Watchdog Report Vol.19 No. 47 July 15, 2018 EST:05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Celebrating 19 years of weekly publishing since 2000
I had an IT problem last Sunday (My EarthLink account IP was hacked by a foreigner and ignore any stray email you might get saying it was me and hopefully is OK, However I have been IT blind and this report is a check on that and if it works I will be back next week) and here is that report. Here is my philosophy on why I do this? >>> This national story ran in all the Tribune papers around the nation and covers the early years of the WDR: and here is a different version Further, if this works the WDR will go back to my original schedule over the last 18 years. I also thank my supporters who helped with this expensive challenge and want to give a shout out to my IT maven Abdon Sarmiento of the Kent Electronics Technology company engineer for his help in getting me back in reporting. His contact info is 305 345 3288 Nd he has bailed me out of this IT nightmare that coincided with me 18th anniversary of weekly publishing since May 5, 2000.
>>> I also offer my condolences to the reporters and editors killed yesterday at the Annapolis Capital Gazette and included the brother of Carl Hiaasen Rob and this attack on the media cannot be tolerated. For more on the developing story go to
I am using a back-up list and any one that asked to be removed may get another one and I apologize for the inconvenience.
>>>And having a member of the press at public meetings gives teeth to the Florida Sunshine Law (and why you get a Flu Shot) and open meetings tape recorded keeps good governance in place and reduces waste fraud and abuse, and public corruption, and is why you don’t speed in front of a state trooper for example. And hope you can support the WDR efforts to have informed residents to public institutions issues, in our community.
>>> Further the in South Florida is an established news service presence, because most people are too busy to go to these important meetings. That is why my motto is ‘I go when you cannot.’ >>> Further, I am very efficient. Since I work alone, and all the information comes through me as a central point allowing me to see things at a 100-mile altitude and being an early warning system when projects have overruns or other issues. But my job is to sound the alarm and I have done so many times over the past years in a host of ways.
ARGUS REPORT: The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce held its 31 yearly salute to the military forces and I will do this story next week – Is reselling diabetes test strips for cash the new South Florida Medicare scam with the baby boomers short on cash, a gold rush could be on?
STATE of FLORIDA: >>> Former Beach Mayor Levine makes leading the polls gaffe, floods the airwaves suggesting $10,000 raise for state teachers, Former Fla senate candidate Green a billionaire jumps into candidate pack, how low will they go? – “Police will be police,” said Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina to Miami commissioners Thursday when discussing putting Miami police in the Miami schools. He noted a school environment is different from the streets and the WDR in an extended conversation with Miami-Dade Schools police. They all said in the schools it is “all about conflict resolution,” and I started to gain an understanding of the different environment dealing with students many with home issues. Will Gov. Rick Scott push back against arming teachers, and will he get $400 million in new mental health funding?
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Commission after charter review task force focuses on upping salary to state formula of $90,000, shot down nine times before, critical to limit outside income that has caused problems with some past commissioners – Fla. SPCA and animal abuse & cruelty needs help, cares for 77 malnourished horses, county hot bed for butchered animals, needs more funding to do mission.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: After checkered history A&M charter school terminates District contract, conflict of interest highlighted in 352-page forensic audit: sent to IRS-
PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST: Annual PHT joint board meeting smooth and an upbeat discussion after the county once thought of selling Jackson Health System to Boston investors, now while challenges is public community “jewel,” says chair, Bovohair of citizens GOB $830 million Making Miracles bond, says on track, low administrative costs, clinics popping up all over Miami-Dade, CEO Migoya gets rave reviews from BBC, though commissioner Jordan was “skeptical,” and gave the banker a “tough time,” that’s changed –
CITY OF MIAMI: Will MSL stadium on city golf course open floodgates on other developments on waterfront public properties Dist. 2 “in Harm’s way,” says one attorney, because of all the waterfront park land — Commissioners Carollo and Reyes wants commission auditor to audit BayFront Park Trust, where there is a “$1.5 million” variance said Carollo, brother Frank former chair and CPA headed the trust, Carollo has no trust in CFO and director, back in 2000 major scandal at entity with the director Ira Katz being arrested, case fell apart after federal, state and FDLE agencies lost the evidence, CFO tried to hide laptop in bathroom ceiling tile – Miami Mayor Suarez petition for strong mayor form of government getting close, but will voters trust all powerful mayor?
EDITORIALS: The Florida Legislature should keep its hands off the 20 counties that have Home Rule Charter local government is better with local leaders but yes not perfect, at least we arrest our own – Where does Miami draw the line with Lt. Col. Colmenares, stealing $300,0000 in donations for veterans? –Politicians don’t realize voter’s frustration is they are such hypocrites, many times (like now when congress gets paid but no other federal departments with the shut-down) in their own actions Florida Constitutional commission should insist on transparency, not darkness as Sunshine law gets diluted — Most politicians hate the press- Florida needs Sunshine Amendment many municipalizes out of control and get little press coverage or oversight, legislators are wrong side of this one
LETTERS: Important mission of Lotus Village, helping women and children needs community support
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> And here is the story done by Miami New Times when they named the publisher as the community’s Best of Miami and Best Citizen and to read the story go to:
>> Given his dedication and perseverance, this new honor, Best Citizen, is well deserved. Ricker goes to 2500 mind-melting meetings annually, from the Public Health Trust’s purchasing subcommittee to the Efficiency and Competition Commission to the Alliance for Human Services’ nominating council to the school board’s audit committee. Sometimes he’s the only public observe
Object: to be the Public Citizen for all those out there who can’t attend, and to connect and serve as an information bridge[electrolyte] among the special-interest-dominated Miami-Dade governmental institutions that seem newsletter, The Watchdog Report, celebrates its [18h] Anniversary. In a former life Ricker made a handsome living as an international salesman of heart pacemakers. As the hard-working publisher of Watchdog, though, he’s struggling financially — this even though his weekly compendium of meeting summaries, analysis, interviews, and commentary has become essential reading for anyone involved in public affairs. What his written work may lack in polish, it more than makes up for in comprehensiveness. So, raise a toast to the man whose official slogan says it all: “A community education resource — I go when you cannot!”
ARGUS REPORT: Heard Seen on the Street
>>> The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce held its 31 yearly salute to the military forces and I will do this story next week
>>> After decades President Trump meets with rogue Korean leader Jung Un, will charm offensive work? Possible with China in the mix but what of tariffs?
The world is waiting to see how successful President Donald Trump having met with North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jung Un and Trump’s unorthodox diplomacy style that includes a host of new trade tariffs that will ripple around the world’s economies and many nations wish the president would work with the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Further, trump’s push for tariffs with many of our trading partners is rippling throughout the globe and with the integration of global economies how this will playout is unknown and may be just a negotiating move.
>>> Is reselling diabetes test strips for cash the new South Florida Medicare scam with the high baby boomers short on cash, a gold rush could be on?
Want fast “cash,” says the ad in an alternative news paper’s back page and you are guaranteed “top dollar,” for any unused diabetic test strips supplied and paid for by Medicare. The strips come 25 to 50 per box and this needs to be investigated because it appears it may be legal. The Miami FBI created its first of later two Medicare Task force details back in 2002 and it has had its hands full given the pervasiveness of the fraud. For more on these organizations go to:
>>> May 5 Watchdog Report have celebrated 18 years of weekly publishing since 2000
The Watchdog Report is celebrating its 18 anniversaries on May 5, 2018 and when I started back in 2000. I thought I might do this only a few years, but south Florida is a giant tapestry that one gets to fill in everyday out in the field as I observe people’s interactions especially with politicians. Further, the WDR would not have happened if several things had not occurred. One such pivotal moment was when a well-known political operative who ran a host of campaigns walked up to me and said, “You F….king Little people we are going to crush you,” I looked at him and thought now I am really mad and I was more determined than ever to get a 28-year long Miami Commissioner J.L. Plummer out of office and Miami candidate Johnny Winton did just that to the undertaker. Who considered himself a “proud cracker,” with Plummer saying, “I hate everyone,” that was followed by a string of ugly ethnic racial epitaphs when describing different ethnic groups and I could not believe what a troglodyte he was.
The political consultant later passed, and number of people asked if I had ‘killed him,” even though he died from a heart septal defect in Weston. However, since I rarely talked in public people were suspicious of my motives. “He wants something?” said then Miami Commissioner Tomas Regalado about me in a second Miami Herald profile back then and I was honored to be a regular quest on topical Currents WLRN. Hosted by Joe Cooper. I was also honored to meet and interact with a huge number of people and one accountant taught me what to look for in an audit, thank you Arthur Hertz when he was chair of the PHT board. However, since I rarely spoke people wondered about me.
Further, I also want to thank all my teachers and mentors for taking the time to explain a host of issues over the past years. Especially my long-time sponsors who believed in my motto “I go when you cannot,” and helped fund me on what was considered a doomed effort to keep the community informed and I have tried to serve with honor and integrity. Further, in the beginning I also returned money. Since I did not want to be associated with the person. Something unheard of in Miami. So here we are 18 years later of weekly reports every Sunday since then unless. I was in the hospital and was saved twice for which I thank Baptist Health South Florida and South Miami Hospital for my survival.
What about the internet back in 2000?
Back then everyone was using e-mail and you would say to people at the time “my email is on the card,” very proudly and even then, there was a question if this would stay around but later exploded to what it is today. Further the community’s major public institutions were like giant ships in the night not knowing what each was doing in an aggregate way.
>>> I also pushed to have school board audit committee to tape the meetings since I had the only tapes of these and contained what was said about a variety of land purchases sold by politically connected individuals with one piece needing some $49 million in demucking given the containments.
During the 1990s one trick in Miami was to sell contaminated land to a public entity which would in one deal involve some $44 million to demuck and clean up the site but the land was owned by a politically connected man. Now deceased school member Betsy Kaplan once said to me “Dan your trying to keep us out of jail,” she said. I responded no kidding. And to read the early years go to Maya Bell’s long profile in the Orlando Sentinel and she spent weeks with me in an old BMW without air and it captured my journey in this endeavor and to read the national story go to:
>>> What about the issue of selling diagnostic diabetes test strips where “fast cash is available for the Medicare paid for test strips, but a cottage industry has grown around the scam and some webpages state the average payouts is some $260.00.
>>> The Millennial Task Force at Miami-Dade County gave an update and their recommendations to keep local talent here and avoid “brain drain.
If the Miami-Dade County Millennium Task Force is any indication trying to keep talented people here we have a good chance to stem the “brain drain, and these men and women are a huge population bomb bigger than the boomers and for them significant events have been 9/11, the stock market crash and the release of the Apple iPhone June 29,.2007
Commissioner Denis Moss spearheaded the task force’s creation. They defined a Millennial someone born between 1980 to 2000 and while there were 92 million boomers this cohort represents 77 million people coming and there in support of “free speech,” and being activists since “85 percent” have cell phones and it is clear there is a technology gap between elected officials as demonstrated when Mark Zuckerberg spoke to congress recently and the baffled look law makers had to some of the topics and universal platforms and social media as a whole.
Further the Chair of the Task Force Jonah Mosses opened his presentation in Mandarin Chinese and had lived for six years in Shanghai China. Editor’s note: The WDR thanks Commissioners Dennis Moss and Barbara Jordan for the creation of this group and the County’s Youth Commission and the new adults are learning civics in action and the role of governmental leadership in a Republic. The core mission is address “quality of life issues,” and “to attract assist and retain,” local talent said Moses and the body is off to a good start. They are smart motivated and media savvy beyond their years.
What about all these angry school shooters?
I have talked to a number of students out of college and if they though serious gaming helped produce these loners and socially awkward young males and a number of psychiatrist have also noted what serious gaming does, making many not socializing and literally getting back to gaming said one psychiatrist I know and the specialty is studying the role of gaming but this new addiction combined with the iPhone is creating people and kids that are two dimensional and semi binary in their social development and the long term affects are unknown
The Frost Science Museum also got a major donation from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and the 3-story aquarium is going to be named the Royal Caribbean Vista tank. The museums endowment continues at a brisk pace and is becoming a community treasure and the museum is expected to draw millions of visitors. The WDR was skeptical of the museum after the press and IG were excluded from the organization’s executive committees after the museum received some $165 million in county GOB money but the Frost’s and others kicked in extra money to complete the project and it is becoming a major draw to Museum Park.
Russell announced his withdrawal this week saying he wanted to finish on his political promises and to block former Commissioner Marc Sarnoff from coming back into office and has Sarnoff on his twitter account referring to himself as still the commissioner for District 2.
What about replacing Miami-Dade County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro?
During Wednesday’s Miami Dade County commission meeting where commissioners were discussing a replacement for Barreiro and many believed despite a $500,000 election cost the 13-member body felt it was inappropriate for the body to pick someone and that only happened last when Commissioner Barbara Carey-Shuler announced she was resigning at the end of 2005 and she recommended El Portal Mayor Audrey Edmonson to take her seat and she was appointed but ran soon after for the office. Further, when commissioner Myriam Alonso was removed then Gov. Jeb Bush appointed commissioner Jose “Pepe” Cancio, Sr., and the man said he would not run for the office and he kept his word and he reopened the redistricting process Since Alonso carved out Jose “Pepe” Diaz’s home and after that was done Diaz ran for the office in 2002 and won the seat.
>>> Potential candidates huddle with retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami at Coral Bagels, included UM president Shalala all vying for Dist. 27 congressional seat
A strange political huddle took place at Coral Bagel restaurant near US 1, in Coconut Grove last week where retiring U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami was spotted and was joined by former UM president Donna Shalala and then later by Miami Dade Commissioner Bruno Barreiro, a Republican trying to fill the long-term congresswoman District 27 and he is facing a few challengers e Democrats are eyeing the seat and Shalala faces a host of challengers but two already have Dropped out and while Shala is polling well. She may find she faces some backlash within the party. However, Shalala is dominating the air war on media ads and her skipping a debate raised hackles with Democratic Party activists.
>>> Knight Foundation injects $2. 5 million to fact check news
The John S. and James L. Knight foundation has committed $2.5 million to organizations fighting fake news and the idea of fake news. I believe started when Dan Rather of CBS ran a story on George Bush II that turned out to be wrong and after that mistake broke a republican candidate when I was interviewing him said “are you going to Rather me?” I joked back you want me to FOX you instead and that blunder on Rather’s part started the ball rolling and then Brian Williams (who still has a snarky attitude) added to the fire when he embellished his military coverage and saying he had been under fire which was not true.
>>> Connect Miami is a new program trying to get residents to engage with their neighbors and friends to broaden community interaction something that at times may be difficult to do. And for more go to And Many of the events are the future.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jeff Green is going through his personal billionaire money running endless ads depicting his early life and how his dad’s textile company went bankrupt, but the massive air campaigning is countering Miami Beach mayor Philp Levine’s ads that are featuring his mother and she touts his increase in pay for teachers without raising taxes.
>>> Former Beach Mayor Levine makes leading the polls gaffe, floods the airwaves suggesting $10,000 raise for state teachers, Former Fla senate candidate Greene a billionaire jumps into candidate pack, how low will they go?
The race to see who the Democratic Party’s gubernatorial champion will be is getting more combative and former Miami Beach mayor Philip Levine made a gaffe at a debate when he noted. He was the front runner in the polls and is one df most dangerous comments a candidate could make in the crowded field of Democratic Party gubernatorial candidates vying for the state’s top job.
Further, billionaire Jeff Greene has joined the pack of candidates and he ran for the senate back in 2010 and was beaten by congressman Kendrick Meek and ultimately lost to Marco Rubio. Greene is well educated and has an economics degree from Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from Harvard’s Business School. However, his large yacht did some damage to coral but with his massive personal war chest he can sustain a media air war. For more on the man go to:
Further some are speculating that Levine if not successful might run for mayor of Miami-Dade and his extensive ads here in South Florida are effectively raising his profile locally.
What about the Fla. U.S. senate race and when will nelson kick in the after burner?
However, Democrats are wondering when Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, D. Fla will fire up his campaign since out going governor Rick Scott is dominating the airwaves and defining the once Florida agriculture secretary as a career politician. Nelson once a payload specialist on a space shuttle flight has been a strong advocate for NASA and got a satellite launched to study and warn of strong solar flares from the sun hitting the planet but when he first ran in 2000 he faced a weak republican candidate former U.S. Rep. Bill McCullum who had played a role in the president Bill Clinton’s impeachment and was a one issue kind of candidate, that voters waved off and Ultimately and went to Nelson.
>>> IT will be “fun,” Scott tells media on April 9 press conference, termed out he is expected to announce his run for senate challenging incumbent Nelson, NPA voters key to state victory
Gov. Rick Scott is holding an April 9 press conference that he says, “will be fun,” where he is expected to announce he is running for the U. S. senate challenging U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. And the healthcare executive won in a tea party wave 2010 election. Scott who raised his profile during hurricane Irma has been mulling the race for the most exclusive club in the world and since his first election he has used his own money to finance his own races.
However, Scott is not a natural campaigner and is seen as scripted by reporters trying to ask off topic questions, but Nelson also comes off stiff and he won his first term back in 2000 because he ran against a weak candidate in former Republican congressman Bill McCollum. Further, in the last few years Scott has shown to moderate some of his positions including signing a law making the age to buy a gun 21 and a three-day waiting period. Scott a Navy veteran is younger than Nelson and the race is expected to be very partisan in nature and the variable is the candidate’s ability to generate enthusiasm. In a state where No Party Affiliation, or independent is the fastest growing segment and some 47.32 percent of the registered voters. But in a study if a voter leaves the question of party blank they are given NPA status for more go to:
>>> “Police will be police,” said Miami Police Chief Jorge R. Colina, to Miami commissioners Thursday when discussing putting Miami police in the schools. He noted a school environment is different from the streets and the WDR in an extended conversation with Miami-Dade Schools police. They all said in the schools it is “all about conflict resolution,” and I started to gain a better understanding of the different environment dealing with students many with home issues.

>>> The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade Annual Report is out and to see what the organization has done over the years go to; and is seen when children have to repeat a grade and results in a large community bubble and County Commissioner Dennis Moss noted when he was in school there was a “Truancy officer,” and they would pick you up take you to school and also “call your mama,” said Moss but that oversight is hard since a parent may be taking care of multiple kids and not able to ensure her children are in school and the lack of literacy was brought home when the County’s Police Department Director Juan J. Perez told a committee when he was in school he spoke no English and was held back an d he said he learned to read ‘real fast after that,” wake up call. And at a county commission meeting the issue of literacy and the lack of it among certain parts of the community had Jean Monestime wondering how he can do more in his own community to foster literacy and the Children’s trust has a host of reading programs throughout the county including in the summer free books being sent to eligible students. Further since its creation in 2002 there have been no scandals and the entity fended off county commissioner Natacha Seijas who years ago wanted to tap in the trust’s reserves, but the large board rebuffed her attempt to raid the body.
Who is being awarded the David Lawrence, Champion for Children Award?
Circuit Court Judge Cindy S. Lederman and Earl Maulding are receiving this prestige’s award at a ceremony at Jungle Island Jun.14 and Lederman a family and juvenile court judge has been a strong advocate of children’s being rehabilitee and get the proper medical treatment if necessary and both well deserve the award. For more go to
Further Trust CEO Jim Haj told and updated county commissioners recently and Commissioner Sally Heyman suggested they put more articles in the Community newspapers that are free and cut a wide swath in communities explaining some of the upcoming programs and here is the latest trust annual report:
What about the United Ways new program?
United Way of Miami-Dade County has several programs for-not for-profits with good ideas fostering their growth for more go to:
>>> Commission after charter review task force focuses on upping salary to state formula of $90,000, shot down nine times before, critical to limit outside income that has caused problems with some past commissioners
A discussion of the Charter Review task force recommendations at the BCC was debated and the usual topic was paying commissioners a decent salary (roughly $47,000 with benefits but was set at $6,000 in 1957) and the issue of a raise has been put on the ballot nine times and always shot down. Further, the main blocking point though is outside employment not being eliminated and when commissioners carp about their salary. I ask why you ran then if you’re that disgruntled about the compensation.
What about the BCC’ s make-up women Rule?
Commissioner Barbara Jordan noted after newly minted County Commissioner Leslie Higgins was Elected to county Commission on the 13-member commission had most women commissioners, and years ago I asked if this change would cut down on the alleged corruption charges being leveled at commissioners over the years after a variety of county commissioners were indicted since 1997.
Former County Attorney Robert Cuevas chaired the large and diverse Charter task force. Audrey Edmonson said she wanted to support the task force recommendations ‘since they were criticized,” by the press for not following the task force recommendations. Jordan asked why we have recommendation’s and if they are ignored if that was the case “why have the task force?” she considered along with Edmonson.
And to review the task force recommendations: go to
>>>> Press release: Property Appraiser numbers press release: Miami-Dade County Property Values Continue to Increase in 2018
Miami-Dade County, FL –
Property Appraiser Pedro J. Garcia has released the 2018 Preliminary
Certification of Taxable Values to taxing authorities in Miami-Dade County. The countywide taxable value
for 2018 is $290,087,138,467, a 6.5% increase from 2017. The increase was fueled by over $5.6 billion
worth of new construction value countywide.
“As the real estate market continues to strengthen, many new home owners will find it more difficult to find
affordable single-family homes. However, we are seeing a slight decrease in the condominium values,
which may provide some relief to first time home buyers,” said Property Appraiser Garcia.
The following municipalities experienced a double-digit growth, primarily driven by new construction:
Surfside (43.5%)
Bay Harbor Islands (17.8%)
West Miami (15.7%)
North Miami Beach (15.6%)
Florida City (13.4%)
Biscayne Park (11.5%)
Opa-Locka (10.4%)
Hialeah Gardens (10.3%)
The 2018 Preliminary Certification of Taxable Values allows the taxing authorities, such as county
government, municipal governments, the school board and The Children’s Trust, to prepare their 2018-2019
fiscal budgets, and adopt proposed millage rates, which will appear on the Notice of Proposed Property
Taxes mailed to all property owners in late August.
Individual property assessments are available online at the Property Appraiser’s website. Property owners
are encouraged to look up their 2018 assessments. If they have any questions or would like to review them
assessment, they may visit our office in Downtown Miami (111 NW 1st Street, 7th Floor) or the South Dade
Government Center (10710 SW 211th Street, 2nd Floor), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For
their convenience, they can also schedule an appointment online or call us at 305-375-4712.
The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notice) will be mailed by August 24th, which will provide
property owners with their proposed property tax and exemption benefits information.
# # #
2017 2018 2018
Preliminary Taxable Value Preliminary Percent
Taxable Before New Percent New Taxable Change
TAXING AUTHORITY Value Construction Change Construction Value FROM 2017
01 MIAMI 49,621,309,999 52,023,346,394 4.8% 1,333,758,639 53,357,105,033 7.5%
0101 MIAMI (DDA) 18,781,633,588 18,816,013,856 0.2% 653,890,413 19,469,904,269 3.7%
02 MIAMI BEACH 37,397,062,490 38,701,545,195 3.5% 186,115,906 38,887,661,101 4.0%
0201 MB NORMANDY SHORES 198,161,758 209,647,105 5.8% 2,458,268 212,105,373 7.0%
03 CORAL GABLES 15,172,014,090 15,851,139,422 4.5% 172,237,874 16,023,377,296 5.6%
04 HIALEAH 9,500,349,638 10,241,580,234 7.8% 139,304,482 10,380,884,716 9.3%
05 MIAMI SPRINGS 1,121,725,782 1,188,519,599 6.0% 10,182,668 1,198,702,267 6.9%
06 NORTH MIAMI 2,839,843,057 3,055,020,779 7.6% 46,675,273 3,101,696,052 9.2%
07 NORTH MIAMI BEACH 2,535,675,965 2,695,580,360 6.3% 236,877,849 2,932,458,209 15.6%
08 OPA-LOCKA 803,622,462 871,429,709 8.4% 16,003,016 887,432,725 10.4%
09 SOUTH MIAMI 1,793,210,812 1,894,230,849 5.6% 23,935,936 1,918,166,785 7.0%
10 HOMESTEAD 2,608,632,678 2,772,844,913 6.3% 84,656,141 2,857,501,054 9.5%
11 MIAMI SHORES 1,052,123,341 1,116,908,344 6.2% 1,124,616 1,118,032,960 6.3%
12 BAL HARBOUR 5,314,206,510 5,284,281,171 -0.6% 214,540,918 5,498,822,089 3.5%
13 BAY HARBOR ISLANDS 1,031,587,742 1,087,806,096 5.4% 126,932,233 1,214,738,329 17.8%
14 SURFSIDE 2,150,458,492 2,074,568,427 -3.5% 1,011,452,107 3,086,020,534 43.5%
15 WEST MIAMI 475,308,716 505,848,790 6.4% 44,220,679 550,069,469 15.7%
16 FLORIDA CITY 466,739,387 509,594,438 9.2% 19,840,698 529,435,136 13.4%
17 BISCAYNE PARK 195,190,024 216,078,634 10.7% 1,644,926 217,723,560 11.5%
18 EL PORTAL 147,250,932 158,416,286 7.6% 785,622 159,201,908 8.1%
19 GOLDEN BEACH 1,035,263,421 1,077,923,234 4.1% 17,842,214 1,095,765,448 5.8%
20 PINECREST 4,595,327,858 4,760,890,312 3.6% 49,595,183 4,810,485,495 4.7%
21 INDIAN CREEK 570,381,417 607,895,284 6.6% -7,476 607,887,808 6.6%
22 MEDLEY 2,093,417,657 2,226,614,579 6.4% 37,364,984 2,263,979,563 8.1%
23 N. BAY VILLAGE 1,037,240,053 1,079,815,372 4.1% 43,542 1,079,858,914 4.1%
24 KEY BISCAYNE 8,646,769,884 8,499,831,052 -1.7% 32,794,648 8,532,625,700 -1.3%
25 SWEETWATER 1,664,458,925 1,741,049,510 4.6% 18,035,788 1,759,085,298 5.7%
26 VIRGINIA GARDENS 261,912,040 267,701,461 2.2% 830,310 268,531,771 2.5%
27 HIALEAH GARDENS 1,165,367,342 1,252,645,122 7.5% 32,771,247 1,285,416,369 10.3%
28 AVENTURA 10,098,997,863 10,138,634,036 0.4% 227,206,140 10,365,840,176 2.6%
30 UNINCORPORATED 71,679,964,217 75,936,775,674 5.9% 835,466,071 76,772,241,745 7.1%
31 SUNNY ISLES BEACH 11,097,893,299 11,089,118,428 -0.1% 31,417,157 11,120,535,585 0.2%
32 MIAMI LAKES 3,017,332,354 3,147,005,348 4.3% 66,873,140 3,213,878,488 6.5%
33 PALMETTO BAY 2,808,998,560 2,925,759,513 4.2% 4,953,098 2,930,712,611 4.3%
34 MIAMI GARDENS 4,206,824,771 4,521,533,157 7.5% 55,436,433 4,576,969,590 8.8%
35 DORAL 12,080,554,247 12,592,820,904 4.2% 592,964,296 13,185,785,200 9.1%
36 CUTLER BAY 2,371,190,614 2,512,237,601 5.9% 5,472,391 2,517,709,992 6.2%
COUNTY-WIDE 272,431,699,283 284,432,623,061 4.4% 5,654,515,406 290,087,138,467 6.5%
FIRE AND RESCUE 152,301,861,642 159,309,275,618 4.6% 3,794,418,542 163,103,694,160 7.1%
LIBRARY 249,257,422,242 260,167,025,410 4.4% 4,015,671,692 264,182,697,102 6.0%
SCHOOL BOARD 305,125,757,799 316,534,110,043 3.7% 5,658,905,044 322,193,015,087 5.6%
S FL WATER MNGT DIST 274,675,558,823 286,679,122,370 4.4% 5,658,893,326 292,338,015,696 6.4%
FL INLAND NAV DIST 274,675,558,823 286,679,122,370 4.4% 5,658,893,326 292,338,015,696 6.4%
THE CHILDREN’S TRUST 274,675,558,823 286,679,122,370 4.4% 5,658,893,326 292,338,015,696 6.4
>>> Fla. SPCA and animal abuse & cruelty needs help, cares for 77 malnourished horses, county hot bed for butchered animals, needs more funding to do mission
The Florida SPCA has a contract with the county’s animal services and cruelty to animal’s department but sent a letter to Commissioner Sally Heyman and the organization did a heart wrenching video of abused and starving animals from 77 horses currently, but the funding is lagging after Hurricane Irma impacted the facility where the animals are fed and brought back to health. The SPCA complained of slow payments and the county budget for this service by the SPCA is $68,000 and is not keeping up with the volume of abandoned animals and are requesting bumping it to $175,000. More consistent with the cost of the SPCA providing these large animal services that is a chronic plaque in Miami-Dade with the butchering of horses being a persistent problem and involve the county’s PD. Th video was heart breaking and gruesome and everyone thanked Heyman for bringing it to the county’s attention. Heyman said. I am working on a new agreement with the SPCA that will be beneficial for all parties involved.
What about the animal shelter? That is not a no kill facility and advocates have a host of stories with a hold on the dog by one owner but is killed. I hear these stories on a Dailey basis and I think county commissioners may lose votes after the public overwhelmingly voted for a Pet Trust that was blown off by commissioners and the animal advocates are passionate and I expect will be reflected in some commission campaigns.
What about shot spotter technology 80% of shots residents hear do not call 9/11?
A presentation by a regional rep of shot spotter which employs sensors around the county and the facts show only a small number 80 percent of people who hear shots” will call 9/11 when they hear shots and many families have a “protocol,” when they hear shots and the rep believes they are afraid of being known as a “snitch,” and residents why call after hearing shots and no police coming. Commissioner Dennis Moss suggested they think “the police just don’t care.” One thing the shot spotters is good at is recovering shell casings which helps law enforcement on who the shooter might be. Further county police will soon be equipped with “license plate readers’ already in use in a variety of municipalities. And for more on the technology go to:
The race to replace Commission Dist. 5 commissioner Bruno Barreiro that embraces Miami Beach and Little Havana and had a host of candidates with Eileen Higgins coming in first in a special election and the final voting day Jun.19. Higgins is getting help from the Democratic Party and Emily’s List and when I went to early voting sites Tuesday I saw signs for Zoraida Barreiro at the Hispanic Library and Miami Beach City Hall. But neither candidate as the election clock ticks down to the 19th
Newly minted Commissioner Eileen Higgins was sworn in on Tuesday and she is a public transit maven and was a log shot in the race, but she prevailed with a little help from the Democratic Party in what normally is a nonpartisan race, but she will bring a different philosophy to the dais. Higgins who speaks Spanish is a Cornell University MBA and worked in the state department and is a good government advocate and an environmentalist and the district stretches from Little Havana to Miami Beach. Higgins who is Irish who takes mass transit wants to bring what she hears, and it Is an ear full Higgins ha said in the past.
>>> The county’s OIG issued its report on a P3 proposal leak by KPMG and concluded it was accidental. To read the report go to:
>>> A group of passionate speakers spoke against the extension of 836 at the County’s PAB Wednesday claiming it will only cause more congestion and would result in disrupting the community.
>>> It was revealed last week at a County Commission meeting that there is “15,000 frozen county employees,” and the reason for this is in the next two years the County will face a “$95 million gap,” said budget Director Jennifer Moon.
And these unfilled positions are going unfilled because of legislation changing the Homestead Exemption and governments are having to adjust budgets before this kick in in two years and this is a significant gap that the county’s administration must close in the months ahead n why some of these steps are in place.
>>> Further, last year’s IG annual report is out, and it is a fascinating read and the office has saved millions since its creation 20-year ago and to read the report go to:
>>> New continuum of care center coming for homeless with mental issues, JHS involved one stop center
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust along with Jackson Health System is opening a one stop public facility for homeless who qualify for a new diversion program with a mental illness and includes many veterans on the streets and is an old facility previously used by the state, but it will offer a continuum of care and was briefly discussed at the trust board meeting Friday. The whole community has been seeking ways to resolve the mental health issues of the homeless now drawing in people with opioid addiction and a drop of fentanyl can kill and many times is cut with cheap yellow Mexican heroin that appeared years past and is causing thousands of overdoses and the city of Miami spent $150,000 in procuring the miracle drug Narcan that can revive a overdosed person almost immediately and these people cut across all ethnic lines and the issue was discussed Sunday on “This Week in South Florida,” and to see the show go to
>>> And here is a broader explanation on the new facility Health System – Public Health Trust.
“Progress is being made to create a first of its kind mental health diversion and treatment facility which will centralize, coordinate, and provide a seamless continuum of care for individuals, including homeless individuals, who are frequent and high cost users of taxpayer funded services in the criminal justice and acute care treatment systems. South Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc., DCF’s Managing Entity for administering state substance abuse and mental health funding in Miami-Dade County, will lead the renovation of a former state forensic hospital in Miami which will bring together community-based treatment and social services providers under one roof.
The project will include an integrated crisis stabilization unit and addiction receiving facility, various levels of residential treatment, day treatment and day activities programs, intensive case management, peer support and mentoring services, outpatient behavioral health and primary care treatment services, and vocational rehabilitation/supportive employment services. All services will be designed to address the complex and co-occurring needs of the target population, including mental health, substance abuse, physical health, histories of physical and emotional trauma, and risk factors for future criminal justice involvement.
The facility will also include space for the courts and for social service agencies such housing providers, legal services, and immigration services that will address the comprehensive needs of individuals served. By housing a full array of services and supports in one location, it is anticipated that many of the barriers and obstacles to navigating traditional community mental health, substance abuse, and social services will be removed; and individuals who are currently recycling through the justice system, crisis units, hospitals, and other deep end services will be more likely to engage in ongoing and sustainable treatment and recovery services. The Mental Health Diversion Facility is championed by Judge Steven Leifman, who chairs the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust’s Finance & Audit Committee. The project has been developed with input from the Department of Children and Families and the Agency for Health Care Administration, which will be responsible for designating and licensing service providers at the facility. The Miami-Dade County Legislative Delegation spearheaded efforts to occupy the building based on a 99-year lease at $1/year. The facility is funded, in large part, with county General Obligation Bond funds, with additional funding provided by the Jackson Health and The Public Health Trust.
What about the Homeless Trust’s Rent Connect program with landlords?
The trust has a new program where people with rental housing can register their rental with the county and for more on the program go to:
>>> After checkered history A&M charter school terminates District contract, conflict of interest highlighted in 352-page forensic audit: sent to IRS
The board of the Charter school Arts & Minds is asking to terminate its agreement with the School board and the school on Commodore plaza has been highly controversial since its inception in 2004 and is known as a “related transaction,” since the building’s owner Manuel Alonso Poch was what caught the WDR attention charged the district $29,000 in monthly rent, however, that number in 2008 had jumped to just over $90,000. In monthly rent and caught the eye of the District’s auditors and a 352-page forensic audit was released and was sent to the IRS, and the school became a poster child of an attorney using a charter school to enrich his own pockets and here is some of the media on A&M and its compliant board and the District Audit committee received a voluntary letter of A&M terminating the charter school agreement. And here is the letter: and here is another story on A&M. h
>>>> Up to 3,000 students could get summer jobs, funded by a host off organizations, gives a boost to a resume as well, and in some cases hired
A summer job program pushed by county commissioner Xavier Suarez has blossomed to some 3,000 summer jobs in the wings with funding coming from the county, school district and the Children’s Trust
The school district along with Miami-Dade County and the Children’s Trust along with some banks expects to provide some 3,000 students with summer jobs and this is program started a few years ago, said Gus Barreiro on Your South Florida show on For more on the trust go to:
The School Board Audit and Budget Review Committee is meeting, and this board is the community firewall and watchdog and is made up of accountants and CPA.s and is one of the community’s best functioning boards with a smooth transition of its leadership since 2004 and that is a big deal because a decade before the chair Hank Mack never changed. Further when he was voted out there was “awkward pause,” in the room and the requisite plaque was created. Further the Audit department has a new Chief Auditor And here is the agenda and includes the WLRN audit.
>>> Annual PHT joint board meeting smooth and an upbeat discussion after the county once thought of selling Jackson Health System to Boston investors, now while challenges is public community “jewel,” says chair Bovo
The Annual Joint meeting with the county’s commission was a night and day presentation. BCC Chair Estephan Bovo, Jr. said it was a “leap of faith,” when the body reduced the size f the board from 21 members to seven and, but the commission passed and instituted some reforms that at one point some investors from Boston wanted to buy Jackson Health System. Bovo thanked Migoya for the remarkable job and gave a shout out to union leader Martha Baker. for working closely to make the hospital more efficient while keeping the world class medical care. Migoya noted Jackson did over $300 million in charity care and JHS has “cornered that market.” Though other hospitals have the same problem of uncompensated care.
>>> Chair of citizens GOB $830 million Making Miracles bond, says on track, low administrative costs, clinics popping up all over Miami-Dade, CEO Migoya gets rave reviews from BBC, though commissioner Jordan was “skeptical,” and gave the banker a “tough time,” that’s changed
The chair of the Citizens oversight board Jose Luis Gomez for the $830 million JHS making miracles bond, gave an upbeat report and the low administration costs for the major capital program that includes a host of community clinics. The voters approved this bond back in 2013 overwhelmingly under the leadership of CEO Carlos Migoya who has worked closely with the unions and was a key to getting the public hospital.
He also created a “protégé program,” that helps SBAs qualify for contracts and the capital plan is moving at a brisk rate. Ron Frazer an architect said the county should consider doing its own protégé program, he told commissioners on Tuesday where the body got an update on the bond’s progress. For more go to:
>>>> Florida Legislature needs to fund Ryder Trauma, the communities crown jewel for Trauma
What about Ryder Trauma?
Florida Legislators need to reaffirm the importance of the Ryder Trauma Center and keep funding for the medical center. One of the finest in the world and is the only Class I Center in South Florida and should be nurtured by law makers. I reminded Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, R Monday of this fact. He noted when a Florida State Trooper was badly injured it was Ryder that saved his life and he seemed to understand what a jewel the center is to the community.
>>> Trust continues to have clean audits, challenges continue ahead, closed the year with $30 million budget surplus, 50 days cash on hand, new rehabilitation Center property prepped Friday
The PHT trustees meeting was short and sweet Wednesday with the health trust having a “clean,” KPMG audit for last year and the auditing firm has been the trust’s auditor for 7 years but having no audit exemptions is a big deal and back in 2004 under previous management the trust took a $84 million chargeback on past audits going back to the late 1990s.
>>> New report on how JHS spending $830 million bond monies, going well
Here is the most recent update on the $830 million GOB passed by County wide voters to update the ageing facilities at Jackson Health System and the projects are going very well and includes minority vender participation similar the public schools oversight system and this public money is key to the communities’ health since there is a big push toward prevention and wellness has FIU physicians doing primary and family medicine and is a real boon in keeping healthcare costs down. To read the report go:
>>> Will MSL stadium on golf course open floodgates on other developments on waterfront public properties Dist. 2 “in Harm’s way,” says one attorney, because of all the waterfront park land that could now be developed
“What’s the rush?” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber at a Miami commission meeting debating the controversial Flagstone project on Watson Island. And both Gelber and Suarez (Net worth through 6/30/17 $245,015) went through the Good Government program run by former county commissioner Katie Sorenson. And one of the tenets of good government was following the process with transparency. However, when it comes to the soccer village. MLS stadium and retail plus a hotel on the city’s Melreese International Country Club for David Beckam’s MLS team and the deal where numbers were changing on Suarez’ dais was poorly presented to commissioners and shows Suarez’s leadership style while he seeks a strong mayor form of government where at the county people are having second thoughts about having a strong mayor calling Mayor Carlos Gimenez “King Carlos.”
Why is commission Dist. 2 “in Harm’s Way?”
While city voters must approve this project city leaders know with the right political ads it wall pass easily, perhaps with a dash of scare tactics bid. In the case of the stadium it was a not a competitive bid but very little of the deal was known with an army of lobbyist before the commission meeting a 14-hour affair with supporters of The First Tee organization whose home is the golf course and has changed the lives of a host of low income and handicapper kids get outdoors and are taught fundamental life skills and a host of graduates have gone to Ivy League schools
However, young Suarez could be taking a Greek Icarus political trajectory and believes given his overwhelming election that anything he wants should be on autopilot. And while he talks “Transparency and trust,” Manolo Reyes wants “to trust but verify,” but given support documentation available only at the last hour it appears the mayor and administration were winging it on the fly. Further commissioner Joe Carollo went after the mayor on details and he verbally clubbed Suarez, like a baby seal and the lack of study and transparency he believed going into the meeting and how the deal was crafted was the point of the spear of his criticism and Suarez asked the public to “trust,” him but after raising some $3 million for his mayoral campaign he is a believer the ends justify the means when I hinted out the amount he raised was “obscene,” for a municipal mayor’ s race, and he did that to challenge any opponents when in fact he ran against five unknown candidates who raised no money for their own races.
Francis the eldest son of former Miami mayor Xavier Suarez is the chosen one and he is said to be eying a run for governor in the years ahead. However, he is making a political calculation on this stadium deal and he believes he can make it a done deal with little commissioner input as Wilfredo Gort pointed out and Gort was looking for some attention since the stadium would be in his District.
The problem with unsolicited proposals is that Miami could have park waterfront land become developed and this could be that precedent even with city voter’s approval for development on Miami waterfront parks something eyed by the city in years past and is a third rail with many voters but the city does have some underused waterfront land that to the city is just an avenue for money after the city’s boom and bust property value history and has Carollo during these boon times spending city funds Like a drunken sailor.” Why is sophomore mayor Francis Suarez being verbally pummeled by Commissioner Joe Carollo? Suarez blows off the lack of transparency and insufficient documentation and details before the commission discussion and on “trust” says it is a great deal for the city since it’s a $1billion investment deal with Jorge Mas of MAS TEC and an investment group doing the financing and will “not involve any public funding.” Mas noted a stadium is not a “economic engine developer unless there is some retail and an entertainment complex,” and the renderings show a fair amount of green space. Further MAS TEC had a subsidiary JASCO that got an IG audit years ago and to go to that go to:
But the administrations info was half baked and reflected on Suarez who also got mauled by the other commissioners for the lack of “specifics,” and Manola Reyes who ran “nine times,” said his “dream was to bring transparency to Miami,” and he is not giving up on that dream,” he told his peers at the dais.
>>> Commissioner Carollo and Reyes wants commission auditor to audit BayFront Park Trust, where there is a “$1.5 million” variance said Carollo, brother Frank former chair and CPA headed the trust, Carollo has no trust in CFO and director, back in 2000 major scandal at entity with the director Ira Katz being arrested, case fell apart after federal, state and FDLE agencies lost the evidence, CFO tried to hide laptop in bathroom ceiling tile
Newly minted Commissioner Joe Carollo is maintaining his reputation of being a divisive force on the commission and an item trying to abolish the Bayfront Park Trust and the board Carollo chairs was being pushed by Commissioner Ken Russell who later withdrew it to promote peace on the dais and Carollo followed his brother Frank Carollo, CPA.
His brother believes there are a variety of irregularities regarding the Trust’s finances and he told commissioners when he met with the director and CFO he was told there was some “$1.5” million variances. Carollo the senior said he did not know these people and wanted the trust to be audited by the commission auditor Ted Guba who is very busy with other audits since commissioner Manola Reyes wants every city trust to be audited. However, outside audits are done for all these organizations already, but the former Miami Mayor thinks some of these could be cooked
What about the park’s scandal back in Jan. 9, 2000 when the then director Ira Katz was arrested after Miami herald reporter Tyler Bridges did an extensive investigative series of stories and when the trust was raided by federal and state authorities and the then CFO tried to hide his laptop in a ceiling panel. Further, back then the trust was getting some $500,000 from the city in subsidy and longtime Commissioner J.L. Plummer chaired the trust like a little fiefdom. The reason the city has so many trusts is the commission periodically raids any money in them and see the trusts as piggy banks. Further, the way joe about sunshine meetings the city could be under fiscal siege since a judge ruled in favor of a flagstone project on Watson island and the developers sued the city $120 million and another lawsuit is MESA is said to be coming.
What about the city’s finances?
Commissioners have been holding private “shade meetings,” where the administration and their attorney’s discuss legal suits and Carollo brought up the need for revenue a number of times and “hard times,” could be coming since a court ruled on a $120 million lawsuit for the city terminating the Flagstone project on Watson Island and another suit is going on for discussions leaders has at Miami Expedition Sports Authorities meeting that I have attended for years and involved a helicopter dean and seaplane base that was run by Chalk’s Airlines until a high profile crash shut down the service.
>>> Miami Mayor Suarez petition for strong mayor form of government getting close, but will voters trust all powerful mayor?
Mayor Suarez is coming off as the fraternity mayor posing in many photos on the web one being him walking in a parade for the nation’s national mayors conference in Boston and with sash saying mayor and former Miami mayor Manny Diaz with his own sash was next to him but what was odd was the Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina and two sergeants-of arms accompanied them. Along with Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert, III and this entourage looks ridicules and a waste of Miami taxpayers money and the younger Suarez doesn’t seem to be able to play it straight for he is a social media animal and tends to use people and children as props rather than being sure the city is providing the proper services, especially after all the Miami police shootings under investigation. Further, people are suggesting he might run for governor of Florida and he will have to raise his performance bar to pull that off and while he raised $3 million for his campaign. He is very Machiavellian politically. He is also becoming an incubator for new lobbyist as they rotate through the city as staff.
What about Paella Gate and Carollo?
An aide Steven Miro to Carollo recently fired is turning on the commissioner and is talking to the state attorney’s office about some of the commissioners use of public funds for food and paella meals served at senior centers and while a time-tested ritual to get these voters vote. And of the Diaz de la Portilla brothers Alek was also serving while he was running for county commission District 5 to replace outgoing commissioner Bruno Barreiro whose wife Zoraida is running and is being challenged Aug 5 for the commission seat and is facing Eileen Higgins, a Spanish speaking former Peace Corps volunteer who actually rides public transportation and while a non -partisan race she is getting support from democratic party organizations like Emily’s list that supports women candidates. For more go to
However, on Tuesday I went looking for the candidates at two early voting sites, one was the little Havana library and the other was Miami Beach City Hall and there were no campaign workers for Higgins at either site nor was either of the candidates and with the race counting down to days. It is expected to be close though Higgins was an underdog and long shot, but she prevailed in the primary where incumbents have a significant edge in a special election.
What about the Code Enforcement Board?
Carrolo made a big stink re the use of special master’s believing they favor certain attorneys for the frequent mitigation of code violation fines many times much lower than the original fines and Gort noted many of the “ordinary” people were old and did not understand what code enforcement the fines were where sometimes are astronomical but wacked down.
Newly minted Mayor Francis Suarez wants to be a strong mayor form of government and The county, Hialeah, Sweetwater, all have such strong mayors. Suarez’s father Xavier tried the same thing and it failed in the courts, but the new father thinks the city manager is a redundant position and the mayor does not have the power to resolve constituent issues.
However, several Miami commissioners think this is a power grab and makes the mayor omnipotent. Suarez responds the mayor can be recalled a lengthy process though and I suspect he will face headwinds on this matter. Further in talking to Suarez about the obscene amount of money $3 million he raised for his campaign. He noted some of the money came from a previous campaign and the whopper War chest was to discourage any challengers, like “Frank Carollo,” he ran against some unknown candidates. I concluded after the discussion where he did not seem to understand my point that in his mind “the ends justify the means.” I thought and is an interesting overlay given the strong mayor push. Voters will have to choose in the future about this governance experiment in the state’s largest municipality.
What about an agreement with the Village of Key Biscayne regarding events on Virginia Key and its lawsuit that went into mediation?
An agreement hammered out with Key Biscayne, by Commissioner Ken Russell failed 2-2 so the settlement failed. However, Commissioner Joe Carollo disagreed, and commission Manola Reye’s said it struck at the “sovereignty,” of the city and the concessions were ones suggested by the administration but will now be settled in court.
Carollo also questioned a Miami Off-Street Parking board member Larry Spring, CPA seeking to stay on the autonomous board, where commissioners can only confirm appointees. He asked Spring what he would do if he gave him proof “beyond the shadow of doubt,” that some illegal activities are occurring with rogue private parking sites that included one on a church’s parking lot at night and Carollo says there are numerous examples of this. He further, suggested criminal behavior saying when you “discuss, parking, and towing, you had better go and wash your hands,” his experience suggests. He is also thinking of requiring valet drivers to have a background check and many of them he says go through a cars glove box. For more on Spring go to:
The commission once again asked for cash donations from the dais to an attorney and the developer originally said the public benefit payment $40,000, got bumped to $100,000 continues bad tradition of shake down
Carrolo believes the city of Miami has been “taken as chumps,” when it comes to developers and after all the development all “the big fish,” did not make the public benefit he believes some of the zoning changes granted by the commission the city deserves. The issue was an affordable housing project that includes two units of workforce housing wanting a fifth story and when the attorney proffered $40,000. However, The commissioner Carollo pulling out his calculator doing some calculation thought a much higher number was deserved and that’s when the attorney talked to his client and then changed the contribution to $100,000 and returns a shake down policy that had the Ritz Carleton project having to pay $500,000 for every zoning variance to complete the complex and former Commissioner J.L. Plummer was pushing this policy that fly’s in the face of good government and is a horrible habit when done at the public dais to get into.
Residents on the Venetian Causeway want attention from the Miami Police department and the issue came up at a Miami zoning board meeting where the residents live in a co-op and they complained of frequent car break-ins and are looking for some attention since many residents are retires many said.
Arts maven Lewis “Mike” Eidson has kept his word and raised some $11 million for the coconut Grove Playhouse Foundation and is still pushing his plan for Richard Heisenbottle historic plan and is the one favored by Grove preservationist versus the County’s plan that is described as mixed retail that happens to have a theater. Eidson the former Chair of the Adrianne Arsht Performing Arts Center has said the county’s plan was not bold enough and would not draw top order acts and theater to the area in the Grove that sits empty since 2006 when it closed under fiscal pressure and debt and the county must 2020 to open the facility and could be sold as state surplus property and will revert to the state.
What about all the mayor’s travel?
Carollo also is taking digs at all the travel the Mayor is doing and he noted when he was mayor he did not do that much but Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado did extensive travel, many times with his children in tow. Further, Carollo and Suarez had a sharp exchange when discussing the creation of the Miami Forever oversight board and Carollo lectured Suarez on the city’s form of government and that it was not a strong mayor form that Suarez is pushing but meeting resistance.
What about the Watson Island Flagstone project?
Suarez Friday told the WDR that he believes the city appeal of a local court ruling will be successful saying past administrations due diligence for the Flagstone Development on Watson Island was flawed and the developer never had the financial where with all to get the project done and the company “had been shopping the deal,” he said, and the final verdict will be determined by the District’s Third Court of appeal. However, this deal has always been political and was selected by the financial urgency board created by the state and at the time was chaired by banker Adolpho Henriques and the Flagstone project was to pay the most of three proposals that were put on the ballot. The selection committee back in 2001 met at the Miami outboard motor club. Further, the city was sued $120 million for it claiming the development was in default and along with pension concerns the city is dealing with a variety of fiscal obligations.
>>> Miami code enforcement officers will be followed by a “beat cop,” says new code enforcement director high ranking Miami police officer, long over due
The City of Miami is cracking down on code violations and enforcement and a new director is a high-ranking Miami Police officer and these “beat code enforcement officers. Will works weekends and a new hot line is being established. Since over the weekends many people “cut down trees,” or do other violations including noise and Commissioner Joe Carollo led the charge and has asked how “Many blind code enforcement officers does the city have?” Further, the director noted “police officers, “will be “visible and prevalent.” The city has been known to be lax when it comes to the enforcement of the city’s code.
What about soccer fields on Virginia Key? However, Bruce Matheson told me recently that a 116acre land fill could be cleaned up and mitigated for some $5 million, a Hollywood firm did similar site in St. Lucie County, he said
Miami Commissioners are starting to express an interest in putting soccer fields possible on Virginia Key and it was suggested by Commissioner Joe Carollo and Commissioner Manolo Reyes who also noted the need for such facilities as did Mayor Francis Suarez. However, the Key is an ecological treasure and includes a major landfill dump that the county has $40 million from a bond to clean it up but says that is short. However, Matheson had an outside engineering firm Hazel & Sawyer, from Hollywood look at it and they believed the 116-acre landfill could be capped and mitigated for some $5 million and the firm did a similar project in St. Lucie County near their airport. Further, in this landfill is an earthmoving machine that was sucked into the toxic dump decades ago. But if cleaned up it is prime waterfront property and this dump should be addressed once and for all for Virginia Key needs to no longer be a Miami stepchild asset,
What about the new commissioner staffers and Gonzalez snares Napoli from MIA?
Miami Commissioner Manola Reyes has hired Jose Regalado as a staffer in his office and he is an underwater photographer and his brother Tomas lost to Commissioner Joe Carollo in the past election. However, it continues the political patronage of children of polls living off the public dole and Jose is the one that convinced his father climate change was real and had the city passing a $430 million bond last year.
Commissioner Jo Carollo is bringing in Anthony Rodriguez into his office. Rodriguez is a Miami man and veteran from the Chicago Transit to be his chief of staff.
Further, Emilio Gonzalez has recruited Joe Napoli from MIA where he had worked before under Gonzalez. And a former aide to former mayor Manny Diaz is on Gonzalez’s staff.
>>> Commission balks at rubber stamping board for Bayfront Park trust, at large members all Carollo’s choice
Commissioner Joe Carollo when it comes to the Bay Front Park Trust, he chairs a watchdog board. He wants to be able to pick all the at Large members on the relatively small board which he says is the “commission’s tradition,” but Commissioner Ken Russell balked at that and he wanted to see resumes” to see Carollo’s appointments. And back in 2000. This trust caught my attention and was then chaired by long serving Commissioner J.L. Plummer and the executive director Ira Katz was later arrested. However, Carollo shot back that he doesn’t remember of needing resumes with past candidates and suggested maybe the “CRA,” chairs not appoint their own board members if an exception can’t be made.
Carollo also during a budget update warned given some of the city’s possible liabilities and a potential $120 million settlement with the police and fire unions could send the city in a fiscal spiral and frugality should be the watchword. Further, and of course the Flagstone development suit on Watson island another $120 million liability facing Miami.
What about good governance at Bayfront Park Trust?
The WDR ears perked up when I heard this about the trust board members and was surprised. Carollo was so serious about having essentially a rubber stamp board. Since he is such a stickler on other matters, but this trust and the MESA board are a Miami back door entity to do projects on the waterfront. That rarely come to fruition such as the Flagstone project. Further his brother Frank had been pushing for an over $1 million German playground set that was a no bid contract and caused discussion among many the board members. Russell also suggested FIU professor Nathan Kurland be on the board. The man has been on it for some time and readers will see if Carollo changes his mind.
![]() Carollo |
![]() Russell |
What about the Miami Children’s Museum (MCM)?
Carollo also went after the MCM director because the not for-profit was seeking some city land about a half-acre for a new Autism wing and is offering to also make a park in the land left and would be maintained by MCM saving the city money. Editor’s note: Carollo said his wife had an autistic boy and one Miami Charter school once they heard the “A” word never called his wife back, he told his peers on the dais, and he thought that was deeply wrong he said. Without naming the school. He also reminded commissioners when he left there was $100 million in reserves back in 2001 when Mayor Manny Diaz was elected and blew through a lot of this reserve with the Marlins stadium and the Global Agreement with the county being the final strain on the Miami budget.
What about the Forever Miami bond Oversight Board?
However, Carollo wanted with MCM to see three property appraisals part of legislation known as “the Carollo Amendment,” that sates any projects on waterfront land must get voter approval and was passed by voters back in 1984. The city’s finances were very aggressive saying. Miami is dependent on real estate and when things are good the city “spends money like a drunken sailor,” and rarely socks anyway in a “rainy day” fund.
Lotus Village gets a $50,000 Drake donation
The Lotus House village since Feb.2, 2018 has 265 women and children at the facility and will eventually hold 500 women and children in the future and the shelter provides much need services for women and their children. And for more go to and for more go to
>>> Some leaders leave office with grace, others Sarnoff can’t live without the limelight, walking the halls and commissioner’s offices during commission breaks, even had a book done of his achievements something rarely done
Some elected leaders leave office with grace, while others still crave the adulation and former Miami Dost. 2 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff at the last commission meeting was shuttling between Commissioners Manolo Reyes and Joe Carollo’s offices and the man in a Miami Herald opinion column last week reminded readers that the issue of affordable housing in the Village West in Coconut Grove and the man who pushed his wife into running for his past office since he was termed out. Further, using public money he christened a book on his accomplishments while in office, and I suggested maybe he wanted an obelisk after his reign.
What was shocking at a commission meeting?
A Over town woman Karen Cartwright gave a blunt assessment of what it is like to live in Overtown calling it a “warzone,” with residents being threatened with AR-15 type of firearms and children are getting used to seeing “dead bodies,” on the streets and Miami Commission Chair Keon Hardeman who represents the area called what is going on “domestic terrorism,” that all the government employees see every day and Hardeman said around the nation Overtown is “known as where someone can get the best drugs,” he said. Yet the area also receives released inmates from county jails and since there is an UM state legislation allowing a “needle exchange program,” the commissioner wondered why the not -for-profit van doing the program resides in Overtown and wondered why this area is so neglected and has “residents in fear.” The exchange was more a pleading for the city to do something about it. He said he was tired of Overtown being treated like a “freak show,” said the chair.
>>> The Florida Legislature should keep its hands off the 20 counties that have Home Rule Charter local government is better with local leaders but yes not perfect, at least we arrest our own
Thank you, Florida Legislature, for requiring at local meetings the public has “a right to be heard,” and at the county commission and at local municipal meetings law makers are hearing a host of matters many times with the bark on and usually deal with a local community dilemma that might be heard without this new opportunity to be heard. However, the legislature is wrong to dilute the powers of Home Rule Counties and try to put a state overlay of laws that don’t represent the diversity of the state’s communities and since there are 20 Home Rule Counties local government is always better for residents and voters should let their legislators know they should keep their hands off parenting local government since counties already get beat up in the capital and since Miami-Dade is the state’s largest county with 2.5 million residents and a donor community by some 34 percent of the state’s budget, said the Florida CFO years ago. The state lawmakers should keep that in mind and let local government decide their own legislation regarding issues that affect the local communities.
>>> Mayor Suarez needs to lead by example, and be careful who he hob nods with, city needs to tighten-up
New Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has a unique chance to change the permissive culture of the city where practically no Miami employee wears their city ID or carries cards. Further, city leaders have to tighten up with whom they associate with and if someone is a convicted felon one might want to steer clear because the mayor sets the tone of the administration and after the last few years things were very loose and who you knew versus your competency, was many times over rode and Miami residents deserve better and every city employee represents all and should never forget that you are a public figure and a public servant something many employees seem to forget.
>>> Politicians don’t realize voter’s frustration is they are such hypocrites, many times in their own actions
Politicians are always asking for our trust but it is the hypocrisy of their actions that has gone on for years that makes voters jaded and even if voters pass something they then renege on any promises made and the Pet Trust is one such example and for many local politicians who are high maintenance they forget they work for the people and voters should not have to say thank you for running for office which periodically raises its ugly head and that it is a privilege that just sometimes is based on someone getting their resume punched and the idea of political dynasties in the coming 2017 election is not the way to elect our local representatives and the public can only hope that their true colors will not be seen during their time being a public servant. Further, with municipal elections coming. Since you did not run yourself will you at least vote Nov. 7 and make your community a better place with quality elected leaders or have a small minority chose your leaders. It is up to you.
>>> The Watchdog Report is soon Celebrating 18 years of weekly reliable publishing since May 5th 2000 and when I started back then I never thought I would be doing this so this is a national story in all the national Tribune papers: And while I have taken a licking over the years including some medical issues I have kept at the job thanks to my supporters who I thank so very much over the many years. And the community’s public institutions are better when it comes to them knowing what the other is doing. And Why I have tried to be an information electrolyte for these giant institution’s leaders and things and here is a national story done on why I started to watch government back in 2000 and to all the people along the way that have helped me I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
>>> Lotus Village provides vital services for Miami women and children
Here is some information about the Lotus Village. In Lotus Village, we seek to create a prototype for the future, in which shelter and services for those in need are fully integrated with the urban fabric of the neighborhood we call home. In addition to offering increased capacity with efficient design and land utilization, Lotus Village will include a holistic neighborhood health clinic and children’s day care and wellness center, serving Lotus House and our community. The shelter facilities in Lotus Village, to be operated by Lotus House, are being designed to accommodate high special needs individuals and families, including programs for youth, elders and the medically needy, a haven for those with severe trauma histories, pregnant women and infants, and families of all shapes and sizes. The children’s wellness center will offer child therapy services, nurturing parenting classes, a day care and playground. Food service and dining facilities will include training programs for life skills and job readiness, in addition to meal preparation, dining and a wide range of social activities. A neighborhood health clinic will offer a complement of basic and preventive health care, maternal and pediatric care, eye and dental care, behavioral health and wellness, and a wide range of health and wellness programming for the shelter and our Overtown neighborhood. Deeply integrated in the fabric of our neighborhood, Lotus Village will provide critical linkages to a network of service providers and resources in the larger community, empowering those we shelter and serve to build the foundation for enriched, happier and healthier lives. You can learn more at: >>> Further, Constance Collins the founder of Lotus Village has been appointed to the Miami-Dade Domestic Violence Board by county Commissioner Bruno Barreiro.
>>> The Watchdog Report publisher would like to thank the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for funding by the Knight Foundation with technical support from the Knight Center to maintain my webpage. The Watchdog Report webpage is free, has no pops-up and is just the news in a mainstream reporting manner.
>>>> The Watchdog Report publisher for almost 18 years now, has reported back weekly on how your billions of public dollars in local government are being spent. And how to help support me providing this information is at the end of the WDR. And I hope you will consider supporting keeping an independent news service out in our community, where what is going on with all our government entities is of critical benefit for both the public institutions but voters as well l. Thank You.
And to my Supporters I pledge to keep ‘going when you cannot.’ And we have about $9 billion in GOB funds being spent through a variety of public institutions and that is no small number and in the past I have broken the story on Cuban refugees coming in droves and also the Oriental fruit fly quarantine and its huge economic impact to name just a few of the more recent stories in past WDR’s.And I also keep watch for the all-important tourism industry and with the Zika Virus people are starting to understand how vital these tourists are for a host of amenities like culture and the arts, Jackson health System and transportation dollars all entities that benefit from tourism sales tax dollars.
>>> And while the Watchdog Report has reached 19 years of using my own money to survive in the costlier Miami community. And while I have cut expenses I need my readers help. In this fast-changing world and with Pay Pal now you can easily use a credit card to contribute and I hope you will consider helping to keep someone out in the field. And I have not wanted to be a lobbyist but rather a lobbyist for everyone and is why I use the tag line ‘I go when you cannot’. But things were made worse after spending 18 days in the hospital with a badly infected finger. And is why I am behind sending my traditional thank you letter to any supporters contributing and hop to catch up soon. And I thank these people from the bottom of my heart for the past financial help.
>>> I just ask any reader, once a year who thinks this community resource is valuable to contribute via my Pay Pal account for the fiscal issues sometimes keeps me from going to a meeting sometimes, and the stress also affects my health and only with my readers support can “I go when you cannot,” thank you and hope you will help so the WDR can celebrate 18 years on May 5th. 2018.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account at
>>>And you can now easily support the Watchdog Report by going to my new PayPal Button account, you know you want to do it at for as media resources contract residents still need to know that someone is also watching out for their interests. Because government watched is a better governing experience for voters and their local quality of life?
Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan.
However, it is no easy task to do the WDR weekly. And years ago, the county Ethics Commission did a report that suggested over the past decade some $50 million had been spent fighting waste fraud abuse and public corruption and having the press at public meetings (some very obscure) changes the tone of the meeting (and is why you don’t speed past a state trooper, if you’re smart) Further, I have tried to be an information electrolyte available to all free between these large public institutions when I first started back in 1997. And many public meetings back then were not being recorded except by me and that is no longer the case. For an accurate public record is key and diminishes future legal action. For you either have an accurate public record or you don’t. And I hope you will consider helping me in this effort to keep the community informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. And I thank my supporters over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to:
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
HUGH CULVERHOUSE, Jr (The first contributor)
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2007)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
Weiss Serota Helfman & Cole & Bierman
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
Miami Parking Authority www.mpamiami
>>> Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors the Watchdog Report covers a few of the meetings attended weekly. It remains my belief that an informed public will make better decisions. Therefore, I go to meetings, make the presence of an informed citizen known, and bring the information to you. The Watchdog Report is in the fourth year of publication and it has been an honor to be able to send this information to you. It is sent to readers in Miami-Dade, Florida, the U.S. and the world. The Watchdog Report is sent to thousands free and while readers have been prodded to subscribe the results have been mixed. Over 250 reports and Extras have been sent since May 5, 2000 and over one million words have been written on our community’s governments and events. The report is an original work based on information gathered at public meetings, interviews and from documents in the public domain. I welcome letters via e-mail. Letters may be edited for length or clarity and must refer to material published in the Watchdog Report. Please see address and contact information. Please send any additions and corrections by e-mail, fax or snail mail. All corrections will be published in the next Watchdog Report. If you or your organization would like to publish the contents of this newsletter, please contact me. Please send your request to
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2018, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
>>>>> General subscriber’s names will not be published in the Report. To subscribe to the Watchdog Report please use the form below as a subscription invoice. *********************************
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Corporate Sponsors $1,000 (All levels above will be listed in the report with web-site link if desired)
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Individual Supporter $150
Make Checks payable to Daniel Ricker
3109 Grand Ave, #125 Miami, Florida 33133