Watchdog Report Vol.17 No. 12 Sept. 4, 2016 – EST. 05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Celebrating 16 Years of weekly reliable publishing
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Argus Report: Mayor Gimenez despite $4 million campaign war chest can’t close the deal with county voters, faces upstart Regalado in Nov. General Election
Obituary: Power lunch maître d’ at Joe’s Stone Crab Arneson passes at 73, a class act who will be very much be missed
Florida: Gov. Scott deals with first hurricane after 11 years, will learn job is not just about jobs as many Floridians are hurting after storm
Miami-Dade County: With surging demand from 6,100 homeless families, trust’s resources getting stretched thin countywide, wants revenues from Miami Beach, Surfside and BAL Harbour to end homeless in Miami-Dade
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Modesto “Mo” Abety working hard at the polls, rain or shine, so are some of his rivals, someone even wrote a campaign jingle for Mo! — “More arrests are coming,” when it comes to Medicare fraud ring in public District with $400 million self-insured health insurance program, money stolen from students and teachers, and thieves will be caught, says Carvalho. — Child Advocate Modesto Abety throws hat into school board Dist. 6 race, for vacated seat held by Raquel Regalado running for county mayor -Pets for Vets and Teaching Responsible Pet Ownership to Kids – Children are learning how to properly take care of animal’s in massive education effort with District County and veterans
Public Health Trust: Patient at JACKSON South community hospital gets smallest pacemaker in world & no pacemaker electrode needed, major breakthrough for industry
City of Miami: Could former Miami Mayor Joe Carollo jump into a future Miami mayoral race? (SLSC) Events Calendar.-
City of Miami Beach: Miami Beach Enforces All Prevention Measures – Miami Beach asking residents and businesses to do their part to reduce mosquitoes
Community Events: FFCR’s Claws for Kids Luncheon is an annual tradition! Whether you’re a regular or have never been before, don’t miss out. Mark your calendar and keep your claws ready to grab a ticket! In the meantime, check out these pics from last year’s event. The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Presents -THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SYMPHONY OF THE GODDESSES MASTER QUEST Multimedia symphonic concert returns with new music and scenes from “Tri Force Heroes,” the latest The Legend of Zelda video game. The Legend of Zelda franchise e celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016! – Major new show a The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse – History Miami has 100th anniversary and Architect Alfred Browning Parker exhibition and event at History Miami
Editorial: Now what will you at least vote? “Reset & “Pivot” should be banned from campaign speeches, just be honest and tell the truth — Public institutions Collaboration must be our goal if South Florida to reach its greatness
Letters: — Pet trust founder on past WDR – advocate’s petition for FDOT to come up with alternative to yellow polls and injuries from pole divers
Sponsors – Publisher’s mission statement & Subscription information is at the bottom of this issue
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for 16 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this information is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well l. Thank You.
And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And we have about $9 billion in GOB funds being spent through a variety of institutions and that is no small number and in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account at
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account, you know you want to do it at
However, because of fiscal issues I was barely able to publish this week as Miami continues to get more expensive. It is no easy task financially to do the WDR weekly. And years ago the county Ethics Commission did a report that suggested over the past decade some $50 million had been spent fighting waste fraud abuse and public corruption and having the press at public meetings (some very obscure) changes the tone of the meeting (and is why you don’t speed past a state trooper, if you’re smart) Further, I have tried to be an information electrolyte available to all free (and that is a problem) between these large public institutions when I first started back in 1997. And many public meetings back then were not being recorded except by me and that is no longer the case.
For an accurate public record is key and diminishes future legal action. For you either have an accurate public record or you don’t. And I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. For I need your help and Thank you for the past support over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to:
>>> And here is the story done by Miami New Times when they named the publisher as the community’s Best of Miami and Best Citizen and to read the story go to:
And the credibility I have established over that time of news you can trust without an attitude. And to help me in this quest to keep the community informed can easily be done since I know have PayPal at and it accepts a host of credit cards and I hope you will consider supporting me allowing to have someone watch over how your public tax dollars are being spent. And few web blogs have the duration and community history as I have given in this effort and has people saying “you were blogging before we even knew what it was,” And I hope I get a decent response so I can get back to what I do best ‘go when you cannot,’ and the Watchdog Report will only return when my fiscal health is in better shape and to any of my past contributors. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. >>> May 5th was my 16th Anniversary, and I thank all my supporters and can’t believe it has been that long and hope you will help keep me in the field and reporting back how your public tax dollars are being spent.
>>> And here is the verbiage related to the award: Three years ago we said Ricker was our Best Gadfly. Given his dedication and perseverance, this new honor, Best Citizen, is well deserved. Ricker goes to 2500 mind-melting meetings annually, from the Public Health Trust’s purchasing subcommittee to the Efficiency and Competition Commission to the Alliance for Human Services’ nominating council to the school board’s audit committee. Sometimes he’s the only public observer. Object: to be the Public Citizen for all those out there who can’t attend, and to connect and serve as an information bridge among the special-interest-dominated Miami-Dade governmental institutions that seem so problematic and indifferent to the democratic process. This month his e-mail newsletter, The Watchdog Report, celebrates its fourth anniversary. In a former life Ricker made a handsome living as an international salesman of heart pacemakers. As the hard-working publisher of Watchdog, though, he’s struggling financially — this despite the fact that his weekly compendium of meeting summaries, analysis, interviews, and commentary has become essential reading for anyone involved in public affairs. What his written work may lack in polish, it more than makes up for in comprehensiveness. So raise a toast to the man whose official slogan says it all: “A community education resource — I go when you cannot!”
>>> And checkout the new Watchdog Report merchandising campaign featuring Knowledge is Bliss coffee cups and includes premium cotton super soft tee . >>> or go to
>>> May you and your family have a great labor Day and if you are in the cone of hurricane Hermine be safe and stay dry for it did damage here in Florida with loss of life and billions in infrastructure damage
ARGUS REPORT – Heard, Seen on the street
>>> Mayor Gimenez despite $4 million campaign war chest can’t close the deal with county voters, faces upstart Regalado in Nov. runoff General Election
With the primary elections over a number of the mayoral candidates while close were unable to close the deal with voters in Miami-Dade. Further, Miami- Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez failed to get the 50 percent plus one of the vote to win the race outright and he now faces insurgent candidate Raquel Regalado who got 32 percent of the vote to Gimenez’s 48 percent despite his hefty $4 million campaign war chest that dwarfed his challengers and the candidates supporters are calling donors trying to replenish their campaigns and Regalado’s fundraisers are optimistic that Regalado a two term school board member. She believes the wind is behind her back going into the General election on November 6th and this was a surprise upset (that had Pet Trust activists voting for Regalado after the mayor demurred on creating a Pet Trust and was seen as a betrayal). However, given prior polling before the election that had the incumbent mayor ahead of her. Further, she also benefited from the split vote since a number of the other seven mayoral candidates bled support from Gimenez especially in the African American precincts, and a upstart candidate Alfred Santamaria garnered nine percent and he siphoned off some of Gimenez’s supporters votes and helped force the runoff election that has Regalado’s supporters believing her strong showing demonstrates voters are looking for new leadership since Gimenez is in his final term since being elected in 2011 after then Mayor Carlos Alvarez was recalled by voters.
What hurt Gimenez in the race?
Voters this election cycle are looking for someone that is genuine and not bought through campaign donors but given the amount he raised Regalado, an attorney used this major money as an example of what is wrong with current local elections and the large amount raised resonated with voters who are looking for a fresh political face (see Jeb Bush’s failed presidential bid despite $100 million for his campaign or the Teresa Sarnoff race and her $1.2 million war chest) and Regalado effectively used this whopping amount of contributions against Gimenez who is not a natural campaigner and Regalado who is a Spanish radio and television personality is very smooth in Spanish versus Gimenez who many times seems to be more comfortable in English and tried to run a campaign through the airwaves and using extensive campaign piece mailers versus knocking on voters doors and running a grassroots campaign that Regalado was able to do and during early voting the Watchdog report covered many of the early voting sites. And I saw neither Gimenez nor Regalado working the sites, excluding their paid supporters at the polls (and the polls lack of candidates also applied to the judicial candidates who were as rare as a Florida Panther sighting and a number of flawed judicial candidates also won showing the mood of countywide voters, and the downside of elected judges).
>>> What about Rafael Garcia-Toledo?
One of Gimenez’s key fundraisers Raphael Garcia-Toledo, who is a well-connected lobbyist and confidant and a director on the Miami-Dade County Exposition board that is resisting the expansion of Florida international University onto the Fair’s site and the board is made up of a host of prominent Miamians including Garcia Toledo a director on the not for profit along with Gimenez’s sister in law Maria ‘Tere’ Rojas who is in a runoff for a school board seat against former Children’s Trust first CEO Modesto “Mo” Abety and these two candidates were the only ones I saw during early voting and Modesto is in a runoff with the mayor’s relative seeking a spot on the nine member school board. Editor’s note: I have no beef with the Fair and have been to it years ago. I just find the confluence of so many connected people odd on a board dealing with such a sensitive issue involving FIU.
But the lack of action and resolution of this challenge has many Gimenez critics saying it is intentional and includes besides Rojas, prominent attorney Al Dotson, Jr., is also on the board that also includes former public schools supt. Roger Cuevas.
What about political party orientation?
Both Regalado and Gimenez are Republicans and while Hillary Clinton gave the mayor a shout (at a community health clinic) out for his response to the Zika virus. And Regalado’s father had Gov. Charlie Crist come to his first inauguration and during the Obama campaign it was hard for the WDR to know what party he supported given some of his comments on the Washington administration when the city wanted to change the HUD funding formula for Meals on Wheels programs in Little Havana where the elderly Cuban retirees relied on the program and could help explain his daughters strong absentee ballot showing since many of these people voted in absentee to the tune of 38,942 ballots to Gimenez’s 62,3461 countywide. And Gimenez’s is said to have known he had an issue with this strong early vote showing.
Further, neither candidate has publically backed either presidential candidates in this local nonpartisan races that are getting a mixed political party involvement. And the week before Election Day. I got a call saying that Gimenez was not helping Republican candidates and Regalado was. And while Gimenez played golf with Donald Trump and discussed the developer possible running the Crandon Park course and his son CJ is a lobbyist for the GOP billionaire. Gimenez is not endorsing either candidate that has mega Republican donor Michael Fernandez in an editorial asking fellow GOP voters to look into their “hearts and guts,” and vote for “Clinton” given Trump’s trashing of immigrants with a board stroke. And Fernandez a healthcare mogul is a former u>S. Army Air Borne Ranger (who broke his leg on his first jump) And was in the press months ago when he wanted to put up a Flag of Gratitude in the City of Miami but ran into resistance with the city of Miami commission. But the man is sincere in his love of country and America and he is not the first to question Trump’s suitability as president. And to read his editorial on why he is making this decision go to:
>>> And given the number of cars at the mayor’s house Saturday afternoon he must have been huddling with his advisors in the Gables where he has a campaign sign up for himself and his sister in law who is in a runoff as well. And for more on the election results go to: .
And Gimenez given his $4 million in campaign contributions was perceived as being cocky and he is not a natural campaigner given his years as a Miami Firefighter and Rescue Squad member and when he was the Miami Manager back in 2000 to 2003. He would get needled by past commissioners Arthur Teele, Jr. and Tomas Regalado and had him once saying when asked if he could handle the heat of his office? The manager shot back essentially saying this was nothing. Since he used “to run into burning buildings,” he said back then and he was slow to address the issue of this perception saying he follows the county’s “process,” and any friends or donors to his campaign get no favors at the county he has repeatedly said. But recent stories in the media concerning some of his friends like Garcia-Toledo who is doing community outreach for the massive replumbing of the county’s water and sewer system paid by users and the man will make millions of dollars in this capacity the Miami Herald reported. And Regalado is using this perceived cronyism as a sledgehammer saying the incumbent mayor is bought and paid for and he is having difficulty dispelling that notion and is something Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton is having to deal with when it comes to her speaking engagement fees and emails given how wary voters have become and for a candidate to be over confident has become a death nail in today’s political climate and a different version of campaigning is seen with U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami who runs a race every two years like she has never won before and she works the polls through rain or shine over the decades and given her strong constiuents services she is expected to prevail in the General Election. Since she got 80 percent of the Republican vote for House District 27 over two other challengers in the GOP primary. And faces a Democratic Party candidate in November.
However critics are waiting for Regalado to start to flesh out how she would change and run the county rather than always attacking Gimenez who says some of her statements “ are simple not true and she is making stuff up,” he charged in a WPLG interview a few weeks ago.
What about Zika and who has an “open line to the White House,” says Mayor Carlos Gimenez?
County Mayor Carlos Gimenez at a Zika update meeting Friday with local leaders and included Sen. Gwen Margolis, D-Aventura. And Gimenez said again that the county would appreciate the 34 municipalities helping to clean some of the 150,000 storm drains and has the county trying to do some 5,000 of them a day since these are serious mosquito breeding spots and need a special goo to kill them for “up to 30 days,” said Gimenez. And Commissioner Daniela Levine Cava also suggested local not for profits get involved clearing some of the “5,000 drains,” she suggested at the meeting.
And tourist officials are asking gov. Rick Scott to initiate a major tourism global ad campaign, something done after Sept. 11 by then Gov. Jeb Bush and was very successful in getting the Florida tourism industry back on track and Scott should consider such a strategy for south Florida and the state overall for tourists have misunderstood that the risks of Zika are through the mosquito that transmits the disease. Even though the offending mosquito is called the “cockroach,” of the mosquito world but officials are fighting back hard with public health officials saying the virus will continue to be around but eradication has to be the watchword to limit and control any further outbreaks in the future.
>>> Past WDR: Vicky Leiva Garcia Toledo connection, they entertain blue chip power brokers to connect with mayor says Raphael in Miami Herald
With the mayoral race drawing to a potential close Aug 30, incumbent Mayor Carlos Gimenez is being dogged by his high profile campaign treasurer Rafael Garcia Toledo a lobbyist and a man about town formerly married to attorney Vicky Garcia Toledo and the power couple walk the halls and do business in county Hall and the City of Miami like it was their living room and she mingles with senior county staff periodically and her former husband Raphael (who on his lobbyist form lists all matters related to the county) has been getting some significant ink in the media. Since he historically drives the mayor to different election polling sites during the election for free. However, the man is slated to make millions in upcoming County Water and Sewer contracts and over the past years the Watchdog Report has warned Gimenez about this relationship with this man as being politically dangerous with the public and its perception. But the mayor just shrugs it off as no big deal and he just follows the contract process, he says. But the recent media reports highlight the mayor’s close ties with a number of lobbyist, and includes his attorney son CJ who periodically lobbies and the son lobbied for red light cameras at Miami city Hall along with state Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami a few years ago. Editor’s note: I first flagged Garcia back in the early 2000s when he was trying to get a contract for the bleachers at the Crandon Park Tennis Center.
>>> Calls are going to voters by the Regalado camp asking why Gimenez is not supporting more Republican candidates running for different offices
I was called last week by a Regalado supporter and she carped that Mayoral Candidate Carlos Gimenez is not supporting other Republican candidates. Since the mayoral race is supposed to be nonpartisan, but over the past years that political neutrality many times falls by the wayside except for party primaries. But the mayoral race is coming to the wire and the charges are flying with Election Day Aug.30.
What did the mayor say about the County’s laid back Culture?
Back in 2011 when Gimenez was first elected mayor. The Watchdog Report asked him about the county’s laid back culture and how he would change it? He asked back “how do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time,” he surmised back then but for many residents the general perception is that County employees treat residents ‘like dogs,’ was one quote in The Miami Herald.
What is his challenger Raquel Regalado saying at community forums and she brings up Garcia Toledo and his son’s lobbying activities?
And Regalado brings up this close relationship at community gatherings and she notes that when she and Gimenez were at the Miami Herald for an interview. He refused to do it together and she asked, “what is he afraid of,” since she has been reluctant to debate but Regalado is still being dogged with personal finance issues and given the $7 billion county budget many question if she can run the county with 77 different revenue streams given her own personal issues that included a ‘messy’ divorce and an autistic child. And the former schoolboard member brought up the matter at a Rotary Club Meeting Luncheon held at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club and she told attendees that the County’s office of the “Inspector General,” was looking into the relationship she told attendees. As she tries to chip away at the bureaucrat’s management style and ‘cronyism’ when it comes to friends of the mayor getting contracts and has put Garcia Toledo smack into the middle of that controversy. Further last Friday I discovered the Spanish Radio and television host and personality has a street named after her just off Unity Avenue around 66th street and I suspect it was authorized by the City of Miami given its location. And she joins a small select group of elected leaders with a street named after themselves and she joins state attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle with such a street designation while being in elected office.
What about a runoff?
And while Regalado lags in county polls with other candidates running she is hoping she can force a runoff since any winner has to get over 50 percent of the vote to win outright and there is a good chance she may force a runoff with her hard hitting campaign ads and she has “run nine campaigns,” she says, including her fathers and is a “winner” she says at campaign events like the luncheon.
>>>>Past WDR: Mayoral Candidate Regalado makes her cases in debate with incumbent mayor Gimenez, he claims, “You make stuff up,’ He charges in debate, clock is ticking how low will the campaigns go?
With only days before the Aug.30 Election Day challenger and early voting starting Monday Raquel Regalado,42, is amping up her campaign pitch( and here is her financial disclosure for the year ) and given her Spanish Radio shows she has a smooth and Natural oratory delivery and she claims her rival Mayor Carlos Gimenez (and here is his financial disclosure for the year governs like the past Miami Fire and Rescue fighter he was at the City of Miami and he is only “proactive,” especially when it came to the Zika Virus and the hot zone in Wynwood.
She believes Gimenez should go to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and ask for money to cover the economic damages once the CDC, made the health warning and she claims Gimenez does not want federal monies and is why she said the County’s grant department was eliminated, she said to the lunch crowd attending the Coconut Grove Rotary club luncheon Thursday. And a campaign piece sent out by the Gimenez campaign criticizing Regalado’s attendance record (and she does attend the school board Audit and Budget Advisory Committee etc.) on the school board is off the mark she told the Watchdog report that the legislation cited was only “Proclamations,” and are ministerial and generally are done in the early part of school board meetings saying she has a “good attendance record,” and the campaign piece was misleading. And during the Putney show debate Gimenez repeatedly said to Regalado that some of her statements that “you just make stuff up,’ said the incumbent mayor, now termed out and former Miami Fire chief and Miami manager, who Regalado considers a professional bureaucrat and a creature of the county’s “pay to play,” culture and she believes if you are a friend of the mayor’s you will get his help she charges. And she debated Gimenez on Michal Putney’s show on WPLG for an hour on This “Week in South Florida,” and to see the debate go to and for more on the race go to
What about Zika and Mayor Gimenez trying to clean “5,000, storm drains a day countywide?”
Mayor Carlos Gimenez told county commissioners last week that when it comes to reducing standing bodies of water in streets. The county is trying to clean out some “5,000 drains a day,” he said, but he noted some are in the municipalities and since there are some “150,000, storm drains countywide,” this is no easy task and the county needs the cities help said Gimenez. And Regalado has been hammering the mayor that he should have been more proactive action when it came to Zika and he responds that he had taken earlier action.
What about the WDR publisher’s health and what about the second surgery (that was cancelled Wednesday) and I hope to be back soon?
I am slowly coming back after I heal from a major infection of my right index finger’s tendon and had me in a hospital for some 18 days getting antibiotics IV and to be in a hospital for that long of a period gives one time to reflect on this unique and colorful community. And I thank all the readers wishing me well since then and continuing to support my efforts to keep the community informed while I have been on the sidelines but I continue to monitor our local public institutions via cable and other methods and should be back in full- form in a couple of months. If not sooner God willing. And I have another procedure on Wednesday and hope to be back in action soon.
>>> Power lunch maître d’ at Joe’s Stone Crab Arneson passes at 73, a class act who will very much be missed
Anthony Arneson, 73 the legendary maître d’ at Joes Stone Crab passed and his professionalism style, and great memory will be missed by his many friends. Arneson welcomed luncheon quests who ranged from federal judges to prominent defense attorney’s and his warm smile worked with his perfectly tailored tuxedo and bow ties and Trafalgar English braces (as these are called overseas and not suspenders).
And he was an early friend of the Watchdog Report and over 15 years we discussed a number of Beach issues, especially the road flooding and Causeway traffic congestion and at the popular 100 year old iconic restaurant. He will be missed and I send my condolences to his family and all at Joe’s that has free parking if you are there early and great lower cost specials and a fried chicken that is said to be favored by President Bill Clinton and to see more go to: May you rest in peace my friend
>>>> Gov. Scott deals with first hurricane after 11 years, will learn it is not just about jobs as many Floridians are hurting
After 11 years without a hurricane The Florida panhandle has gotten hit with a major rain and wind event and it is Gov. Rick Scott’s first natural disaster of this sort and he is working the airwaves calling for residents to follow officials warnings and the event joins the Zika virus as a new concern for Floridians and another hit to the critical tourism industry.
>>> With Zika fears, local tourism officials in interviews are saying, “Miami is open for business,” says GMCVB tourist maven Talbert who is, “in the good news business,” he likes to say
With Zika worries tourist mavens say “after 12 days we are open for business and doing well,” said William Talbert, III, the CEO of the Greater Miami Visitors and Tourism bureau (GMCVB) at a commission meeting concerning the Zika virus and he noted. Mayor Carlos Gimenez had been doing an outstanding job in interviews with the press trying to keep the issue in context and what Miami-Dade is doing to diminish the bugs impact on the critical tourism industry, whose taxes pay for a host of county facilities and organizations from the Homeless Trust to Jackson Health System to name a few and this revenue is critical to many of these organizations. As the County runs up to its public budget hearings in September.
>>> What about the popular Miami Spice restaurant program?
What does the Greater Miami Convention and Visitor’s Bureau do to gin up business and promoting businesses that includes the very popular Miami Spice program from Au.1 to Sept.30 and is a culinary bargain during the slow summer months and has become very popular with locals as well. Editor’s note: The GMCVB was an early sponsor of the WDR. And with these tourist challenges a program created years ago Miami Spice jump starts the slow summer months with 32 restaurants offering three course meals from a $23.00 lunch to a $39.00 dinner at a host of tony restaurants and to see the list of restaurants participating go to
And more on the GMCVB: go to
>>> Press release: 2016 Children’s Trust Expo -Saturday, September 10, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Miami-Dade Fair & Expo Center, 10901 SW 24 St, Miami

The Children’s Trust Family Expo is a daylong festival held at the Miami-Dade Fair & Expo Center. The event features activities and entertainment for the entire family in an effort to provide parents with direct contact to health and social services as well as educational opportunities. Join Frost Science as we present interactive, STEM-themed programs that range from making comets out of dry ice to planting take-home gardens, and even building renewable energy circuit boards! Also, meet-and-greet with local scientists from our Science Communication Fellows program and learn about their innovative research. Admission is free and open to the public. For more2016 Children’s Trust Expo Saturday, September 10, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Miami-Dade Fair & Expo Center, 10901 SW 24 St, Miami
The Children’s Trust Family Expo is a daylong festival held at the Miami-Dade Fair & Expo Center. The event features activities and entertainment for the entire family in an effort to provide parents with direct contact to health and social services as well as educational opportunities. >>> Join Frost Science as we present interactive, STEM-themed programs that range from making comets out of dry ice to planting take-home gardens, and even building renewable energy circuit boards! Also, meet-and-greet with local scientists from our Science Communication Fellows program and learn about their innovative research. Admission is free and open to the public.
>>> Gov. Scott Encourages Floridians to Apply for the Florida Constitution Revision Commission
Gov.Scott press release: Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that the Governor’s Office will begin accepting applications for the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. The 37 member Commission convenes every 20 years to review Florida’s Constitution and propose potential changes to be approved by Florida voters.
Governor Scott said, “Every 20 years, we are given the opportunity to review Florida’s Constitution to ensure that our laws are best serving the citizens of our state. The Constitution Revision Commission will serve on behalf of all Floridians, and appointees will learn firsthand what issues and potential changes are most important to our families in order to best make these impactful decisions. I encourage Floridians interested in serving on the Commission to apply today and I look forward to appointing qualified individuals who will represent our families and communities. “To view the appointment application from Governor Scott’s Office, click HERE. Of the 37 appointments to the Constitution Revision Commission, the Governor will appoint 15, the Florida Senate President will appoint nine, the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives will appoint nine, the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court will appoint three, and the Florida Attorney General will be automatically appointed. Appointments will be made no later than March 6th, 2017.
>>> With surging demand from 6,100 homeless families, trust’s resources getting stretched thin countywide, wants revenues from Miami Beach, surfside and BAL Harbour to end homeless in Miami-Dade
PAST WDR: The Miami-Dade Homeless Trust is having trouble with taking in all the homeless families in Miami-Dade. Some 6,100 homeless families are attending the public schools said the rep from the school district at the monthly board meeting and ( a $400,000 special disbursement of funding is running dry, said the trust chair and “resources are stretched dramatically,” said long time trust chair Ron Book when it comes to finding beds for a family of four using hotels and a room at some of the facilities cost the trust $55 a day said staff and while Lotus House is a facility bargain at “$22.00 a day, “ that cost is way under what Lotus House spends. Since these families with children need a host of social services and continuum of care that Lotus has to fiscally eat but the]rising number of homeless families in Miami is challenging the available resources said Lotus CEO Constance Collins to other trust members at the monthly televised trust meeting.
And Book said the only way the trust could end homeless a HUD directive in the coming years is by including the food and beverage tax revenues from the two municipalities excluded from the original state legislation and excludes Miami Beach, Surfside and BAL Harbour. But if the trust could get a resolution out of the county commission supporting these communities inclusion in the food and beverage tax revenues it would be a major benefit to the cause of ending homeless in Miami-Dade. Editor’s note: School Supt. Alberto Carvalho was once homeless and said “no one should ever have to sleep on sidewalk,” and “look at the stars,” at night he has said in the past.
And the trust is doing its biannual census Aug.18. But this extra funding is key too finishing the job of taking any homeless off the street and Miami has a host of organizations helping and getting funding for this effort from Camillus House, to The Chapman Community Partnership to end Homeless are just a few but Miami continues to draw this population and given the community’s diverse population people are coming from all over the world to the global gateway that South Florida has become.
>>> What about the Children’s Trust and Children’s Savings accounts program that Commissioner Levine-Cava wants to promote public schools on board?
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Daniela Levine Cava had a presentation done at the Prosperity committee meeting on a new program to teach children financial literacy and the opening of Children’s Savings accounts. She noted the public schools district, The Children’s Trust have all been involved in this important skill that results in many of the participants attending a four year College or university and starts the saving habit early.
>>> Modesto “Mo” Abety working hard at the polls, rain or shine, so are some of his rivals, someone even wrote a campaign jingle for Mo!
Supt. Alberto Carvalho gave an extensive update of the District’s Parent Academy and had gotten the support of philanthropist Adrienne Arsht and had criticism the beginning but Carvalho says it was a major success in improving student performance.
And Issues also interviewed Sam Gill of Camillus and Zeka is discussed as well and to see go to
>>> PAST WDR: “More district’s arrests are coming,” when it comes to Medicare fraud ring in District with $400 million self-insured health insurance program, money stolen from students and teachers, and thieves will be caught, says Carvalho.
Alberto Carvalho the superintendent of the nation’s fourth largest public schools district said the busting of a Medicare fraud ring is just the beginning,” and “more arrests,” are coming since the self-insured district has a $400 million health insurance program. And he said this money stolen is coming from the classrooms, students and teachers he asserted at Wednesday’s school board meeting. And the man vowed to use a, variety of law enforcement resources to root out this South Florida scourge.
>>> Child Advocate Modesto Abety throws hat into school board Dist. 6 race, for vacated seat held by Raquel Regalado running for county mayor
Child Advocate Modesto Abety filed to run for the school board District 6 seat vacated by Raquel Regalado and the man was the Children’s Trust of Miami Dade’s first CEO and is a solid candidate and worked at the county for years and is coming out of retirement for the race.
>>>> Facebook Post: Modesto Abety added 2 new photos — checked in to Miami-Dade County Elections Department.
June 24 at 5:10am · Miami, FL ·
Family, friends, and colleagues for children: it’s official! I have qualified as a Candidate for Miami Dade County School Board; District #6 (the seat that Raquel Regalado is vacating to run for Miami Dade Mayor). After a couple of fabulous years of retirement, I am so excited to get back to advocating for children, families, and community full time, and I am so looking forward to fighting for teachers… It goes without saying… Cause you know me: I’m in it, to win it! Only 60 days to the election. It will be fast and furious. More soon… And Abety recently got the Miami Herald endorsement over his rivals.

>>> Pets for Vets and Teaching Responsible Pet Ownership to Kids
Press release: County Commissioners have unanimously adopted two initiatives, sponsored by Commissioner Sosa, to better the lives of Miami-Dade County’s pets. In a move to help connect veterans with pets, Commissioner Sosa advanced legislation that waives adoption and spay/neuter fees for qualifying individuals. This new initiative is meant to give Miami-Dade County’s over 60,000 veterans of war greater access to the health benefits of pet ownership. Recent evidence suggests that bonding with animals greatly reduces stress and the effects associated with PTSD, a condition identified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as afflicting the veteran population.
Additionally, Commissioner Sosa filed legislation to expand the Responsible Pet Ownership Curriculum. The incredibly successful program, an initiative sponsored by Commissioner Sosa in 2013, now teaches over 89,000 elementary school students the principles of responsible pet ownership. This new measure seeks additional funding to bring the program to our community’s junior high and high school students.
“I truly believe that our veterans are this community’s greatest source of pride, and I know that they will give our pets warm and loving homes,” said Commissioner Sosa. “We are forever indebted to them for their service and protection of our freedoms.” Continued Commissioner Sosa, “In 2013 when I sponsored the initiative to teach our children the importance of responsible pet ownership I could never have imagined just how great the program would have turned out. It is my hope that we can grow the program to our older students, who can play a larger role in saving animals.”
Pets for Vets legislation:
Responsible Pet Ownership Curriculum Expansion legislation:
>>>Conflicts dislodge two PHT future trustees, Dotson, Jr., because his extensive governmental legal practice with County, Atty. Patino because in legal battle with county
A PHT Nominating council met Thursday morning and while the seven member health trust board needs new members a number of past selected candidates have withdrawn generally because of the stricter PHT conflict of interest ordinance that includes a host of conflicts not found at the County. And one high profile lobbyist and attorney Albert Dotson, Jr., was forced to withdraw his accepted appointment on the prestigious board overseeing the public medical jewel that JHS is and will become after a new $830 million GOB was passed to upgrade and modernize the facilities and has a separate oversight board watching how this new capital money is being spent also going to small and minority businesses and has a county commissioner Audrey Edmonson on the body and she is also on the Nominating Council as well.
>>> Could former Miami Mayor Joe Carollo jump into a future Miami mayoral race?
Former Mayor Joe Carollo Saturday night told the WDR when I asked if he was planning to run again for office. He shot back he “might run for mayor,” a post he held through 2001 and lost to Mayor Manuel Diaz after he had a controversial tenure in office and got him the moniker of “Crazy Joe,” and he was with Andy Handcock as they entered a local Grove restaurant but since only Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez seems to be interested in the job since Mayor Tomas Regalado is termed out in 2017. Carollo has plenty of time to consider any future options and has his brother Frank is on the Miami commission dais.
>> As you can see, there are several units represented, but a lot may be missing. Please help to promote this project for its potential for interdisciplinary curricular integration, and feel free to contribute work to this collection, which can be as easy as emailing a PDF, URL, or other file (even if some things aren’t captured, they can help with that, too)! Contact Jamie Rogers ( or Dr. Robert Gutsche Jr. ( for more information, or to add the work of your units or recommend others.
As always, you can visit our SLSC website for more info, or email us ( with any questions and/or recommendations for other events to include. Thank you,
Brad Schonhoff
Communications Coordinator an here is a video of Miami PD doing the running man challenge very funny especially the end and has 179,000 views as of last week.
City of Sweetwater’s running man video totally different from the one in MIAMI and has certain City of Sweetwater edge to but it’s a must see it
>>> Press release: Miami Beach Enforces All Prevention Measures – Miami Beach asking residents and businesses to do their part to reduce mosquitoes —
Miami Beach, FL – City officials continue taking all necessary steps to ensure effective and efficient elimination of mosquitoes in the Miami Beach area, including having Code Compliance Officers scour the city to determine and rectify potential risks.
“The city’s public works and sanitation crews have been on overdrive with addressing standing water on the public right-of-way, and we’re also doing our part to make sure the community is stepping up their game with the threat of Zika,” said Code Compliance Manager Sarah Saunders. “Our team is working tirelessly to ensure all business and property owners are complying with ensuring no standing water.”
If code inspectors determine that visible conditions within private property are an immediate threat to healthy, safety or welfare of the public, he/she may order the immediate correction of the violation at the expense of the occupant, owner, or operator. This violation, known as forthwith, carries a fine of $1,000 for the first offense and $2,000 per each additional infraction.
Since the beginning of June, crews have dispersed standing water on streets if it has been stagnant for more than 24 hours. Where a significant volume of water is involved, it is being vacuumed out or treated with an environmentally-friendly larvicide. All showers along the beach walk have standing water removed on a daily basis in the early morning hours, and crews inspect alleyways on a daily basis to remove any litter or illegally dumped waste, which could be a potential breeding ground.
As of January, all catch basins in stormwater drains have been either pumped out to eliminate standing water, or using larvicide where standing water could not be removed or prevented.
At pump stations, the set points on the floats have been adjusted to circulate the water; in addition to having larvicide placed in the wet wells. This year, the City of Miami Beach has invested over one million dollars in vacuum trucks to improve cleanliness of the system.
City irrigation systems have also been adjusted to not activate if there has been a recent rain event, and broken irrigation line repairs have been prioritized. At city facilities, larvicide has been introduced into any dumpsters or containers holding water. All other items collecting rain water have been removed or eliminated.
“All City of Miami Beach employees, working indoors and outdoors, have been provided with mosquito repellent,” added Morales. “We strongly encourage all businesses on this urban-island to take the same precautions with their employees.”
>>> Press release: FFCR’s Claws for Kids Luncheon is an annual tradition! Whether you’re a regular or have never been before, don’t miss out. Mark your calendar and keep your claws ready to grab a ticket! In the meantime, check out these pics from last year’s event.
Please contact Candice Maze at
or 305.679.2735 for more information or to inquire about Sponsorship packages. |
>> Press release: The Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science and Miami Science Barge join together to bring the expression of art to a scientific experiment. Visitors will have the opportunity to create artworks on a drift card that will be deployed into the ocean. These drift cards will help scientists gain understanding of how the ocean currents distribute debris through the Biscayne Bay. Admission is free. Miami Science Barge
1075 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
>>> Now what? Will you at least vote? “Reset & “Pivot” should be banned from campaign speeches, just be honest and tell the truth
Public officials should banish the term “pivot,” and “reset,” and just tell voters the truth and be honest about their positions and this verbal fluff is not what voters want to hear. Instead honest and clear plans will get candidates what they want to be elected. And while I have been going by early polling sites from the West Dade regional Library site this past week candidate turnout at the polls is surprisingly low in comparison to past years where candidates stood in the rain talking to voters but that is a rare sight today. And that is a shame for this is a test of commitment to elected office and every candidate needs to experience this process. For it makes them a better person and voters now have their chance to help their community. And once again the Watchdog Report asks, NOW what? You did not run yourself, will you at least vote?
>>> Public institutions Collaboration must be our goal if South Florida to reach its greatness
Collaboration should be Miami-Dade’s watchword for we are too big with too many challenges and collaboration was one of the main topics at the Greater Miami Chamber’s Goal conference and with FIU President Mark Rosenberg, Ph.D. being chair of the Chamber. South Florida has never been a better position to leverage the academic excellence from the local public institution and not to go it alone and our other public institutions need to work together, like the Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade did recently and helped create some over 3,000 summer jobs with the assistance of the county and public schools district but with the limited resources it is important every tax dollar is used effectively and tax payers are getting there, money worth of these precious and scarce money. And this working together includes the 34 municipalities that many times signore what tis the common good an generally just produces more traffic and chaos since from the homeless population to many other issues there are no boundaries and what happens in one part of Miami-Dade impacts somewhere else for our 1.6 million residents are essentially on a ship and we have to learn to for our public institutions to learn and work together. If we are to attain the greatness South Florida can be while maintaining our environment. >>> And is one of the recommendations on an economic prosperity report done by FIU and is at
>>> One of Watchdog Report’s main missions is to keep watch on all the host of Trust’s in Miami-Dade and these organizations involve some serious public money in the billions
Residents in Miami-Dade County periodically ask why I cover all the trust’s found in the county, from the Children’s Trust to the Public Health Trust to the County’s Homeless Trust and it is because elected county leaders are always looking for new funds and while the raids of these public dollars periodically occurs like in the case of the Citizens Independent Transit Trust where the county is slowly paying back the sales tax dollars absorbed by the county’s transit system in what was called “unification,” by county leaders
But the Public Health Trust was also raided back in 20002 when county commissioners shifted some $ 70 million in unfunded mandates on to organization and that cost has risen to over $100 million a year and was one of the reasons the Public health trust needed a $830 million GOB passed overwhelmingly by voters a few Years back to upgrade its infrastructure and ageing main campus
After this past money was diverted over a decade by the County commission that does provide some $250 million in public funds for a maintenance of effort contribution. But in Miami-Dade where everything is political. I keep watch so that these organizations are kept whole and politics is kept to a minimum and this oversight helps keep the organizations on the straight and narrow when it comes to public dollars and it is no small amount of money and helps explain why there have been so few scandals in the past that plagued the county back in the 1990’s and was a frequent topic in the media.
>>> A Reader on danger of yellow pole barriers on 195, and sign petition asking FDOT to modify polls
>>> Great story on the Pets’ Trust. I’d love to speak with you and tell you more. You are right… will be an issue in the Mayor’s race.
Please watch this… Pets’ Trust…the Story password is movie
And read this……..
Michael Rosenberg
President Pets’ Trust
Rita Schwartz Cofounder
>>> And another reader sent the following the shocking truth about Miami-Dade Animal Services,
Coconut Grove
>>> The Watchdog Report is Celebrating 17 years of weekly publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing and why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2008)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
Badia Spices
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2016, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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