Watchdog Report Vol.19 No.41 Dec.29, 2019 EST 05.05.00 – I go when you cannot – Happy New Year issue – Celebrating almost 19 years of weekly publishing
>>> Today is the Watchdog Report’s 41st issue this year and when I started back in 05.05.00 I never imagined I would be doing this weekly publication now closing in on 20 years. I am not a big chest thumper and just try to be an informational electrolyte, between the many large public entities (That in total is about $16 billion and Miami $1 billion). that make up Miami-Dade County. However, many times it is at the lower level of government that deals are made, and other beefs are discussed and to my early supporters thank you for putting your trust in me.
Further, on Wednesday at the Greater Miami chamber luncheon someone though it would be funny and come up behind me and punched my shoulder which is making typing painful and I m a handshake type of person and the worse of this was when I had two cracked ribs and County commissioner Jose “”Pepe” Diaz (gave me a bear hug) and I ended up in the ER, because I had trouble breathing. Since I did not have healthcare insurance at the time and the hug coast me $5,000. I will return next week with a normal report. (however, my shoulder blade still hurts. Making it painful to type) I had hoped after 20-years. People would realize that reporters and the police re very adverse to being touched for a variety of reasons.
I would be in the endzone for me, but that goal is showing to be elusive as supporters retire and the support contributions are in doubt and hope you will consider pitching in during this time of need. Thank you, Dan
Shriners Hospital for Children rip your heart out and to donate to this vital and helping children’s hospital click here:
Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo says a “MDC trustee called him and said manager Dr. Emilio Gonzalez was trying through the back door get appointed as the new president of Miami-Dade County College via “the back door,” he said the unidentified trustee said, because the man, “could not work with Mayor Francis Suarez, “said Carollo.
What about the search for a new president at Mimi-Dade College to replace beloved Dr. Eduardo Padrón a dynamo and fierce advocate for the nation’s largest community college with 165,000 students from all countries around the globe
Gonzalez a security and intelligence trained colonel retired from the army has faced some challenges with the commission and with his contacts in Tallahassee could try to get an inside track with the College’s trustee board with members mostly selected by Gov. Ron de Santis and trust chair Bernie Navarro says he is seeking “transparency in the process,” but info like the agendas can be hard to find and the board needs to really get more transparent for actions speak louder than words. And below is the info on upcoming meetings And here is the Miami-Herald’s take on the search that many thought the fix was in a possible politician rather than an academic leader was thought to be in the wings. Padron with his passion butted heads with legislators who short circuited his attempt to pass a half-cent-sales tax for the college that passed in Miami-Dade but failed statewide. Hence the call for someone political to tackle state legislators and here is the Mimi Herald’s take on the process. Further, in the future the WDR is going to take an interest if Navarro doesn’t keep his transparency pledge and do the right this for this educational jewel that produces the executives and leaders of the future.
>>> Carollo points a blow torch at manager Gonzalez, accused him of “forging [ building department document, in “1 hour and 23 minutes,” got six departments approvals city worker notarized the believed bogus document, city auditor will investigate
Emilio Gonzalez the city manager is on thin ice as commissioner Joe Carollo makes the accusation the manager in a one hour 21 minutes period got six departments to sign off on a building permit and a city employee notarized the document. However, a city document dated March of 1999 he claims was altered and back then people with a key were allowed into the secure documentation plate room and was a scandal back then and connected people were able to modify their survey Plat, with the city and was only cleaned up after former manager Merritt Stierheim rode to the rescue and he is a veteran manager in his long career. Carollo also attacked the managers work ethic and management style. Gonzalez a retired U.S. army colonel (with long experience in intelligence) along with his deputy manager Joe Napoli who does much of the work running the city’s vast administration with a $1 billion budget. Carollo called Gonzalez “a political hack,” who is running for something himself Carollo believes because the manager is always on the city’s television station and the former Miami mayor says the manager is trying to get the appointment to be president of Miami-Dade College which would be a stretch. Editor’s note: his military style and how he treats his employees is well known after he was terminated at MIA as its director after losing any procurement powers by county mayor Carlos Gimenez. Carollo said the man “is living the life of the rich and famous,” on the publics dime and regarding his banker’s hours work ethic has been well demonstrated. However, since his wife is ill, he was spared from being fired for the moment. Further, Mayor Francis Suarez was unable to defend the man and said he had no idea of what his work hours were, something not very inspiring in a public servant. Here’s his bio:
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
>>> IG Cagle report claims school board member Dr. Martin Karp and staffer pressured administration to keep bogus after school program getting free use of district facilities a program was not free and open to the public as stated in school documents to district, and the IG office was just reaccredited
A recent IG report found school bord member Dr. Martin Karp and his staffer pressured the administration to provide free space in a school for the Chabad Chayil After school program and the school said it was open to the public but it was not and fees were charged and had Karp over a decade helping to keep this arrangement in place writes IG Mary Cagle and to review the report go to:
After 20-years I need community help to keep at this and know you have many demands on your finances but if you can please keep me going when you cannot. Thank you!
I was once asked by county commission chair Barbara Carey -Shuler what I thought in the press room in the chamber? I said it was a blend of announcer and umpire occasionally like when MPO was going to give $10 million to an obscure a.m. station to do traffic up-dates that are already being done as a community requirement for free. The commission shot it down, but it had commissioner joe Martinez saying to the board member “you’re on fire, bail out,” and the commission did not pass it.
Further, I write about the homeless since back in 2002. I was one of the people laying on the government center plaza and learned these people were essentially looked on as trash.
Further, for some reason September has traditionally been a tough month when it comes to fundraising. So, if you appreciate what I have done for almost 20-years weekly using thousands of my own money go to: The WDR report will return next week. I need a break thank you for your support over the past 20-years.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time: Further, if you would rather send a check, send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to: 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan
Miami-Dade County
>>> Frost Museum of science ends legal battle after CEO Thomas fires all contractors to the tune of $4.5 million in legal fees,
Gillian Thomas the CEO for the construction of the Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum while leaving the country has left behind a $4.5 million legal fees after she fired the bulk of the construction money that included a Miami-Dade County contribution of $165 million from the 2004 GOB issued back then. However, Gillian in her deposition was critical of the Frost’s and some blame her abrasive personality. The WDR first picked up on the women when years back in the mid-2020s she came to a Miami-Dade County Commission meeting and at the podium demanded the county issue a bond for a new museum frame the location in the north Grove. Her attitude had long time commissioner Dennis Moss asking, “who are you?” Further, Cultural Affairs director Michael Spring when I asked about the project, he always told me it was fine right up to the point they ran out of money and needed a $45 million injection of new county money to finish the project and Dr. Frost had to kick in some extra money to finish the $325 million state of the art museum and removed all the board members after his contribution.
I write about this because the county is embarking on a host of large capital projects and overruns must be kept to a minimum.
>>> Dolphins founder Joe Robbie would be disappointed quarterback Dan Marino is spokesman for HCA health system, Robbie is a former chair of the Public Health Trust, new HCA trauma centers cuts into Ryder running in red since it gets the gunshot wounds versus car accidents ( with $10,000) in medical insurance.
Local football icon Dan Moreno is doing television ads for HCA a for profit hospital system and Miami Dolphins founder and owner Joe Robbie would be shocked that the signature quarterback would do such a thing.
Since Robbie was once a chair pf the Public Health Trust and includes Ryder Trauma Center the Crown jewel. I write about this because under Gov. Rick Scott a number of HCA hospitals were allowed to open Level II trauma centers from Kendal Regional to Aventura (and they are getting people injured in car accidents ( but generally have $10,000 in medical insurance) versus the patients Ryder gets, with gunshot wounds and a few years ago Ryder was losing some $25 million treating all the local patients at a time gun violence is at an all-time high..
>>> Homeless dying in Miami-Dade drops to 188 versus a high over 200 souls last year
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust met and there was some good and bad news. Last year over 200people died on the streets many by opioids and fentanyl and the hard life on the street. For the past year that number dropped to 188 people passing and getting people a job and housing is the goal and the Chapman Partnership placed 158 people in jobs and an apprentice program pilot is being tested with FIU learning construction skills.
What about Miami-Beach?
Mayor Dan Gelber led a delegation of officials to county hall and they donated two $175,000 checks to the trust and a second goes to the Domestic Violence Board under the trust umbrella and Gelber noted “It’s easy to give a check,” after him traveling to San Francisco and L.A. where chronic homeless numbers are soaring and becoming a community embarrassment. Further the Miami-Dade public School system the 4th largest in the nation has potentially’10,000,” homeless students and at Phyllis Weatley Elementary school “some 60 percent of the students,” are homeless said staff.
>> Zoo Miami is looking for someone to adopt a Rhinoceros and a host of other animals, naming rights, and the county Zoo has some great gifts

About Zoo Miami
As one of the world’s greatest zoos, Zoo Miami is home to more than 3,000 animals from all over the world. Among many sights, visitors can enjoy the NEW Florida: Mission Everglades expansion with alligators, bobcats, bald eagles, a Florida panther and more impressive Florida natives. Guests can slide along otters, come face to face with bears, crawl through a tunnel in the crocodile exhibit, float along the Lostman’s River “airboat” ride, play in the Cypress Landing Playground and more!
Zoo Miami is located at 12400 SW 152 street; Miami, FL 33177. Hours are 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; last ticket sold at 4 p.m. Regular adult admission is $22.95 (plus tax) and regular child admission is $18.95 (plus tax). Parking is free. For more information, please visit or call (305) 251-0400.
>>> The public safety committee at the county passed a MOU with Pinellas County that has one of the; largest facial recognition data bases in Florida
A woman with Miami-Dade County police Department said the technology was a useful tool. Though county commissioner Daniella Levine Cava was concerned about “false positives,” many times happening “to people of color,” she said. For more on the technology go to: and here is the mayor’s memo on the matter.
>>>>Chair’s policy council shoots down resolution saying Miami-Dade County has a “gun violence epidemic,”,” Sosa believed it would “be more negative than positive,” she believed
Further at the Chair women’s Policy Council meeting Friday a resolution stating that Miami-Dade county has a “gun violence epidemic,” did not pass and while commission chair Audrey Edmonson said she could not support it,” because it means the “federal government could step in, she felt and Commissioner Rebeca Sosa believed such a resolution would be “more negative than positive,” believing local community policing was the way to go.
What about local musicians at MIA?
Commissioner Javier Souto suggested to MIA director Lester Solis that people going to MIA are “stressed,” after a recent incident with customs and having musicians playing classical or jazz from all the different public schools quite talented could showcase their talents and would make waiting passengers more “serene,” and it is a great idea.
Voter apathy high at municipal elections, corrosive to the republic
The low turnout of the municipal elections last week shows voter apathy is a continued problem in Miami races only 14.96 percent of eligible voters voted and while there are some runoffs this lack of turnout is corrosive to our republic and local government has more impact on ones lives and family and while it could cost more too schedule these elections with the governor races or other high turnout elections and while the off year election theory is television ads would be cheaper. Which is valid but local government has a history of trying to slip an issue on a low turnout date like at Miami-Dade county in 1989 when the county tried to get a one-cent transportation sales tax passed with the election in late July that year and it failed by 2 to one back then.
The City of Miami employees and lobbyist went through ethics training on Monday in the commission chambers and these classes should be broadcast on the city’s station. Robert Thompson teaches the course as the outreach coordinator. He gives hypothetical situations and asks the group of some 30 people if they know the answer, some of which are trick questions.
However, a segment should apply to city attorney’s to intervene when board members during a recess might be discussing an earlier case after commissioner Joe Carollo testified a in front the civil service board members during a recess had an extensive conversation on the dais and the city attorney should discourage this sort of off the record communication that they attend in their city capacity and includes county attorney’s given the some 90 boards the county has where designated attorney’s attend.
Sunshine violations need to be investigated happening all over the municipalities some examples need to be found
Here’s an introduction to the ethics commission’s new executive director Jose Arrojo, who came from the state’s attorney’s office.:
>>> With wide swath of County mayoral candidates, trying to be non-partisan, will it stay that way? I believe no
With the pool of candidates running for Miami-Dade county mayor to replace termed out mayor Carlos Gimenez increasing with former commission chair Jean Monestime, a family man with a MBA from F.I.U. and the county’s first Haitian commission chair and succeeded past commissioner Dorrin Rolle in the district seat after a number of ethical Lapses and the man has been straight on the 13 member commission creating a committee to look at economic disparities in the county.
The dark horse is former Mayor Alex Penelas, a Democrat, burned President Al Gore’s campaign and ‘did not lay a finger,’ to help Gore after being reelected in 2000 and disbanding his campaign and going to Spain. However, now it will be the runoff during the presidential race with larger voter turnout that may play the critical role.
Trump should look at the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust model to end homeless in Ca., a national model of good practices. No boulders on the swales like San Francisco
With President Donald Trump highlighting the homeless in Los Angeles (Where 3 people a day die on the streets,) “says trust chair Ron Book,” and San Francisco being indicative of what happens when Democrats are in control,
Both major cities should look to the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust model where prior to the creation we actually had a mayor of the homeless encampment and some 8,000 homeless on the streets of Miami that has dropped to some 800 on the street at the last point in time account that includes a continuum of care and includes facilities like the Lotus House Village that takes in homeless children and is a jewel for this desperate population of needy souls. Here are some numbers on the city’s homeless issue.
>>> Miami Loomis Park “hot zone,” for HEP A transmission, city employees being asked to get vaccinated
Further the medical crisis of Hep A is still being dealt with the Florida Department of Health and is impacting Miami employees and Loomis Park is a “hot zone,” and employees are being asked to get voluntarily vaccinated by health professionals of this contagious virus that is transmitted by human waste and rather than having public restrooms. The trust says the solution is “permanent housing,” via the trust’s rent connect program. Further, cleaning of sidewalks making, and the cities are paying for the clean-up and sanitizing
What about the Super Bowl and sex trafficking and the Guardian Litem Program (GAL)?
At a school board meeting a few months ago a human trafficking expert and prosecutor said with the big event traffickers are building “capacity of young girls,” and many of the 7th and 8th graders are in foster care. Further the pimps use 7th and 8th graders to recruit these new young girls and this was brought into focus after N.E. Patriots owner Robert Kraft was busted in a Broward massage parlor. Further state attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle also busted some people doing sex trafficking and this dark side of the community will only intensify up to the Super Bowl next year.
State attorney Rundle in a Sunday editorial noted some 570 people over years have been arrested for human trafficking and her office is working with Super Bowl host committee chair Rodney Barreto. And the state attorney this week busted a couple, and this is an ugly scourge on our community with many retirees on break the Guardian Ad Litem program is looking for children advocates. The organization provides training for these children representatives. For more call Victoria Harris at 786.469.3840.
Miami has become a premier cancer care destination, UM & $400 million Proton therapy at Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida all cutting edge cancer centers, community residents are lucky when it comes to new cancer therapies, Baptist giving low cost mammogram tests during breast cancer month and has Coral Gables police cars in the pink.
Miami has become an area destination for cancer care with University of Miami’s new Federal designation as a National Cancer Institution (NCI) and The Baptist Health South Florida Miami Cancer Institute is the health system with a Proton beam device. The only one in South Florida and a $400 million investment in cancer care, especially for children, and patients who no longer must go to north Florida to get this less damaging treatment than chemotherapy and is more precise for more go to: for more on Baptist go to: Further Baptist has a low cost breast cancer screening program that is only $50.00 and for more go to
And when it comes to medical care early detection is key and as I age, I am becoming more cognizant of that fact.
And here is Dr. Stephen D. Nimer’s message on the new Miami’s NCI designation:
For more on lotus House go to
We did things to create new best practices, and if you had the opportunity, which you may already have seen the video from the Chicago Summit, you would see that the other 4 that participated in this 100 Day Challenge were truly taken by our efforts, commitment, and our success. We blew our goals out of the water, and we will continue to push, and pursue every youth that are on our streets until we have everyone out, and taken care of,” wrote the long-time chair.
>The 2020 Census Task force and the bureau are looking for census takers who are paid between $16.00 to $18.00 county commissioner and include health benefits. In the recent federal job creation report is 25,000 new census workers. Miami is appointing Jacqui Collyer to the census task force headed up by Bovo. He updated the commission last week on the census task force that includes the 34 municipalities participating and with the new year the census count really ramps up he said.
>>>And having a member of the press at public meetings gives teeth to the Florida Sunshine Law (and why you get a Flu Shot) and open meetings tape recorded keeps good governance in place and reduces waste fraud and abuse, and public corruption, and is why you don’t speed in front of a state trooper for example. And hope you can support the WDR efforts to have informed residents to public institutions issues, in our community. Further,
I am a fanatic about having an accurate public record with no gaps in the conversion after I had an attorney challenge such a gap saying, “IS that God speaking from a burning bush?” He asserted.
>> Further the in South Florida is an established news service presence, because most people are too busy to go to these important meetings., and all the information comes through me as a central point allowing me to see things at a 100-mile altitude and being an early warning system when projects have overruns or other issues. But my job is to sound the alarm and I have done so many times over the past years in a host of ways.
May you and your family have a safe a reflective Happy New Year and let’s hope peace reigns in 2020 and we make the strength of are argument, not the stridency of are voice this new year!

Miami-Dade, Fla.
Vol.19 No. 41 Dec.29, 2019 Soon Celebrating almost 20 years of weekly publishing! & Former Miami Herald news & editorial columnist. EST: right here 05.05.00, I go when you cannot, for 1almost 18 years & a trusted community education resource & news service, without the attitude
ARGUS REPORT: Heard seen on the Street
>>> Feds scrambling to find .5 million census workers by August, low unemployment, background checks making it harder, exemptions for non-citizens, community outreach is key — Elderly phone scam uses fear, persistence to try to take advantage and get personal information, hang-up, most government concerns come in the mail not by phone– Commissioner Reyes believes Miami should administer the Miami Dade County homeless Trust, 25th anniversary, he is not interested on serving on board, does not understand the homeless needs, drugs, mental health, people with crack pipes, on the streets,” continuum of care the trust provides a national model of best practices, in 1993 8,000 homeless, now 3,000. Community leader Alvah Chapman, Jr. led the charge for a public private partnership – f Bahamas shows depth of charity after Dorian flattens the Bahamas, similar to what Andrew brought to south Dade, and took a decade to recover-Local Grand Jury report says Biscayne-bay on life support, septic tanks poor infrastructure, plastics deadly to bays survival, past attempts to turn bay around have not been successful, but at tipping point, says jury report – Miami Civil Service board violates Sunshine Law with extensive discussion while on coffee break after commissioner Carollo testifies about firing of aide claiming whistle blower status, all caught on city television — 2020 Census complete count top priority $177 million lost in 2010 count only,82 percent, says census bureau outreach coordinator Diaz a former Little Havana resident $675 billion annually at stake nationwide $29 billion goes to Florida commissioner Bovo leading the charge, school district must work closely to ensure accurate count students’ best way to explain to parents what the 2020 Census is, undercount costs millions, maybe even a new future house seat like in 2010, the worse count ever after Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez sent fear through the Cuban community of the federal government, some $800 billion at stake for some counties around the nation.
STATE of FLORIDA: Press release: Help Fight the Opioid Crisis and Teen Vaping Epidemic by Participating in the 18th National Drug Take-Back Day, returned drug numbers are staggering – Threat calls into schools get amped attention as state attorney Fernández-Rundle notes such calls are a second-degree felony, not a student resume builder will be prosecuted -disruptive pre-k children getting “suspended,” new challenge for Children’s Trust — Complete 2020 Census count, outreach workers critical to get our share of $675 billion annually, some $29 billion in 2010, undercount costs $1,400 in lost revenue
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Homeless dying in Miami-Dade drops to 188 versus a high over 200 souls last year —Zoo Miami is looking for someone to adopt a Rhinoceros and a host of other animals, naming rights, and the county Zoo has some great gifts– One Heritage: The state of black Miami forum 2019 Thursday a major forum held by the Miami-Dade County African American Advisory Board created in 1974 under a push by the first black Miami commissioner Althea Range, includes the Black World guide for Miami-Dade see below a report on the black community, out of “16,000 section 8 vouchers, 40% go to blacks,” that shocked Fair, “creating dependency, not homeownership.” –F1 race at Hard Rock gets vetoed spiked at county commission meeting, mayor vetoes BCC cream of Miami Gardens leadership all against, citing noise and medical risks to residents left out of process- Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust wants to achieve “100 percent HEP A, vaccination rate,” JHS, agreement being worked on to have vaccinations given at Camillus and Lotus House in near future, statewide epidemic among homeless, drug abusers, preventable with vaccination, sweeping state– County Commissioners want to tighten up municipal whistleblower laws, will it run into municipal resistance like what happened with county IG office? –With Miami-Dade #1 in HIV infections UM Idea program showing results needs second mobility van for dispensing HIV preventative drugs Prep doses “middle school students,” at “risk,” too says county commissioner Rebeca Sosa an educator. At the disparity committee Monday, a sobering presentation was done on the rising HIV infections IDEA the UM needle exchange pilot program needs dedicated mobile van may get surplus county van suggests, commissioner Jordan: -The Miami-Dade property Appraiser Thursday released his estimates and countrywide property tax value rose “5.9 percent,” with a value of $307,213,billion and this revenue bump is because of the new development to see the report by municipalities go to: – Will county commission spend this new tax revenue wisely while new commissioners are termed out, how much in rainy day fund? — M-D County Youth Commission finds “rampant,” bullying and “code reds,” climate change, vaping new issues, body creating the leaders of the future, and note Miami is one of the first “cities to run out of water say,” studies show- Will the county float a new GOB for infrastructure, getting thousands off septic tanks, suggests commissioner Jordan? –Commissioner Souto says with humongous county government mayor should “crack the whip,” believes, running slower, “wants more eyes on major contracts”– Last week’s hot topics were, vehicles & furniture, “4 to 10 police,” vehicles a week can be processed by county in new police cars, $84 million contract, $38 million from previous year “1,006 new cars from that amount
Miami-Dade County Public Schools: Miami Dolphins super star receiver Nat Moore tells school board without opportunity to attend Dolphins training camp, “he would have been a truckdriver like his father,” Edison High graduate 1969, Dr. Karp sings Dolphins fight song to audience, includes team doing baseline concussions on students == District pays Miami $1.195 million to provide law enforcement to “17 schools in Miami,” part of GOB proceeds for greater student safety & teacher pay raises
PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST: Here is an update of the $830 million Jackson Miracle Bond program that is moving right along and changing the JHS in 2009. I did a fraud issue. However, Jackson Health System was fined for some wayward employees selling or leaking medic medical records and I interviewed the FBI’s Special Agent in Charge(SAC) John Gillies and to read the story go to: -Joint PHT BCC meeting goes smoothly love fest versus the past CEO Migoya says, “Doral west on budget and on time by Nov. 2020,” can be seen from landing MIA planes The new AOA agreement calls for health trust to pay $130 million to UM for a host of medical services and below is a complete breakdown of the services and payments.
CITY OF MIAMI: The city’s negotiations are dark and deep when it comes to a deal on a MLS stadium on Melreese golf course with no public meetings occurring and not appearing the city agenda so when mayor Francis Suarez says commissioners can drop in any time that is not the case and makes his push for “transparency, “ a bogus claim since I have been trying to attend one of these meetings and have only gotten silence to my questions to the mayor and Eddy Lean on this blackout where replacing new parkland is a sticking point. –— A Peacock population bomb has the Kampong under FIU offering three interns to study the fowl’s population roughly 1 Peacock per 2 hectors in Grove, “600,” est. says scientist from Kampong — Bike scooters rentals causing concerns it’s like “Dodge. City, with the freewheeling riders also includes kids on the scooter’s pedestrians dodging the fast-moving devices that jam sidewalks, over 1 million users since pilot program started, says Commissioner Russell, no one killed versus bicycles and cars — In a campaign flyer for Dist.2. candidate Javier Gonzalez asserts “I can’t win because I was born in Cuba, the piece state’s adds ethnic element to race? He was spotted directing traffic and closed road with yellow Jeep-Commission district 2 race gets more crowded with new entry Rosy Palomino, who ran in the past for house Dist. 112 —Commissioner Reyes calls mayor’s stalling tactic “Machiavellian,” since Reyes and Gort oppose deal and 4/5th vote deal with Beckham and MLS — Further, this continues the turmoil in the District 3 commission office that has major staff members being fired because of a hostile work environment and Carollo responded after hearing the charges. He was just glad there were no injuries but the political turmoil in the office should be monitored by manager Emilio Gonzalez for the lawsuits will likely be coming from some of these past employees including one claiming whistle blower status which ultimately was declined. – . — Influential attorney Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, not prepared is denied a zoning exemption for Montessori village school off Coral Way, associations not notified they say, Little Havana, Silver Bluff, his brother Alex running for commission , police policy to have a sergeant -of arms travel with mayor, WDR has made some 80 trips to Honolulu in my corporate capacity on my way to Japan, Suarez named a trustee out of 500 city mayors — Suarez administration runs into headwinds on MRC development project, Carollo calls it “sweetheart deal,” worse “than Marlin’s stadium deal,” the former mayor claims, only small # of city’s 4,400 employees work in building, mayor will deal after back from Honolulu — Unacceptable to hold public meeting in private venue excluding public Miami Parks Dir. Lara Hamway, needs ethics and Sunshine law class, I once went to a Fischer Island MAC and was welcomed, mayor talks transparency, we need to see it. – A behind the look at F1 race negotiations done by county ethics commission, no charges since attorney did not accept getting “full VIP credentials,” went diving instead memo closed out, but fascinating read, Commission Dist. 1 candidate Alex de la Portilla trying to bounce back has $167,000 in war chest leads pack of candidates since Gort termed out, ex Miami commissioner Humberto Hernandez plying the halls of city hall was disbarred attorney for mortgage fraud – Mayor Suarez needs to get commission under control law practice gives Carollo a huge opening and now we find he is a lobbyist for ritzy Fisher Island, he is a well-paid mayor, causing his own problem by not fighting acknowledging the potential conflict — Will commission turbulence affect bond ratings, “you are not the chair,” says Carollo, says he “knows one Harvard idiot [referring to mayor’s father and political nemesis], commissioners tooling around in new $73,000, SUVs with massage chair button — Commissioner Carollo attacks staff and administration for dereliction of duty and code enforcement, end of meeting like a Tchaikovsky sympathy’s climax — Mayor Francis Suarez gave his first state of the city speech at the Miami Freedom Tower and the high energy young man and attorney was received by quests almost like a rally as he detailed the administrations goals in the coming year, but can he deliver? – mayor Suarez moving on up now sitting on dais between manager and attorney, make it seem he is a strong mayor though voters rejected that idea, not stopping him – Bayside Foundation Willy Gort scholarship to get $250,000 anti-poverty funding from his dist.1 fund, foundation gives $200,000 in scholarships, odd taxpayer money being used, will it start a trend of commissioner scholarship programs?
Community Events: Arsht Center function; Future of Miami Arts- New Knight Foundation programs strengthening democracy and a strong free media – Martin Z. Margulies Warehouse open:
EDITORIALS: – “civility oath goes out the window,” says Mayor Suarez — Suarez’s strong mayor proposal flawed should not allow outside income for either mayor or manager, not about him but future mayors – Politicians don’t realize voter’s frustration is they are such hypocrites, many times (like now when congress gets paid but no other federal departments with a gov. shut-down) Most politicians hate the press- Florida needs Sunshine Amendment many municipalities out of control and get little press coverage or oversight, legislators are on wrong side of this one
>>> If you wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message
>>> “You may not take an interest in politics, but politics may take an interest in you.”
Pericles (430 B.C.)
ARGUS REPORT: Heard and Seen on the street
Here are some recent county inspector general reports and the just released past year IG annual report:
Here is the IG report on the fire rescue helicopter procurement that was controversial
People are asking me what I think about the Democratic Party presidential candidates and after 20-years it is clear no candidate has yet to get into his stride and history has taught us candidates either have the it factor or they don’t and Presient Barack Obama had this political magnetism as a new comer and did not have a UBD like Hillary Clinton whose time was 2006 but was pushed out by Obama and Joe Biden is running a utility campaign after two past attempts at the presidency but the parties voters have been split on the field and none have yet to really catch on fire with the party’s faithful.
>>> No turkeys, 6-year-old public school teacher teaches “stone soup parable,” community sharing, with other public schools in area students for Thanksgiving Day
A 6th grade public schools’ teacher and when I asked if the students were making turkey cutouts? She said no and she was teaching the stone soup parable when hungry soldiers were fed by villagers and given shelter and it is a great lesson for our young ones to learn and share. Here is more on the story:
>> No turkeys, 6-year-old public school teacher teaches “stone soup parable,” community sharing, With other public schools in area students for Thanksgiving Day
>>> U.S. $23 trillion debt clock, not being discussed by candidates, is a fiscal time bomb the nation will one day have to face!
With the nation’s debt climbing to $23. trillion none of the candidates from either party are discussing this fiscal time bomb on the campaign trail. I first became alarmed back in 2004 when it was just $4 trillion but the wars and Great Recession added new fuel to the rising debt and increased interest rates and the link shows the nation’s debt clock and please sit down given the velocity of the numbers.
What about the U.S House vote for articles of impeachment articles of inquiry of President Donald J. Trump?
The WDR has not written about the Trump presidency before excepting to say the nation is in uncharted waters. I have written once his presidency has so divided a polarized nation and has voters wondering if the 2020 election will be free from foreign nation involvement. During the Nixon hearings and the committee’s hearings being televised was a key ingredient to the proceedings that had Nixon resigning from office. Further the revelation of Alexander Butterfield that there were tapes was a key issue in the proceedings and had the supreme court ordering their release was the final straw and check out his interview on his time in the White House
I was at George Washington University’s Sino-Soviet Institute from (1971-74) and was able to watch the Watergate proceedings since I worked at a high-end audio shop with Sony televisions at the time. This lack of bringing the public along is what has both sides so hyper partisan. And the sooner the proceedings and transcripts are released the better. To stop the speculation hemorrhaging that is tearing the country apart and is also seeping into local elections like in Miami where the nonpartisan races have become partisan. Editor’s note: Keep any hate emails to a minimum please.
Jerry Springer and George Will (Will NPR) were on the media talking about the nation’s hyper partisan political world and Springer a television shock show host said what is going on in Washington was evolutionary and had Will saying he has been hard on Trump
Repeat: because so important to Miami: Feds scrambling to find .5 million census workers by August, low unemployment, background checks making it harder, exemptions for non-citizens, community outreach is key
The federal government is scrambling to hire census workers which begins in April next year, but with unemployment at an all-time low census enumerators are harder to find that qualify the background check to find the 2.5 million workers to go to people’s homes’ when they did not respond to the census document and will hurt minorities and other groups hard to count out of “fear,” a number one issue in Miami-Dade County. For more on this shortage go to:
Knight Foundation study on local media:
>>>> Elderly phone scam uses fear, persistence to try to take advantage and get personal information, hang-up, most government concerns come in the mail not by phone
I’m starting to see how the elderly can fall for a scam given what they may be personally dealing with (perhaps a surgery) at the time. The current one is a phone call saying a bank transfer is occurring or that you are going to be charged with drug and money laundering charges and the FBI may be at your door. Part of this variation is that you will lose your social security and that your number has been compromised and cancelled and need to meet at a “target or CVS,” says the scammer and is very insistent asking “are you in your car yet,” since he has spent so much time and even asked you to write down his federal badge number. Most federal agencies contact you by mail and you should hang-up immediately despite their persistence.
>>>> Hong Kong is fighting for its soul after a Century of freedom under U.K. colonial rule versus communism, will crack down be in the future likely, protests get more violent?
“One Country, Two Systems,” was the spirit of the 1997 turnover of Hong Kong the international portal to China and its repressive communist regime that is dealing with widespread protests including outlawing demonstrators wearing masks and the confrontation is escalating. However after Tiananmen Square the country’s regime has demonstrated using violence to bring order is not out of the question and when you see government buildings and banks under siege the Middle Kingdom will not back down and lose Face, a critical dynamic in Chinese Life that Americans barely understand and its seriousness. For more on the history go to:
Rerun because so important: 2020 Census complete count top priority $177 million lost in 2010 undercount, says census bureau outreach coordinator Diaz a former Little Havana resident $675 billion annually at stake nationwide $29 billion goes to Florida
The Miami-Dade County Community Relations board (CRB) met Wednesday in the county commission chambers and the topic was community “fear,” when it came to the upcoming 2020 Census. Where some $1,400 is lost in federal funding across the board through federal agencies and in the 2010 Census only “82 percent” of the community was counted and nationwide the percentage was “74 percent,” said Ana Maria Diaz with the Census bureau outreach coordinator. The importance of the Census is not only financial but is key to reapportionment of congress and in 2010 south Florida picked up two congressional seats.
What about community outreach and education?
Further, while many residents may not be eligible to vote these people must be counted for the federal funding helps these possible undocumented and the citizenship question is what many residents and while many residents fear that ICE or HSH might raid and arrest them. The count since 1790 has been sealed for 72 years and a president cannot unseal the information and that can only be done by an act of congress said the Census Bureau outreach coordinator who grew up in Little Havana populated with seniors and may have their kids living with them and they all must be counted she said and “a 3 percent increase in the count,’ would be a major achievement for the county and while it is a year away now is the time to educate. For many residents who don’t understand the Census that starts April 1 next year. The WDR spends so much time on this subject since I interviewed many people working on the 2000 Census and the count was terrible after the young Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez was extracted from his Little Havana home after federal authorities raided the home and chaos erupted in Miami with extensive ethnic divisions and curb sitting counting was a problem where there were many people living in homes or apartments and the undercount was considerable and had to be adjusted later but that may not happen again so it has to be done right because as Diaz said “It starts and cannot be stopped,” despite weather or any other issue. She noted when challenged about “doing damage control, ” for the Trump administration and her boss U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross and the fear in the community which is a minority majority committee that keeps many people afraid to even go to a bank and use check cashing stores where there are lines but that is the reality of South Florida and is why getting a complete count is so important. Update: in 2010, under the Obama administration which employed extensive minority outreach it is estimated in that count some 2 million children were missed in the final count.
>>>The Knight Foundation releases commission report on restoring trust in media
The John. S. and James L. Knight Foundation has released a report looking at restoring trust in the media and its corrosive effect to Democracy to read the commission’s report go to:
>> The super bowl is not the big enchilada of upcoming events, but the 2020 Census is, undercount costs millions, maybe even a new house seat like in 2000, the worse count after Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez, sent fear through the Cuban community of federal government, Chair Bovo wants to help this important event, All hands-on deck activity
While Miami-Dade county is preparing for the Super Bowl next year a bigger event is coming in the 2020 U.S. Census that in Miami the count has been generally a flawed process and the worst count was the 2000 Census after the young boy Elian Gonzalez was extracted from Little Havana and the community erupted in ethnic tensions and fear for many residents since even though the count is done by the commerce department many saw a “federally,” and would not participate and years later the numbers had to be revised and south Florida got an extra congressional seat that was later filled by U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz Ballart, R-Miami and the census count per person back then brought some $23,000 in federal funding and was in stark contrast to other counties around the nation where very high count was achieved. Further for some counties the undercount could result in some communities losing some $800 billion in lost federal funding that includes Medicare funding and a host of other programs. School Board member Lubby Navarro is part of the 2020 census taskforce being assembled and she spoke in front of the county commission about the important matter and noted residents will get a form with a number on it and they can file online using that number. She also noted there will be Major outreach at schools’ libraries and other sites with NGOs to get an accurate count and the community’s fair share of representation and federal funding. She also noted we might get a new house seat if the census is done accurately.
Update Trump will not add a citizenship question on the long form?
Back in 2000 I watched and wrote a lot about the undercount and how it starts and then stops, though the county did get an extension back then but that is no longer assured. but will check state driver’s license info that is being fought by the states.
>>> Connect Miami is a new program trying to get residents to engage with their neighbors and friends to broaden community interaction something that at times may be difficult to do. And for more go to And Many of the events are the future.
Attorney General Moody Reminds Tech Support Scam Victims of Deadline to File Claims
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody today is reminding thousands of tech support scam victims that millions of dollars in restitution are available. Following action taken by the Attorney General’s Office that shut down several companies operating tech support scams, a multimillion-dollar claims fund is in place with more than $7 million available for eligible victims. The deadline to file a claim is Dec. 17.
Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “These tech support scams have stolen time, money and a sense of security from victims. If you are a victim of these scams, please check out our claims process and if you meet the eligibility requirements, make a claim for a refund. Don’t leave potential money on the table—visit today.”
The claims fund is the result of action taken by the Attorney General’s Office to shut down several companies operating tech support scams that used Banc of America Merchant Services for payment processing. Through an agreement with Banc of America, $7.2 million is now available for eligible victims who make timely claims.
The Attorney General’s widespread investigation included the following companies: Complete Fix, Compusafe, JSA Sales, GoReadyCalls Marketing, My Direct Customer Care, My Direct Tech, PC Tech Pros, Project Net 123, Protectnet Solutions, Safenet Solutions, Secure IT Digital Solutions, Telcom Experts, US Software Experts, US Software Pros, Webguard 123 and Wizard Tech Solutions.
For more information about the claims process, visit
Eligible victims are encouraged to submit claims as soon as possible. The deadline to file a claim and any supporting documentation is Dec. 17.
For more information on avoiding tech support scams, click here.
Attorney General Moody issued a Consumer Alert to inform the public that restitution is available for eligible tech support scam victims. To read the Consumer Alert, click here.
To report a suspected scam, file a complaint by calling the Attorney General’s Office at 1(866) 9NO-SCAM or visit
m, please review the information provided by our office regarding the claims process—you may be eligible for restitution.”
The claims process follows a massive tech support scam investigation by the Attorney General into the following companies; Complete Fix, Compusafe, JSA Sales, GoReadyCalls Marketing, My Direct Customer Care, My Direct Tech, PC Tech Pros, Project Net 123, Protectnet Solutions, Safenet Solutions, Secure IT Digital Solutions, Telcom Experts, US Software Experts, US Software Pros, Webguard 123 and Wizard Tech Solutions.
According to the investigation, as many as 70,000 people nationwide may have fallen victim to scams by these companies. Last month, claims notices went out to potential victims with information about how to obtain restitution.
For more information on the claims process, visit
>>> Threat calls into schools get amped attention as state attorney Fernández-Rundle notes such calls are a second-degree felony, not a student resume builder will be prosecuted
Local authorities are amping up the efforts to stop students calling in threats to schools a second-degree felony
>> Check out Children’s Trust heart gallery, kids needing forever homes, will break your heart when you see their smiles
The Miami-Dade County Trust is featuring its heart gallery on children looking to be adopted into lifetime homes and to see the gallery that will break your heart go to
>>>> Disruptive pre-k children getting “suspended,” new challenge for Children’s Trust Miami-Dade County
when it comes to pre-K early learning programs many minority and other children are being “suspended,” for their behavior and since it is proven that these early programs put children in a readiness state to learn. And this a new challenge among these troublesome children for decades children age “3 to 5,” the expert said.
>> At Friday’s Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust meeting Friday a number of homeless success stories were heard and one man who could barely spell his name after continuum of care side he now has over 120 employees and was in the process of creating a trust for his children and now owns a home. Many of the other speakers had a similar story with two of them getting degrees from Mimi-Dade Community College and chair Ron Book said its these stories that drive the trust that helped some 400,000 homeless people over the past 26 years
>>> One Heritage: The state of black Miami forum 2019 Thursday a major forum held by the Miami-Dade County African American Advisory Board created in 1974 under a push by the first black Miami commissioner Althea Range, includes the Black World guide for Miami-Dade see below a report on the black community, out of 16,000 section 8 vouchers, 40% go to blacks,” that shocked Fair, “creating dependency, not homeownership.”
GMCVB press release: Record Accommodations & Food Service Jobs
Greater Miami’s accommodations & food service jobs increased +0.3%, resulting in an increase of 400 jobs for a total of 127,300 in January-October 2019. This demonstrates the continued strength of the destination’s travel and tourism industry in generating local jobs that can lead to great careers.
Greater Miami Record Accommodations & Food Service Jobs
January – October 2019 . 127,300
Number of Jobs Increased . 400
% Change . +0.3%
County Black Affairs Advisory Board Chair Stephen Hunter Johnson ran a tight forum and even cut off T. Willard Fair a community icon and a major developer investing in Overtown. One of the startling observations was the fact that of the 16,000 county Section 8 vouchers, “40 percent go to African Americans.” That number shocked T. Willard Fair and when it comes to homeownership the aspiration is to get a voucher, and not a home that is out of reach for many and is “creating a dependency,” when it comes to black homeownership. Fair suggested there “needs to be a plan,” and not to just bi…ch but “we have plan. He noted he started with “one house,” now the developer said he has 50.”
Michael Liu the director of housing and development said a single-family home at $100 to $250,000 is not attractive for a millennial and that a lower cost” condo should be considered and that is a start at homeownership he noted to the panel
Wakanda effect:
>>> Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust wants to achieve “100 percent HEP A, vaccination rate,” JHS, agreement being worked on to have vaccinations given at Camillus and Lotus House in near future, statewide epidemic among homeless, drug abusers, preventable with vaccination, sweeping state
The Hepatitis A epidemic in Florida has real world consequences in Miami-Dade and the need for vaccinations against the highly infectious disease is at a crisis level explained at Friday’s Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust meeting. After the local Florida health Department director told trustees its impact and numbers are less in some of the smaller counties but Miami with1.2 million residents are a whole different story. The disease afflicts homeless, and drug abusers has risen sharply statewide and the goal for the trust is to get “100 percent,” vaccinated not the “58 percent” around the state said long time trust Chairman Ron Book at Fridays trust board meeting.
Further an agreement with Jackson Health System is being worked on so that vaccinations can be given at the Chapman Partnership and Camillus House and Lotus Village where many residents fall into this vulnerable population that leads to liver damage a serious disease that has exploded just recently in the Sunshine state. State wide: #s For more go to:
A workshop last week the Miami-Dade County Commission on MIA was held, and airport concessions and earnings was the talk of the day something commissioner Estephan Bovo, Jr., calls a “social experiment,” “where concessions are gotten by political contributions,” he believes at MIA.
Rebeca Sosa repeated her call “for no more expired,” contracts that limits the changing competitive economic environment return she suggests. She is a big supporter of the “process,” and she has been a solid member on the changing 13-member body.
>>> MIA directed to do study of impact of Melreese soccer stadium deal on runways and if in “safety zones,” for runways, could impact MLS stadium at golf course
The county will do a study on the proposed MLS stadium at Mel Reese golf course that includes a stadium and hotel and if it would fall into a “runway safety zone,” that The FAA could not certify said MIA director Lester Sola and he is trying to get the study done in 90 days since Miami voters in November will be asked to vote on the controversial project since it is proposed by private interests and commission vice Chair Rebeca Sosa wants nothing to put the largest economic engine MIA in any jeopardy she believes and requested the study.
When it comes to transportation planning Organization (TPO) chair Oliver Gilbert,III thinks more technology international trips should be done with a larger group including professors from UM FI,U should be included and Broward county is sending a second delegation to Asia with some 70 people going on the research trip and may be looking at monorail technology.
>>> With Miami-Dade #1 in HIV infections UM Idea program showing results needs second mobility van for dispensing HIV preventative drugs Prep doses “middle school students,” at “risk,” to says county commissioner Rebeca Sosa an educator.
At the disparity committee Monday, a sobering presentation was done on the rising HIV infections IDEA UM needle exchange pilot program needs dedicated mobile van may get surplus county van suggests, commissioner Jordan,
Miami-Dade is #1 in new HIV infections Idea syringe exchange pilot program going statewide, mobile van needed to deliver HIV medicine and Hepatitis A is surging in the county as well and the health department is urging people who are at risk get the vaccination.
The UM Miller Medical needle syringe exchange program was a major discussion at the community disparities committee chaired by county commissioner Eileen Higgins who has part of Miami Beach and is a “hot zone,” for new infections that cuts across all ethnic lines black or Hispanic and has one person getting AIDs daily and last week and the controversial exchange program has shown positive public health outcomes said Dr. Hansel Tookes, III, M.D., M.P.A.
Tookes who took the needle exchange program to the state legislature and high rates of HIV infections are found in Broward and Palm Beach Counties and a traveling Prep mobile unit donated by Sylvester Cancer is going into the community and giving testing and antiviral drugs. However, reaching some of the infected runs into stigmas that includes blacks and Hispanics who are sometimes reluctant to be tested and one hot spot is on 14th street in Miami and Higgins is trying to get a dedicated van to increase the coverage and help for infected patients.
>>>>GMCVB PRESS RELEASE: We Need YOU for Super Bowl LIV
>> M-D County Youth Commission finds “rampant,” bullying and “code reds,” climate change, vaping new issues, body creating the leaders of the future, and note Miami is one of the first “cities to run out of water say,” studies show
A joint meeting with county commissioners and the Miami-Dade County Youth Commission created by the body in 2011 is always an eye-opener. These young members say what they mean with the bark on and in the past years school violence and bullying was a number one concern and after the tragedy at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas students expressed concerns when it comes to “code red,” drills that they need the teachers to explain more what the “procedures,” should be and that these drills “should end after some six minutes the students,” on the council said.
Further the issue of vaping and e cigarettes is a big concern since some 2.3 million students in the county are vaping and has a variety of Side effects that still need to be studied more but it has become increasing number the student representatives said.
These members also did community service like Books for Tots where they give out children’s books like Vegetable Soup and others to get preschoolers reading early.
They also traveled to Washington, D.C. PAMM and a school board meeting where they believe “zoning changes should be modified where vaping stores in strip malls should be outlawed in the county code close to schools. Further, each member talked about the programs impact on them from a roundtable meeting with Miami-Dade County Police Department and changed people’s perspective about officers that was different from what you see on social media.
>>>>What about the Homeless Trust and this year’s number of who had died on the street, a new high many opioid related, last year 138 passed this year 201 passed state’s medical examiner confirms.
The Watchdog Report contacted Book about the solemn but stirring meetings after the students spoke and he wrote back, “It was even more because we had the vigil for an hour and a half before in the lobby and it was extremely emotional and painful. Last year, 138 individuals died on our streets. The number jumped up this year to 201, which is the highest year yet and 77% are confirmed by the medical examiner to have died from opioid overdoses. That is simply unconscionable and unacceptable and disheartening.
What is the new elderly crisis coming seniors & children housing money their lack of permanent long-term homes?
Homeless seniors are becoming the biggest threat facing the county in the future and it is a “Crisis, said Ron Book,” the Miami-Dade County Homeless trust chair. At past trust meeting and the need for permanent housing for this emerging group is critical and he is on a crusade to find permanent housing the trust can buy but in Miami the inventory is small an expensive he has said in the past. And to review the task force recommendations and has some elderly having to live in shelters for up to “1,000,” s and that number qualifying will only increase in the future.
Ron Book has been making the political rounds speaking at a Miami commission meeting about a new encampment in the inner city that has been blocked off by the health department after open sexual acts and drug dealing has resulted in a spike of AIDs cases and the finding of drug paraphernalia around the local schools and the trust has gone into emergency mode to get these people into rehabilitation and other programs and those coming back are being addressed where one Women had “black lips,” gangrene and was “spotted having a rat eating the food in her mouth,” in her stupor condition said Book to city commissioners and she was taken into rehabilitation but this is the challenge the county’s homeless trust faces. For more go to
The homeless trust has a new program where people with rental housing can register their rental units with the county and for more on the program go to: http://www.homelesstrust.rg/rentconnect.asp
Here is an update of the Jackson Miracle Bond program that is moving right along and changing the JHS
Mentorship protégée program for JHS bond discussed at forum Erick Knowles Wednesday after T Willard Fair looks at all the contracting in County water & sewer
>>> Medical records theft is a widespread problem at all medical facilities back in 2009. I did a fraud issue. However, Jackson Health System was fined for some wayward employees selling or leaking medic medical records and I interviewed the FBI’s Special Agent in Charge(SAC) John Gillis and to read the story go to: For more go to:
more go to
>>>> The AOA agreement calls for health trust to pay $130 million to UM for a host of medical services and below is a complete breakdown of the services and payments.
This is a breakdown of the payments and a graph is on the pdf above
Distribution of AOA Payments Direct Patient Care, $20,057,576 Residency and Fellowship Program Administration, $5,704,521 Residents and Fellows Clinical Instruction Support, $22,941,836 Residents and Fellows Direct Expense Stipend, $587,640 Residency and Fellowship Program Coord and Admin, $1,391,611 Hospital Administration Support, $10,143,812 Recruiting Support, $11,752.
The 50-year affiliation with the UM Miller school of medicine is a tremendous boon for the community and ends the tag line. “You go to Jackson to die,” was a frequent refrain, but that medical synergy has made the health trust one of the top medical health systems in Miami-Dade and is rebooting after a GOB bond was passed allowing for new updated facilities.
>>> New continuum of care center coming for homeless with mental issues, JHS involved one stop center, upcoming special PHT board meeting to ratify new committee chairs
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust along with Jackson Health System is opening a one stop public facility for homeless who qualify for a new diversion program with a mental illness and includes many veterans on the streets and is an old facility previously used by the state, but it will offer a continuum of care and was briefly discussed at the trust board meeting Friday. The whole community has been seeking ways to resolve the mental health issues of the homeless now drawing in people with opioid addiction and a drop of fentanyl can kill and many times is cut with cheap yellow Mexican heroin that appeared years past and is causing thousands of overdoses and the city of Miami spent $150,000 in procuring the miracle drug Narcan that can revive a overdosed person almost immediately and these people cut across all ethnic lines and the issue was discussed Sunday on “This Week in South Florida,” and to see the show go to Chapman, Jr. partnership go to:
>>> Last girder to state-of-the-art Christine E. Lynn rehabilitation facility fitted Friday $175 million rehab, home to UM Project to Cure Paralysis
On Friday the last girder was added to the new state of the art rehabilitation facility and it is dearly needed after the previous one was inadequate and antiquated and was always a hot topic with county commissioners especially commissioner Sally Heyman who had a back issue and had to get rehab there. The $175 center will also be home for UM’s the Miami Project to cure Paralysis and the fundraising got a jolt when Christine E. Lynn donated the first $25 million and was augmented with proceeds from the $830 million GOB approved by county voters.
>>> Miami Dolphins super star Nat Moore tells school board without opportunity to attend Dolphins training camp, “he would have been a truckdriver like his father Edison High graduate 1969, Dr. Karp sings Dolphins fight song to audience, includes team doing baseline concussions on students
>>> The Miami Dolphins were honored by the school board Wednesday and the team needed some good news after the bruising battle at county hall and bringing F1 racing to the stadium and Miami Gardens. That brought out a host of residents against the race. A number of Dolphins and management attended the meeting and star player Nat Moore said if it were not food the chance to attend a Dolphin training camp “he would have been a truck driver like his father and is an Edison High 1969 graduate.
He said the experience gave him confidence is doing something different and the team at Edison High recently replaced football gear destroyed by a freak fire when no one else was in the building.
What about the school board Leadership election?
Long time Chair Perla Tabares Hantman continues to chair the nine-member board and Dr. Stephen Gallon, III is the boards vice chair and since his arrival he has been strong advocate for his district
>>> District pays Miami $1.195 million to provide law enforcement to “17 schools in Miami,’ part of GOB proceeds for greater student safety
The school district is paying the city of Miami$1.195 million to provide law enforcement officers at 17 public schools located within the city at a cost of $70,337.00 per school says the Miami resolution passed by the commission accepting the money to the “police general fund account.”
The RFP on how to oversee WLRN is said to be coming to the school board at its December school board meeting a reliable source to me recently and the oversight that includes an affiliation with the Miami Herald has been a contentious community issue the came out after federal Ig report found a discrepancy in a station grant funding formula and had the school board audit committee raising concerns when a state audit was late
What about Breakthrough Miami?
Breakthrough Miami was honored and the 8-year program that allows students to reach their highest potential and are paired with college students is achieving enormous success helping students advance their education.
What happened?
In this year’s budget the Civilian Investigative Unit is adding 7 new experienced members and over the past year did 96 investigations, had 76 “open cases,’ and in 2019 “37 cases were closed,” and 37 cases were closed by June. Further in that year there were 124 pending cases. Further, the school district has 1” police officer per school with municipalities and the county helping and includes “114 schools,” in the nation’s fourth largest public schools district. And after a “friendly complaint the ABC web page is ADA friendly in three languages and even can speak and will allow people with a disability to log on and follow the committee’s activities and this is the best oversight board the county has given the professionals who volunteer their time. For the first time in 10 years I spoke at the committee meeting thanking the members and the flawless changing of the mandated ABR chair since 1994. Where a previous chair was on it for years and ended up being difficult to remove but that has all changed.
Here’s the agenda:
>>> School Board Budget Review Advisory committee, is the taxpayers firewall, made up of CPAs & tax attorneys, not always the case until 2004, when chair Hank Mack finally steps down reluctantly, two schools named after the man on in Dade another in Broward
The school district’s Audit and Budget review committee is meeting Tuesday and this citizen based board is made up of CPAs and tax attorneys something that was not the case back in the late 1990s and 2000 and only changed around 2003 when the long time chair stepped down after the WDR broke the man Hank Mack had violated the Sunshine law and Mack has two schools named after him of which one is in Broward County as well as Dade. Here is the committee’s agenda great read:
>>> District saves $68 million in COP bond refinancing, IG busts electrical contractor and minority “front”
The school board is refinancing some Certificates of Participation (COP) bonds and the maneuver suggested by a treasury advisory board is saving the public district 468 million and the nation’s second largest district has an extensive bond portfolio and has been refinancing since interest have been so low especially a few years ago.
An electrical contractor was busted by the county’s IG for being a front when applying and complying with the district’s minority contract policies to read the report click on
here is the link to the audit agenda:
School District Impact Fees audit Check out the audit and what the county owes to the public district
>>> Charter schools 134 of them are asking to receive some of the $1.2 billion GOB protests.
Charter schools are asking for a portion of a 1.2 billion property tax that was expected to raise teacher pay and upgrade some schools and the district has 134 charter schools that are managed by private firms and upgrade private property with public funds and these entities do not have to follow the same rules and do not have to accept all students versus the public district and the legal battle is occurring in Tallahassee during the session, and these local tax dollars should go to the public district the fourth largest
The city’s negotiations are dark and deep when it comes to a deal on a MLS stadium on Melreese golf course with no public meetings occurring and not appearing the city agenda so when mayor Francis Suarez says commissioners can drop in any time that is not the case and makes his push for “transparency, “ a bogus claim since I have been trying to attend one of these meetings and have only gotten silence to my questions to the mayor and Eddy Lean on this blackout where replacing new parkland is a sticking point.
>>>> The third time was the charm for former state senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla for the District 1 seat vacated by Willy Gort on the Miami commission and the man is being given a second chance with voters after three failed races for the city and the county commission, will he bring civility to commission got mayor Suarez endorsement allied with Joe Carollo.
Tuesday’s special commission meeting to discuss the Freedom Park development at Melreese Golf course for a MLS stadium was as usual a contentious affair with the final numbers still up in the air and has Reyes suggesting Mayor Suarez is being Machiavellian and actually a few years ago in a runoff faced Suarez who won and it took seven times running that Reyes won his set Dist. 4 seat occupied by past mayor Tomas Regalado. editor’s note: none of the Melreese discussions are on the public meeting agenda here is the public meeting agenda:
Incumbent Miami Commissioner Ken Russell cruised to victory getting 59 percent of the
>>> District 2 race full blown partisan race, Jeb $ Ros Lehtinen featured in Palomino campaign brochure, fried says knocking on doors but has missed many and has not been seen in S. Grove
The Commission 2 race a district that runs up the coast to Morningside and at Miami city hall some 357 votes had been cast and at the city’s six early voting sites 1,112 votes were cast for all the races. Incumbent Commissioner Ken Russel got some mixed press when it came to the $1 million campaign war chest entirely different when he was a underdog when he ran against Teresa Sarnoff and also raised a “obscene,” amount but did not fare well and Russell raised eyebrows when he announced he would run for an open congressional seat, untimely filled by Rep. Donna Shalala D-Miami. When he first ran, he knocked on doors and the WDR was visited since I am a super voter who never misses an election cycle. Russell’s Challenger are radio host Jim fried and
While in a Herald interview he says it’s not about money but ‘Ideas,’ and said he was knocking on doors and listening to residents but Russell Sunday in the rain was giving out food and he had buses bringing voters to the polls. In Fried’s case I have only seen him in the Grove at Greenstreet’s and Ariete Friday night and his mailers come religiously along with candidate Javier Gonzalez a former chair of the Coconut Grove Village Council ( and is outside in the rain seeking voters support at Miami city hall site), Where Russell has a tent and supporters and longtime candidate rosy Palomino in a brochure is emphasizing her GOP credentials, with a photo with Jed Bush, Thomas Regalado, and former congress woman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen are featured on the campaign piece. She also suggests some of Russell’s policies and friends have a socialist tone to them. However, The Miami Herald while supporting Russell in their editorial today they did so with ’reservations,’ and Russel when asked about it texted me “clearly I have some work to do,’ he responded
What do peacocks have to do with the media?
If you ever wondered why NBC uses the spread peacock logo it is from Greek Mythology and evolved from the 100 foot hundred eye colossus Argus that protected the fawn Io and morphed into ancient capitals back the to protect against snakes o the peacock all seeing and the fowl were used and they are a predator and will take on a cobra check out this video: cobra
What about the District 2 race?
The WDR went by the city of Mimi’s early voting site at City hall and incumbent Ken Russell had supporters and a tent and Javier Gonzalez a challenger was seated in a lawn chair. However absent was James Fried and Rosy Palomino both seeking the District 2 seat that runs up the Miami coast and waterfront.
Miami Commission District 2 candidate Realtor Javier Gonzalez in a campaign brochure declares “Let’s ‘Turn the page,’ when it comes to the Ken Russell race, and asserts “the competition says I can’t win District 2 because I was born in Cuba….and a past candidate once said his name is ‘Gonzalez.’
>> Commissioner Reyes calls mayor’s stalling tactic “Machiavellian,” since Reyes and Gort oppose deal and 4/5th vote needed for no bid deal with Beckham and MLS
The Miami Freedom Park discussions Thursdays was a drama with Miami commissioner Manola Reyes calling Mayor Francis Suarez “Machiavellian” given the mayor’s slow progress with The David Beckham groups $1 billion development deal and MLS soccer stadium on the Melreese golf course. Reyes and Wilfredo Gort suggest the delays are to allow for the upcoming elections to add new commissioners in support of what many call a sweetheart deal of a billion dollar give away to the politically connected Mass brothers. Since both Gort and Reyes are against the deal. Former Miami commissioner Marc Sarnoff is part of the negotiating deal and his law firm Shutts & Bowen. Sarnoff noted that the traffic and environmental studies have yet to be done and won’t be ready till close to the Nov. election and the commissioners believe it is a stalling tactic by proponent Suarez who notes it was overly passed by Miami voters but the devil is in the details and the commission o them as commissioners put some form time lines for the administration to present a contract while Gort is still on the dais.
In one sharp exchange Reyes does not call Suarez and the mayor hot back that he should be called “mayor,” since he refers to them as commissioners, but the heated meeting highlights the divisions on the five member body as Suarez tries to wrap-up the deal expected in the coming months and the value of the golf course has yet to be established.
>>> Joseph Napoli a deputy Miami assistant manager has something in common with manager Emilio Gonzalez. The men are both retired U.S. Army colonels Napoli told me Thursday at the commission meeting.
It is interesting because commissioner Joe Carollo is referring to Gonzalez as the colonel and last Thursday he focused on Napoli in a very sharp exchange about the Ultra contract and really dressed him down.
What else happened?
Carollo reached into his old toolbox when people were asking about 4 new parks in his district. He said the people complaining just didn’t want people outside the neighborhood using the parks and one person actually “grabbed his wife’s arm.” And he suggested this was racially or anti Hispanic rhetoric from elites in his district and he used this tactic back in 2000 but now is a different time and he may not get the ethnic divide traction he is looking for and had people throwing bananas in front of Miami City Hall back then.
Speeding boats on Miami River scarring manatees in river
What about the speeding boats on the Miami River and these hitting manatees? The river with a dubious history has restaurants dotting the shores and residents are asking for a more robust police marine patrol and say the fast boats are scarring the slow-moving sea cows that swim along the shore to avoid these boats
>>>>The sea Level Rise committee wants a bump in funding for resiliency officer’s office, an extra $500,000 in the upcoming budget would help for “most important Miami committee,” manager has said.
“The most important committee the sea level rise committee,’ is going to ask for more public funding for studies and members going to conferences and after much debate is asking the commission to fund $500,000 to the resilience and sustainability officer’s office and the chair will be speaking at a upcoming commission meeting since budget hearings are in September. To read the budget go to:
here are the Miami commissioner campaign reports: check out the serious
Further, with multiple municipalities, hospitals utilities have been held hostage and cyber ransom blackmail to regain access to encrypted computers. To read more about these hacks and technology go to these two links and it will open your eyes on the danger of these actors including North Korea and is only evolving in complexity and even the CIA has been penetrated along with the ultra-secret NSA.
And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan
informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. And I thank my supporters over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to:
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Timesfor bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
The homeless trust has a new program where people with rental housing can register their rental units with the county and for more on the program go to:
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan go to:
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Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2019, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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