Watchdog Report Vol. 17 No. 3 May 22, 2016 EST: 05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Celebrating 16 Years of reliable Weekly publishing
Argus Report: World hold its breath was Egyptian crash mechanical or terrorism, 66 souls lost? — Chilling warning on Zika virus, residents must drain and cover any standing water, with old tires big problem, where mosquitoes lay their eggs, also dealing with denque and Chikungunya fever, says health department official Dr.Rivera
Florida: Sen. Floris cries’ foul, regarding how her immigration record is being depicted in press –Children’s Trust along with Miami-Dade County investing in 1,300 summer internships, managed by public schools district, joint funding first tri-government effort and passed by board
Miami-Dade County: Homeless Trust, “All hands on deck,” in trying to make up $6 million cut in HUD funding, impacting transitional housing and domestic violence shelters, U.S. Rep Mario Diaz-Balart appropriations chair tying but no short turn resolution, luckily Trust has reserves, but not sustainable –Public gets to weigh in on controversial liberty square project, pressure on commissioner Edmonson includes “Voodoo, I don’t believe and I should watch out,” she says at Contentious liberty Square Rising project public hearing where she voices support for Urban Related project, could not speak before because of “cone of silence,” she says
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: First graduates of Braman automotive Training Center are on their way to a rewarding job, along with M-DC Schools – 18 charter schools lend money, one transfer Keys Gate Charter was for $750,000 with no explanation unless district sign a non-disclosure form, which they can’t – ABC keeps nation’s fourth largest public district on the straight and narrow, CPA’s tax attorney’s, provide great public service, and was not always the case back in 2004
Public Health Trust: PR campaign “Miracles Made Daily,” spurs births and patient admissions, with concierge maternity ward
City of Miami: Badly needed Lotus House Village $25 million expansion for homeless children and mothers comes to Miami commission Tuesday, privately funded and much needed facility with HUD fund cuts
City of Miami Beach: Beach is readying for Urban Week over Memorial Day and the island city has modified some of its plans that includes hundreds of volunteer Ambassadors from the county’s Community Relations Board (CRB) and for more go to Mayor Levine pushes for minimum living wage, but commissioners want it phased in to not hurt small business, goes to committee for further discussion — Mayor Phillip Levine amped up his criticism of Gov. Rick Scott, and FL minimum wage, with creative ad that ran in Ca. where Scott wanted to poach some businesses citing the low wages in the Sunshine State and Levine wants to phase in a higher hourly rate to see the video click here
City of Sweetwater: Miami Mayor Regalado offers Sweetwater a hand with next year’s budget after infighting with strong mayor creates $18 million shortfall
MARION COUNTY: Gov.Scott taps Emery Gainey as Marion County Sherriff.
Community Events: The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES
MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016! – Major new show at The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse – History Miami has 100th anniversary show of iconic singer Frank Sinatra
Editorial: Miami-Dade Mayor Gimenez’s critics say he should lighten up a little, Regalado counter punching every chance she can — Congrats to The Miami Herald for runner–up Pulitzer for investigative story ‘License to Launder,’ highlights how critical investigative stories are to a community- Public institutions need to remember baby boomers not as nimble with technology as young folks, small font a nightmare for some – One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade County and involve some serious public money in the billions
Letters: — Pet trust founder on past WDR – advocate’s petition for FDOT to come up with alternative to yellow polls and injuries from pole divers
Sponsors – Publisher’s mission statement & Subscription information is at the bottom of this issue
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for 16 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this information is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well. Thank You. And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And we have about $9 billion in GOB funds being spent through a variety of institutions and that is no small number and in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account, you know you want to do it at
However, because of fiscal issues I was barely able to publish this week as Miami continues to get more expensive. It is no easy task financially to do the WDR weekly. And years ago the County Ethics Commission did a report that suggested over the past decade some $50 million had been spent fighting waste fraud abuse and public corruption and having the press at public meetings (some very obscure) changes the tone of the meeting (and is why you don’t speed past a state trooper, if you’re smart) Further, I have tried to be an information electrolyte available to all free (and that is a problem) between these large public institutions when I first started back in 1997. And many public meetings back then were not being recorded except by me and that is no longer the case. For an accurate public record is key and diminishes legal action. For you either have an accurate public record or you don’t. And I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. For I need your help and Thank you for the past support over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years back in 2003 go to:
>>>May you and your family have a safe and reflective Memorial Day Tuesday remembering the sacrifices so many have made in blood and treasure to keep our nation free and the beacon to the rest of the world and this Great Experiment called America.
And the Watchdog Report is doing a once in 17 years fundraising drive campaign for after sixteen years of doing this. I am reminded of the refrain said by a nun, That if there was “no margin [there is] no mission,” and that applies to the WDR where since 1997, I have used my own money some $200,000 to finance this and that money is depleted and I ask my friends and readers to pitch in to help continue to keep this independent news service out in the community after so many years.
And the credibility I have established over that time of news you can trust without an attitude. And to help me in this quest to keep the community informed can easily be done since I know have PayPal at and it accepts a host of credit cards and I hope you will consider supporting me allowing to have someone watch over how your public tax dollars are being spent. And few web blogs have the duration and community history as I have given in this effort and has people saying “you were blogging before we even knew what it was,”
And I hope I get a decent response so I can get back to what I do best ‘go when you cannot,’ and the Watchdog Report will only return when my fiscal health is in better shape and to any of my past contributors. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
>>> May 5th was my 17th Anniversary, and I thank all my supporters and can’t believe it has been that long send hope you will help keep me in the field and reporting back how your tax dollars are being spent.
ARGUS REPORT – Heard, Seen on the street
>>>> The World holds its breath, was Egyptian crash mechanical or terrorism? 66 souls lost
With the disappearance of Egyptian Air flight 804 last week and 66 souls on board and the new information from one of the sensors is that there might have been smoke in an area where the avionics is was good news ( but is not conclusive) as the world held its breath if it was another terroist act and while most of the recent plane crashes have been in Europe the Southerner Hemisphere has been spared much of this heartache and Miami’s tourism industry is strong and was last really impacted after Sept.11 2001.
>>>> Trump at NRA gives fiery stump speech says disgrace military has to cannibalize moth balled aircraft for parts continues to mock Clinton as “no heart Hillary” because she wants to disarm people for self defense
GOP presumed candidate Donald Trump served up some red meat to his base at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Kentucky Friday saying that Hillary Clinton wants to take your Second Amendment right away one small bit at a time referring to limiting the size of gun magazines allowed, which the presumed Democratic Party candidate says is untrue and Trump is still using derogatory names like “heartless Hillary,” and while she is still dealing with independent and socialist Candidate Bernie Sanders who is taking his campaign to the very end he says. Lack of voter trust with this field on candidates is causing consternation among many voters I know and they don’t know what to do with this field of candidates. That may ultimately spur a third party candidate to jump into the race or possible a libertarian candidate.
>>> PAST WDR: Chilling warning on Zika virus, residents must drain and cover any standing water, with old tires big problem where mosquitoes lay their eggs, also dealing with Chikungunya fever, says health department official Dr.Rivera
Miami-Dade County commissioners got a chilling update on the spreading Zika virus and County Health Department officials are warning we must reduce the number of mosquitoes being breed and that involves a massive public service program. That asks residents to drain and cover any standing bodies of water and old tires are especially targeted since the insects like to lay their eggs there.
Dr. Lillian Rivera, RN,MSN, Ph.D. also noted it is not just Zika but Dengue and Chikungunya fever that are transmitted by mosquitoes and there is the 60 second psa drain and cover spot produced by the department. And the health administrator said what makes Zika so scary is it can be transmitted sexually and the department is trying to keep the disease and mosquitoes from spreading this dramatic disease that leaves a newborn with a reduced size brain. Called microcephalus, and a major debate is also going on whether to release genetically modified sterile mosquitoes. And all mosquitoes are not the same, and the one capable of carrying the virus has a white strip on a leg.

And here is the public service video
Health Department: Chikungunya Fever (CHIK)Mosquito Control Measures CHIKEpidemiology and Medical Importance CHIK For a recording of the April 1st training please contact and list “CHIK Training” in subject line.

From the Dept.’s web page: Chikungunya fever (CHIK) is an infection caused by the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). The virus is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, similar to West Nile and dengue viruses. The Chikungunya virus was first identified during an outbreak in 1952 in southern Tanzania, although it is suspected to have been present in Africa and Asia for much longer.*Note: This page contains materials in the Portable Document Format (PDF). The free Acrobat Reader may be required to view these files.
>>> White House press release: President Obama and Macklemore: A conversation about addiction Today, President Obama and Grammy Award-winning artist Macklemore teamed up to discuss a disease that affects far too many Americans: addiction. Here are the highlights: Macklemore opened up about his own experience with addiction: “I’m here with President Obama because I take this personally. I abused prescription drugs and battled addiction. If I hadn’t gotten the help I needed when I needed it, I might not be here today. And I want to help others facing the same challenges I did.” President Obama laid out why opioid abuse is a problem that affects all of us: “Drug overdoses now take more lives every year than traffic accidents. Deaths from opioid overdoses have tripled since 2000. A lot of the time, they’re from legal drugs prescribed by a doctor. So addiction doesn’t always start in some dark alley — it often starts in a medicine cabinet.” And the President talked about what we all can do to help: “I’ve asked Congress to expand access to recovery services, and to give first responders the tools they need to treat overdoses before it’s too late. This week, the House passed several bills about opioids — but unless they also make actual investments in more treatment, it won’t get Americans the help they need. On top of funding, doctors also need more training about the power of the pain medication they prescribe, and the risks they carry. Another way our country can help those suffering in private is to make this conversation public.” “The good news is, there’s hope. When we talk about opioid abuse as the public health problem it is, more people will seek the help they need. More people will find the strength to recover, just like Macklemore and millions of Americans have. We’ll see fewer preventable deaths and fewer broken families. |
>>> The Past week was choppy waters for Trump, his change on self-funding his campaign through loans that may get paid back by the party, is hard for his supporters to swallow.
After the brash billionaire made such a big deal about not being bought like other politicians. The Donald Trump campaign is taking a hit since he is hesitating to release his taxes but a more serious issue is he has said he would self-finance his campaign and in campaign reports these are loans and may get paid off by supporters or the GOP.
But the man’s using his own money and they’re for not bought had great appeal to many of his supporters and the media is digging into the man’s past and how he was with women and has Trump trashing Bill Clinton as a philander and his wife is an “enabler,” but his campaign has to start focusing on policy, but after a meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R- Wisc. It remains to be seen if he can ramp-up his knowledge on foreign affairs to make him a competent president who also seems to support dropping the nuclear nonproliferation policy of America when he said he thought S. Korea and Japan might benefit if they developed a nuclear capability, noting Pakistan has them and he believes it will happen unless all nuclear weapons were eliminated he suggests. And for more go to and for more on the Trump Ryan meting go to:
>>>> Ros-Lehtinen’s Bipartisan Measure Urging Germany to Honor Its Obligations, Fully Fund Holocaust Survivors’ Medical, Mental and Home Care Needs Passes Out of Foreign Affairs Committee
>>> Press release: U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa, made the following statement today after a measure she authored – H.Con.Res. 129 – Urging the German government to fulfill its moral obligations to Holocaust survivors and urgently and directly provide the financial resources necessary to ensure that survivors may live in dignity and comfort in their remaining years, passed unanimously out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:
“Germany is a close U.S. ally, and since the 1950s, it has accepted its moral responsibility to Holocaust survivors. However, even by its own admission, the German government’s efforts to address the medical, mental and home care needs of all Holocaust survivors have been woefully inadequate. Nearly half of all survivors worldwide live at or below the poverty level and have little time to continue to wait for the bureaucracy and cut through the red tape. Survivors deserve better than that; they deserve to live out their days in dignity and comfort, and that is why my bipartisan resolution urging the German government to honor its obligations to Holocaust survivors and fully and immediately fund survivors’ needs passed unanimously out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I will continue to fight for all Holocaust survivors until they get the justice they so rightly deserve and I look forward to the swift passage on the House Floor of the resolution that my friend, Congressman Ted Deutch, and I have authored.”
>>> Obama says presidency serious business, not a “reality show,” in Oval office, as Trump last GOP candidate standing, some plan to boycott party convention
With billionaire Donald Trump being the last man standing after starting the race with 17 other Republican presidential contenders for the GOP nod to be the party’s standard barrier. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Saunders are still battling it out for the Democratic Party nod and Clinton has said she is ready for any of Trump’s “counter punches,” during the race and Trump made another gaffe with Hispanics tweeting out a lunch photo on Cinque de Mayo having a taco bowl and writing he loves Hispanics, but the tweet was criticized as to little and too late after some off his past remarks on the people coming from Mexico being “rapists and drug dealers,” And the Republican leadership is having a hard time embracing the brash and out spoken man who swept the candidate field and is saying his VP would likely be someone from the political world given his neophyte status as a politician. And one Hillary’s attack ads on Sanders was a flop since all the senator talks about is breaking up the big banks and she calls him a single issue candidate and commentators question its effectiveness in her race against the independent socialist.
While the Democrats and GOP are trying to heal and bring their party together in the presidential primaries both parties have a similar problem in that some Republicans are hesitant to support Trump and Democrats supporting Sanders are reluctant with Hillary Clinton as well and social media is once again morphing the political landscape.
And Trump 2.0 is debuting on the campaign trail and the real-estate mogul is saying he will be the most “presidential” person voters have ever seen but Hillary Clinton is already running ads attacking the bombastic man who is calling her dishonest and says he is relishing running against her in November, but he has also been rattling the cage of the GOP establishment questioning whether the primaries are fair and not rigged, even though he has a higher percentage of delegates then he got in votes and many wonder even if he steps back has the damage been done given his high unfavorable. But this presidential cycle is like no other and the role of social media that is getting more mature and larger in scope is bleeding into politics in a way never seen before. And the GOP is shifting its strategy of trying to stop the billionaire’s run for the nomination and are trying to come together something Sanders supporters are finding hard when it comes to Clinton.
>>> Sen. Floris cries foul, regarding how her immigration record is being depicted in press
State Sen. Anitere Floris, R-Miami, is upset how her stance on immigration is being distorted by Andrew Korge, the son of a prominent Democratic Party lobbyist and challenger for the redistricted senate seat. Korge the younger is the son of confident Bill Clinton and has had extensive business dealings with MIA. And below is the unedited press release decrying the distortion of her record and this race is expected to get nastier running up to the August primary. ICYMI: The TRUTH about Senator Anitere Flores’ immigration record.
>>> Press release: In Case You Missed It: On Miami Herald’s Naked Politics, the truth about Senator Anitere Flores’ immigration record. Please see entire article below unedited.
>>> Flores press release: Andrew Korge attacks Anitere Flores on immigration but omits key facts, Miami Herald’s Naked Politics By: Patricia Mazzei
Democrat Andrew Korge is a third-generation Miamian with Greek roots. But he’s running for a Florida state Senate district where the majority of voters are Hispanic.
So Korge seized on a Spanish-language radio interview this week to show off his Latino cred. He introduced himself in Spanish, saying he speaks only “a little” of the language, “but I love Hispanics and Latinos.” He Hispanicized his last name, pronouncing it “CORE-hay.” He claimed his friends call him “El Gordo.”
And then he dropped the name of his Republican opponent, Sen. Anitere Flores, in the same sentence as “Arizona-style immigration bill” and “Donald Trump.”
“She proposed an Arizona-style immigration bill in 2011. Donald Trump supports that bill,” Korge told Zeta 92.3 FM’s Ahora con Oscar Haza on Monday, noting his mother immigrated to the U.S from Greece. “Whether you are a Latino or griego, that is a crazy bill that no one should ever propose.”
But Korge is distorting Flores’ record. While it’s true she sponsored a 2011 Senate immigration bill, it was well-known at the time that she did so to make sure the legislation would not be like the Arizona crackdown that allowed cops to ask for papers. Flores’ position so upset then-Senate President Mike Haridopolos that he ended up yanking the bill from her hands. She ultimately voted against it.
“I have no problem defending my record. I do have a problem with people distorting my record and in this case saying something that is a blatant lie,” Flores said. “Had it not been me the one that was involved in this issue in the beginning, we would have maybe ended up with an Arizona law. The reason we didn’t is we said no, we’re going to deal with this issue delicately.”
Flores held hearing after hearing over the law, which in effect delayed its vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee she chaired. While the Florida House of Representatives wanted to deputize local police officers to enforce federal immigration laws, Flores’ Senate proposal stuck to measures that were seen as less harsh, like requiring employers to check potential employees’ immigration status with the federal e-Verify system. All that did was give Senate Republicans cover to say their immigration proposal was fair because a Hispanic was behind it, Korge countered. “It sounds like political spin to me,” he said. “She knows she was wrong. Haridopolos planned to run for the U.S. Senate in 2012 and wanted a tea-party back immigration bill like the one that Republican Gov. Rick Scott had endorsed during his 2010 campaign. When Flores didn’t deliver, Haridopolos made JD Alexander, the Senate budget chief, sponsor a similar version of the House bill on the Senate floor instead.
“I remember sitting in his office and telling him, ‘Listen, Mike, the Senate bill as is as comfortable as I feel going. Anything more that we do will have the incredibly negative effect of giving people around the country the idea that we are anti-immigrant, which we knew at the time meant solely anti-Hispanic, and I can’t be a part of that,’” Flores said. “The bill was unceremoniously removed from me.”
After an emotional debate, all three Miami Republicans – Flores and Sens. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla of Miami and René García of Hialeah – voted against it. In another surprising move, so did Alexander. The bill failed.
But explaining in politics means losing, and even in 2011, Flores drew attack ads suggesting she was “anti-Hispanic” for taking part in the legislation. Korge is repeating that claim. “To say I’m anti-Hispanic is not just insulting – I think it’s a sad sign of how he’s going to run a campaign,” said Flores, who is facing a competitive re-election race in a newly redrawn, Democratic-leaning district. “He’s saying that he’s an immigrant? I mean, come on. Let’s not play that card. Let’s not play this game,” wrote then political advertisement paid an approved by Anitera Flores Republican for and approve by Anitera Florias for State senate District #District 30
>>> The Miami-Dade public Schools board passed this agreement with the Children’s Trust along with Miami-Dade County investing in 1,300 summer internships, managed by public schools district, joint funding first tri-government effort
For the first time ever the Children’s Trust along with Miami-Dade County is embarking on a new program that will fund some 1,300 internships with the County investing $1.7 million in conjunction with the Trust and here is the announcement of the new jobs program that will be administered by the Miami-Dade Public Schools and here is a release from the Trust on the new program that has public entities working together for the betterment of the community, “I thought you may like to know that plans for The Children’s Trust, Miami-Dade County and Miami-Dade County Public Schools to collaborate on a project together for the first time is almost officially sealed. Hard to believe this is “a first” but it is. Together we’ll soon launch a summer internship program for teens, which was originally pitched by Commissioner Xavier Suarez, if you recall. Our CEO announced the agreement to our board Friday, April 22 in a memo below.
The item is on the May 11 school board agenda to approve their participation in this tri-government collaboration and an official news release will follow suit. Structurally, Miami-Dade County is investing $1.7 million towards the program in conjunction with $750,000 provided by The Children’s Trust. A total of 1,300 summer internships will be created, with 10 percent of the internships going to children with special needs and 100 being allocated to each commission district. M-DCPS will administer the program. There is definitely a need to recruit local business to participate so teens can be placed in great work environments. Here is a link to the Website where both businesses and students may apply www.
Below is a link to our periodic talk show airing this Saturday in which Deputy County Mayor Russell Benford, Superintendent Carvalho, and a member of our staff participated to talk about this new initiative and explain why it is so meaningful? You may be interested in watching that first 10 minute segment. I’ve provided a link below, wrote Emily Cardenas” the Trust’s director of communications, and check out the video on this initiative;
>>> Homeless Trust “All hands on deck,” in trying to make up $6 million cut in HUD funding, impacting transitional housing and domestic violence shelters, U. S. Rep Mario Diaz-Balart House appropriation’s chair tying but no short turn resolution, luckily Trust has reserves, but not sustainable
“All hands are on deck,” said Commission Chair Jean Monestime during a discussion on the lost $6 million in federal funding for the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust after U.S. HUD changed some of the scoring criteria for federal funding trying to end veteran homeless by 2017 and not scoring transitional housing very high versus permanent housing the ultimate desired goal. And Monestime plans to see HUD Sec. Julian Castro in Orlando he told commissioners Tuesday and Commissioner Rebeca Sosa noted homeless people from around the nation are sent to South Florida and while there are two annual census. And to see the issue on a national basis go to the US HUD fact sheet
>>>> Commissioner Bovo when it comes to campaign reforms cost of running a race is “the media,”
Campaign reform legislation pushed by County Commissioner Daniela Levine Cava passed after an extensive discussion. Commissioner Estephan Bovo carped the cost of running a campaign was the “media,” and there costs are only going up and while in the 2000 mayoral race then Mayor Alex Penelas jumped on the cost of media ads (when challenged by how much he had raised) with a prominent political reporter after the close election he won by a few points. And the station back in 2004 gave the candidates some free time to make their cases and was a real public service in the county races back then. And the station was WPLG Channel 10 at .
And Commissioner Barbra Jordon noted when she first ran she used the County’s Public Campaign Financing Program that was dissolved afterwards when candidates’ campaigns co-mingled public and campaign contributions ( because it was allowed) and made auditing almost impossible though in Jordan’s case she had to pay the county just under $10,000. After she won the crowded race that included a prominent municipal mayor she said from the dais and Bovo noted there were examples where money did not produce a winner incumbent including Chair jean Monestime who defeated long time commissioner Dorrin Rolle who had raised considerable more money but was controversial and lost in 2010.
>>> MPO Smart Plan video just released:
>>> The County is asking the VA administration to open a clinic in homestead where the veteran’s population at Homestead Naval Air Base is expanding and the base needs a “flight surgeon,” for the pilots a veterans affairs rep told the BBC.
>>>> Public got to weigh in on controversial liberty square project, pressure on commissioner Edmonson includes “Voodoo, I don’t believe and I should watch out,” she says at Contentious liberty Square project public hearing where she voices support for Urban Related project, could not speak because of “cone of silence,” she says
A commission committee meeting and public hearing on the proposed Liberty Square public housing project went hours as people spoke on the planned $300 million Mega HUD housing project in what is locally called the “pork n’ Beans,” projects.
Commissioner Audrey Edmonson is behind Liberty Square project just wants accountability of community benefits after failed Scott Carver debacle
And Commission committee Chair Xavier Suarez had his hands full last week trying to keep the packed hearing orderly. After forces tried to “divide the [African American community and includes a number of ministers] in the community,” and “Edmonson says she was the one making the project happen and “they made a whole lot of promises,” and “did the developer,” make too many promises and “I want this to work,’ said Edmonson.
But Suarez’s constant banter and quips made the meeting go so long (And at the podium there should be a sign that says, please give your name and address.) because Suarez had to constantly repeat the phrase and one woman gave a very heated comment, and later had County Commissioner Audrey Edmonson, trying to deflect some of the criticism directed at her by speakers saying, contrary to what some of the residents are being told “She supports the redevelopment,” project and said “not to believe the lies,” that are being spread, and she had “given the charge,” to Mr. Liu. The public housing department head. Further, Edmonson said she wanted the project to go forward and had even been threatened with “voodoo,” she said and she was going to ask the inspector general and the Miami-Dade County ethics and Public Trust commission to look into the way the developer was chosen and the project is coming when Gimenez is up for reelection in August.
Edmonson said she wants the important project to move ahead and there are many community benefits like a Miami Police Athletic League (PAL) facility for kids and this massive housing project (Where children sleep on the floor because of the gun fire) is playing into the elections that has his major challenger Raquel Regalado in recent polling only around 13 points behind the incumbent mayor first elected in 2011 and reelected in 2012 but voter disillusionment of incumbents is keeping this race so close, and while the mayor has raised some$1.3 million for his campaign he also has a number of well-funded PACs.
And Edmonson indicated she was upset with Mayor Carlos Gimenez because he held a community meeting on Liberty City Rising in the district and she was not asked, yet got all the negative blowback, she carped and is not “just a liberty City development,” she closed.
But Regalado will likely use this campaign money against Gimenez saying he has been bought and on Tuesday after a school board Audit Committee she said concerning the last sentence of the poll results says it all, when you try to get something done at the county one quote said was, they ‘treat you like a dog.’ And she believes she can bring in a new perspective and some wonder how she would be given the strong mayor form of government and its 27,000 employees. And her lack of experience with such a massive workforce, though she has had a number of victories including the value Adjustment Board. And for more on the polling go to
>>>PAST WDR: Record 15.5 million visitors help pay for JHS, Homeless Trust, the arts
The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau celebrated a record year with 15.5 million visitors coming to South Florida and that is 6.4 percent growth and these people play a key funding role. Since we have a variety of sales taxes for the Homeless Trust, transportation and Jackson Health System, the Adrianne Arsht Center gets convention development taxes and this funding gets ginned up by these visitors and also helps pay for some of the $6 billion debt at MIA.
>>> In China Miami becoming education destination, UM said to have some “1, 000,” students from China, big business at $50,000. tuition
Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz lead a trade delegation along with the Greater Miami Convention and Visitor Bureau to S. Korea, China and Taiwan and Diaz called it a very successful trade delegation and County staffer Manny Gonzalez said in China especially there is “a shortage of colleges,” and the University of Miami has some “1,000,” students from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and their tuition is around some $50,000 said Gonzalez and Diaz noted “no public funds,” were involved for the trade delegation and it will be seen if Diaz, becomes the county’s sinologist in residence when it comes to the growing Middle Kingdom.
>>> MD-C IG publishes 2015 annual report also keeps watch on public schools district,
The Miami-Dade County Office of the inspector General Mary Cagel has issued their 2015 annual report and the Watchdog agency created in 1997 amid numerous scandals also keeps watch of the public schools district and a host of county’s 25 departments including Jackson health system and to read the annual report go to
>>> BCC Joint meeting with Miami-Dade County Youth Commission still highlights number one issue, “violence,” and “bullying in middle schools,” an amazing group of youth, doing a host of activities
And a joint Board of Miami-Dade County Commissioner’s Youth Commission was a breath of fresh air as these high school leaders in committees have begun a host of projects including collecting 500 used AP/ Sat test books, very expensive but highly helpful on the tests. Further another program was handing out of book bags with supplies and working closely with The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade, trying “to mend the gap with our youth and the police,” said one committee chair and the members wearing Miami-Dade County logo monogramed polo shirts, went to Tallahassee and met with state leaders,” and these future community leaders are an impressive group and in past years when the body met, violence and bullying (with the majority happening in middle schools, said one commission member) were at the top of their list and the civility and quality dialogue gives me hope concerning the leaders of the future. And many of them are going to top notch universities. And these members also worked with the Miami-Dade Community Relations Board and had a anti bullying forum at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens
And Commissioner Barbara Jordan a former social worker came up with the idea of the Youth commission and chair Jean Monestime said, I am “very proud of the body… and the leadership is second to none,’ he considered during the joint body meeting held in the county commission chambers. During the discussion Jordan said, “I don’t know how you did all these activities,” and suggested working closer with the school board.
>>> Sosa wants to push for film incentives, blocked by state, productions go to Georgia, big economic impact
Film incentives that get vetoed or shot down in the Florida legislature was a hot topic and the county is looking at its own incentive program for movie people are going to Georgia to film and it is costing Miami-Dade millions in local community development revenue. And Commissioners Rebeca Sosa and Jose “Pepe” Diaz want to get the local state legislative delegation together, and also talk to Gov. Rick Scott and Enterprise Florida in a public sunshine meeting in the commission chambers, suggested Sosa last week and see if there was some way to end the stalemate in getting any film incentives money and funding. And the special Miami sun was what “brought the famous Jackie Gleason Show,” to Miami Beach said Diaz and the show put the Beach on the map back in the 1960s.
And who gets to have concessions at MIA had commissioners grilling MIA Director Emilio Gonzalez last week and commissioners Dennis Moss and Barbara Jordan asked if a local Creole restaurant had found a spot and commissioners have been beating on staff in what is a mystical process of becoming a concessionaire at the airport and had Commissioner Rebeca Sosa asking what she can say when asked about getting someone a concession.. Since in all her years on the dais she has never been involved with deals at MIA. And she did not know what to tell a resident, and frankly does not want to get into procurement and she has pushed for procurement reforms at the county and MIA, over her years in office.
![]() Bovo |
![]() Sosa |
Greater Miami’s Accommodations and Food Service jobs increased +1.3 percent in April 2016 compared to the same period in 2015. This marks 6 years and 4 months of consecutive increased employment in Greater Miami’s Accommodations and Food Service Industry.
Record Greater Miami Accommodations and Food Service Jobs | ||
April 2016 | April 2015 | % Change |
122,700 | 121,100 | +1.3 |
>>> Mayor Gimenez should insist water and sewer repairs on roads should end with a smooth roadway, and be part of a repairs final inspection.
Mayor Carlos Gimenez could get a huge number of votes if county contractors doing the $10 to $20 billion in water and sewer repairs on the streets after they dug up the road asphalt that the new asphalt be done so there is a smooth road and not the rough uneven surface the road usually becomes and this is a big deal given the mammoth scope of the upcoming work and any final inspection should include a suitable final road surface for currently the streets are getting badly torn up and is a major complaint that I hear all the time.
>>> And here is what Lester Sola the director of Water and Sewer wrote regarding the matter of the torn up streets, “In response to your recent statement in The Watch Dog Report, I wanted to clarify the process that Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) undertakes in relation to paving roadways following construction projects. It is the policy of the department to leave an area better than they found it and to ensure the public’s safety and convenience. Currently, WASD also works with municipalities, local and state utilities/entities that also conduct roadwork to attempt to schedule projects simultaneously in order to minimize repeated cuts and repairs to roadways, as well as to mitigate traffic impacts.
For emergency repairs following an event such as a water main or sewer line break, WASD performs a temporary road repair will allow the roadway to be reopened to traffic. The department then submits a paving request to Miami-Dade County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) for final restoration that is then completed in accordance to Public Work standards. I hope this information is useful to both you and your readership and whether this would be something that you would be inclined to update on your site for your audience. If you have any questions, please contact me,” wrote director sola last week.
>>> First graduates of Braman automotive Training Center are on their way to a rewarding job, along with M-DCP Schools
A technician training program created with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools with Braman Management and Norman Braman is an outstanding success with some of the first class getting high paying jobs and was the brainchild of the auto magnet with Supt. Alberto Carvalho and with automobiles getting more complex and trained technicians needed and in short supply and to read more on the innovative project go to:
>>>> 18 charter schools lend money, one transfer Keys Gate Charter was for $750,000 with no explanation unless district sign a non-disclosure form, which they can’t
It appears that a number of the nation’s fourth largest public schools district’s 125 charter schools and 18 of them use their public funding like a banking system sending money out of the district to a host of affiliated organizations and the district Auditor did an analysis of some of these transactions including one transfer that the school KEYS Gate Charter will not divulge unless the public schools District signs a non-disclosure form which they can’t do but $750,000 was given to a unknown settlement and “the transfers have to be approved by the school board, said chief Auditor Jose F. Montes de Oca, the Audit and Budget Advisory board Tuesday and he said the schoolboard is “working on policies to address,” some of the issues and to see some of the long term interest free transactions go to
The Auditor also notes these transfers to different “Intra-County advances may be permissible under certain circumstances,” but must have the County’s School approval,” writes the CPA in a May 3, 2016 memo.
>>> ABC keeps nation’s fourth largest public district on the straight and narrow, CPA’s tax attorney’s, provide great public service, and was not always the case back in 2007
The nation’s fourth largest public schools district community firewall is meeting this Tuesday and the Audit and Budget Advisory Board is one of South Florida’s best boards and is made up of CPA’s and tax attorney’s and its leadership is rotated on a regular basis which was not always the case and back in 2007 the chair would not step down until 2004 when the man made a Sunshine Law violation and his physician suggested he step down but this ABC keeps Supt. Alberto Carvalho feet to the fire and along with Carvalho’ s leadership keeps racking up awards in education and he successfully pushed a $1.2 billion general obligation bond that was overwhelmingly passed by county voters back in 2012.
>>>> Here is the office of the inspector general’s annual report for the nation’s fourth largest public schools district And when it comes to oversight there are a number of mechanisms watching over the diverse public schools district and to read the IG report go to
>>> PR campaign “Miracles Made Daily,” spurs births and patient admissions, with concierge maternity ward
The Jackson Health System has been embarking on a very effective public relations campaign called “Miracles Made Dailey, “and includes a new concierge style maternity ward that is driving increased births at the public hospital system and has become a good investment for the institution and the WDR Gives a Tip of the Hat to the people that came up with the series of ads… people like them.
>>> Badly needed Lotus House Village $25 million expansion for homeless children and mothers comes to Miami commission Tuesday, privately funded and much needed facility with HUD fund cuts
A privately funded $25 million expansion of Lotus House Village for women is coming before the Miami Commission for a vote Thursday and the commission district commissioner Keon Hardeman is balking at the proposal saying he thinks it would inhibit young –professionals from moving into the area. But advocates note there is only private money for the pink facility for the organization that is a much needed community sanctuary for homeless women and their children, especially after the $6 million in HUD cuts that hit the county Homeless Trust. But the housing for women and children is a sanctuary for homeless women and children and needs to expand sanctuary-has-new-blueprint/ and wear pink to the Miami commission meeting in support of this badly needed expansion and the Lotus House Village in Overtown. . an here is a video of Miami PD doing the running man challenge very funny especially the end and has 179,000 views as of last week.
>>>> Miami Beach is readying for Urban Week over Memorial Day and the island city has modified some of its plans that includes hundreds of volunteer Ambassadors from the county’s Community Relations Board (CRB) and for more go to
>>> Miami offers Sweetwater a hand with next year’s budget after infighting with strong mayor creates $18 million shortfall
The small municipality of Sweetwater with a strong mayor form of government is on the brink of an $18 million financial meltdown and the City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado is offering to loan the city some finance people to review how it got into this whole and help craft a new budget for 2016-2017 year. He is quoted in The Miami Herald
And the city was founded in the 1930s by a Russian circus troupe of little people
And has had its controversies over the years
What about Suarez’s push for a strong mayor form of government?
And while Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez wants a strong mayor form of government at Miami but it is clear not only a municipality or county is this not a panacea and given Miami’s political nature may no b the best option to having a professional manager form of government.
Today, Gov.Scott taps Emery Gainey as Marion County Sherriff.
Gainey, 57, of Tallahassee, has served as the Director of Law Enforcement Relations, Victim Services and Criminal Justice Programs for the Florida Office of the Attorney General since 2007. He previously served as the Chief of Staff for the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, and was with the Sheriff’s Office for more than 25 years since beginning his law enforcement career as a uniform patrol deputy in 1982. Gainey received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida and also graduated from the FBI National Academy. He will serve as the as Marion County Interim Sheriff until the election of a new Sheriff in November, at which point he will return to the Attorney General’s Office.
>>> And the Margulies Warehouse will be closing the season in weeks and to see what art is on display and when it plans to close the season for this community treasure go to
>>> Miami-Dade Mayor Gimenez’s critics say he should lighten up a little, Regalado counter punching every chance she can
The issue of a strong mayor form of government and whether that is the way to go in politically charged Miami-Dade. Where everything is political is surfacing at the City of Miami and at Miami-Dade County where Mayor Carlos Gimenez is seeking reelection but he is seen as imperious and a technocrat since he was a Miami fire chief and city manager before being elected mayor in June of 2011.And in some ways this criticism come with the job and is being exploited by his primary challenger Raquel Regalado who counter punches in the media every chance she can and she is more telegenic and glib than the reserved Gimenez and given the mood of the nation. He might need to loosen up a bit.
>>> Congrats to Miami Herald for runner –up Pulitzer for investigative story ‘License to Launder,’ highlights how critical investigative stories are to a community
The Miami Herald being a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize highlights the importance of in depth investigative reporting and while the Watchdog Report has not reached that depth over the past 16 years I have put a light to many government activates from Jackson Hospital to the city of Miami that once went through 10 mangers in a few months and arrests were becoming rampant. And back in 1998 it looked bleak an someone from the public needed to step forward especially after a major political operative said to me “You little people we are going to crush you,” and I thought the public needed someone to look after their interests and the introduction of the internet gave me that opportunity as well as being an editorial and news columnist for The Miami Herald an experience that cannot be described unless you experienced it and here we are today and May 5, 2016 will be my anniversary and hope with my readers help to continue on but I do need financial help and to read what the early years were like go to and I know your hard earned money is sacred. I hope you will honor me with your trust news you can trust without the attitude and my best to all my friends who have supported me. And to read a national story on the early years go to:
>>> One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade and these organizations involve some serious public money in the billions
Residents in Miami-Dade County periodically ask why I cover all the trust’s found in the county, from the Children’s Trust to the Public Health Trust to the County’s Homeless Trust and it is because elected county leaders are always looking for new funds and while the raids of these public dollars periodically occurs like in the case of the Citizens Independent Transit Trust where the county is slowly paying back the sales tax dollars absorbed by the county’s transit system in what was called “unification,” by county leaders
But the Public Health Trust was also raided back in 20002 when county commissioners shifted some $ 70 million in unfunded mandates on to organization and that cost has risen to over $100 million a year and was one of the reasons the Public health trust needed a $830 million GOB passed overwhelmingly by voters a few Years back to upgrade its infrastructure and ageing main campus
After this past money was diverted over a decade by the County commission that does provide some $250 million in public funds for a maintenance of effort contribution. But in Miami-Dade where everything is political. I keep watch so that these organizations are kept whole and politics is kept to a minimum and this oversight helps keep the organizations on the straight and narrow when it comes to public dollars and it is no small amount of money and helps explain why there have been so few scandals in the past that plagued the county back in the 1990’s and was a frequent topic in the media.
>>> A Reader on danger of yellow pole barriers on 195, and sign petition asking FDOT to modify polls
>>> Great story on the Pets’ Trust. I’d love to speak with you and tell you more. You are right… will be an issue in the Mayor’s race.
Please watch this… Pets’ Trust…the Story password is movie
And read this……..
Michael Rosenberg
President Pets’ Trust
Rita Schwartz Cofounder
>>> And another reader sent the following the shocking truth about Miami-Dade Animal Services,
Coconut Grove
>>> The Watchdog Report is Celebrating 17 years of weekly publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing and why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2008)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
Badia Spices
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2016, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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