next 25 percent is going to be the really hard part and the commission will be getting reports but will this be the end to something?
That Gimenez once said was not “a county project,” an answer that could haunt him running up to his reelection in August and the Phillip and Patricia Frost will be a visible reminder of his administration’s competence and oversight and commissioners should be less armchair quarterback’s and more proactive if taxpayers are going to have confidence as major projects are going on at JHS, the public schools and a host of other locations.
>>>> When it comes to PACs, politicians demur increasing transparency of shadowy groups and funding, usual attack ads says Suarez
The fact that only two Miami-Dade County Commissioners attended a commission workshop where enhancing transparency legislation was discussed seeking more transparency (Daniela Levine Cava sponsored the legislation and in her own race was attacked by some shadowy ECO) (Commissioner in where money is coming from and most of these ECOs do attack ads,” said Commissioner Xavier Suarez and had been a target of such ads and while a campaign expert spoke and the County’s Ethics and Public Trust Commission Director Joe Centorino also spoke of the need of transparency and he believes is one of the reasons the public has lost confidence in their elected leaders. And while commissioners may have had conflicts. The item should come back and get a thorough vetting and discussion. For ignoring the reforms will not help the commission when it comes to public trust and the lack of participation suggests commissioners don’t even care what the public thinks. And here is the Miami Herald’s take on the matter
>>> Elected officials and municipal employees getting free tickets that are not disclosed is still a problem with some 30,000 public employees, Ethics commission years ago found very few people get gifts since so few reported as required, state attorney KFR lists a host of tickets, many for charities, one even to Miami Heat game
The issue of elected leaders getting free bees and tickets to events has been a persistent problem over the years in South Florida and the Miami-Dade County Ethics and Public Trust Commission once did an analysis and report and found out of some 30, 0000 employees at the County and the 34 municipalities only a hand full of people listed these items on the required disclosure forms for any ticket over $100. And the commission could only conclude that people were not accepting these benefits and one of the main people when it came to these types of gift disclosers was Miami Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle who extensively reported receiving a host of event tickets including one to a Miami Heat game and at least she reported them. But when it comes to the municipalities only sporadically are these gifts reported though many are on Miami Beach. But officials should realize how taking these perks send residents through the roof and is one of the reasons on a national scale voters are so angry with government and with elections coming around in the months ahead there was never a better time to play by the book and either wave off these gifts or pay the price at the polls. And voters are watching.
>>> Public institutions need to remember baby boomers not as nimble with technology as young folk’s small font a nightmare for some
There is not just a digital divide, but a widening technological gap as baby boomers get older and are expected to be more capable of their computer skills, despite having some medical issue like a stroke and public institutions are moving faster with this new technology leaving many people behind, who may or not have a smart phone that was first introduced Jan. 9th 2007 by Steve Jobs and the Apple iPhone and while young people have no problem with all this technology that is likely not the case if you are in your sixties where reading small font requires a magnifying glass and public institutions as they rush to embrace this technology that they need to remember that for some people they may need some help navigating it and catching up to speed of this technological revolution.
>>> One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade and these organizations involve some serious public money in the billions
Residents in Miami-Dade County periodically ask why I cover all the trust’s found in the county, from the Children’s Trust to the Public Health Trust to the County’s Homeless Trust and it is because elected county leaders are always looking for new funds and while the raids of these public dollars periodically occurs like in the case of the Citizens Independent Transit Trust where the county is slowly paying back the sales tax dollars absorbed by the county’s transit system in what was called “unification,” by county leaders but the Public Health Trust was also raided back in 20002 when county commissioners shifted some $ 70 million in unfunded mandates on to organization and that cost has risen over $100 million a year and was one of the reasons the Public health trust needed a $830 million GOB passed overwhelmingly by voters a few Years back to upgrade its infrastructure and ageing main campus
After this past money was diverted over a decade by the County commission that does provide some $250 million in public funds for a maintenance of effort contribution. But in Miami-Dade where everything is political. I keep watch so that these organizations are kept whole and politics is kept to a minimum and this oversight helps keep the organizations on the straight and narrow when it comes to public dollars and it is no small amount of money and helps explain why there have been so few scandals in the past that plagued the county back in the 1990’s and was a frequent topic in the media.
>>> Correction on Children’s Trust funding about $250,000 not the $5 million I reported my error
I’m pretty sure our investment in this project with the County is $750,000. The discussion probably got wrapped up in other facts and information about us. For example, this year we directly funded $6 million in youth enrichment programs with summer youth employment components. This was procured in 2015. Here is a link to what that that solicitation looked like and its outcome, including details of what orgs were funded and for what:
So, for The Children’s Trust, our contribution to the County initiative helps to leverage funding pledged by them to fund even more programs and augments our own investment in this arena further. It’s a win, win for everyone — especially inner city youth who need these opportunities most.
Emily Cardenas
Director of Communications
The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade County
>>> A Reader on danger of yellow pole barriers on 195, and sign petition asking FDOT to modify polls
>>> Great story on the Pets’ Trust. I’d love to speak with you and tell you more. You are right… will be an issue in the Mayor’s race.
Please watch this… Pets’ Trust…the Story password is movie
And read this……..
Michael Rosenberg
President Pets’ Trust
Rita Schwartz Cofounder
>>> And another reader sent the following the shocking truth about Miami-Dade Animal Services,
Coconut Grove
>>> The Watchdog Report is Celebrating 16 years of weekly publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing and why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2008)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2016, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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