Watchdog Report Vol.21 No.41 June 27, 2021 EST 05.05.00 – Community in prayer and agony with tragic collapse of condo in Surfside
UM settles transplant Medicare Fraud suit with feds for $22 million, most numerous transplant program in the nation.
The relationship with UM and JHS was marred by a justice department settlement after the federal agency accused UM of Medicare fraud in the transplant program the largest in the nation and has the university paying $22 million in a settlement agreement negotiated with the medical school after a whistleblower case brought the matter to the federal attention earlier in the year and negotiations have been ongoing.
What about community charity or community benefit care at Baptist Health?
Baptist Health system offers a host of screening programs at low cost and over the years I have used several of them when I did not have health insurance and included a calcium score test and CT lung scan among others and these preventive programs are greatly appreciated, including low cost mammograms and last year the fiscal number was $380 million in community benefit and uncompensated care and along with Jackson Health System, they are south Florida’s community health care jewels with JHS doing millions more in charity care thanks to revenue that comes in from a half-cent penny sales tax.
The gloves are off as commissioner Joe Carollo tells his former friend Alex Diaz de la Portilla that he makes him want to ‘throw up,’ and the commission is entering a turbulent period of governance. That is a shame given the challenges facing the city’s residents.
Press release:
TO: Members of the Press
FROM: Governor’s Press Office
DATE: May 13, 2021
RE: Executive Order 21-116 (Clemency Order Regarding Reprieves)
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 21-116 (Clemency Order Regarding Reprieves).
A copy of Executive Order 21-116 is provided below. A PDF copy is available here.
executive order number 21-116
(Clemency Order Regarding Reprieves)
WHEREAS, a categorical, statewide, sixty-day reprieve for any individual or business that has been or could be arrested for, charged with, found guilty of, convicted of, subject to a withhold of adjudication for, subject to a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, or otherwise subject to a criminal sentence or penalty for all non-violent offenses related to local government COVID-19 restrictions is warranted in light of the unprecedented local government restrictions imposed on individuals and businesses over the course of the past year; and
WHEREAS, at the next meeting of the Board of Executive Clemency on June 16, 2021, I fully intend to propose a statewide, categorical grant of a full pardon to any such individual or business; and
WHEREAS, I also intend to propose supplementing Executive Order 21-65 with another categorical, statewide remission of fines for any such individual or business; and
WHEREAS, such action is necessary to ensure that the State of Florida experiences a rapid and orderly restoration and recovery from the COVID-19 emergency and that systems of justice are fair everywhere in the State in relation to the emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me under Article IV, Section 8(a) of the Florida Constitution, promulgate the following Executive Order:
Section 1. I hereby grant a sixty-day reprieve to any individual or business that has been or could be arrested for, charged with, found guilty of, convicted of, subject to a withhold of adjudication for, subject to a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, or otherwise subject to a criminal sentence or penalty for all non-violent offenses related to local government COVID-19 restrictions.
Section 2. This Executive Order suspends the prosecution and execution of sentence of the individuals and businesses described in section 1.
Section 3. This Executive Order shall serve as a defense to the prosecution and execution of sentence of the individuals and businesses described in section 1.
Section 4. This Executive Order does not apply to any COVID-19-related orders or enforcement taken by the State.
Section 5. This Executive Order does not apply to assisted living facilities, hospitals, or other healthcare providers.
Section 6. This Executive Order does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the State, its departments or agencies, or its officers, employees, or agents.
Section 7. This Executive Order is effective immediately.
>>>>> The Watchdog Report Celebrates 21 years of weekly publishing today, I have gone when you cannot most recently virtually. And I thank my long-term supporters for your confidence, especially now after I broke my hip and want to be back soon. And to my senior readers please be careful about breaking your hip. For it is no small matter that I am finding out and has me in a assisted living facility in Hollywood and these are not cheap.
>>> JHS CEO Carlos Migoya has agreed to stay on another year as the CEO said commissioner Sally Heyman who was on his PHT compensation review committee along with county commissioner Javier Souto who has always been a big JHS supporter after heart surgeon Jerri Kaiser.M.D., did bypass surgery on him a decade ago. Further, Migoya is a board member on MEDNAX Inc., (and was paid $245,416) as a board member., along with other board members not getting that payment such as former UM medical school dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D. Along with healthcare executive Michael B. Fernandez. After the review, Migoya’s new base salary is $730,000 and jumps to $915,000075 in June.
The WDR is celebrating its 21st Anniversary May 5 and it was JHS and former CEO Ira Clark who convinced me to start this new service back in 2000 after it was clear Clark was having medical issues, like when he called Gov. Jeb Bush the governor of New York. Bush responded, “hey Ira I’m trying to give you $65 million in a big state check ceremony “can we at least get the state right,” said Bush visible annoyed and I realized the trust needed closer attention along with the schoolboard after some suspect land deals.
School Board Audit committee agenda Link:
>>> MDX and Sun Pass should work together to track and find stolen cars since they can be tracked on the freeways but are not at this time working with the Miami-Dade County Police Department, and stolen cars are a big issue in the county Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. And the city of Miami only has three officers working the detail in District 2.
>>Local media in South Florida needs to set up televisions in their newsrooms for all the Zoom meetings of government public meetings and the ongoing rift between the 34 municipalities and Miami-Dade County the big enchilada of government versus the 34 cities within. And had Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla calling county CEO Jimmy Morales, the “arrogance of the county,” in shutting off a street on Silver Bluff, claiming it is political “payback,” since commissioners did not support county commissioner Eileen Higgins run for county commissioner.
What about the Silver Bluff street closure? Miami Commissioner Alex e la Portilla, says county sending police, shows “The arrogance of county CEO Jimmy Morales,” says the former state senator, was caused by county commissioner Eileen Higgins as “payback,” since Miami leaders did not support her run for the commission: Editor’s note I am still rehabbing my arm and hand and it is difficult to type.
>>> The George Washington University is celebrating 200-years as a university created in virtue of the authority of the United states of America in 1821. Here is more on GWU where I graduated in 1974 from the Sino-Soviet Institute with a degree in Chinese Studies. Go colonials and living in the heart of D.C. is a special experience I will never forget.
GW Earns Honor as a Top Producer of Fulbright Students
The university placed among the top research institutions for generating Fulbright students, with a total of 12 students accepting the award in the 2020-2021 academic year. Nine of these students are Elliott School graduates, who were awarded English Teaching Fellowships and research grants.
>>>> Miami state lobbying contract jumps from $50,000 to $500,000 you get what you pay for, says commissioners, with former Sen. Alex de la Portilla giving inside baseball comments on relations of top leadership, said he would spend $1million for federal lobbying given the potential ROI.
The City of Miami held two special commission meetings on Monday, and it included. A Sunshine meeting with the Miami-Dade County homeless Trust staff, and commissioner joe Carollo, said he had a problem for some of the trust’s staff salaries and in the field, he sees, many of them not working, though the challenge is that many of the homeless are from around the country. Carollo said he talked to many of the homeless in Maurice Ferre Park, and some were from “Winston-Sale, NYC,” and other locations he told fellow commissioners at the wide-ranging discussion at the meeting.
Further a $50,000, a year RFP to represent the city’s lobbying in Tallahassee. The city of Miami commission on Friday approved a $500,000 state lobbying RFP that caused disagreement (re which firm had the best connections with leadership, said former state Sen. Alex de la Portilla and you get what you pay for he suggested versus the draw done in state funding), but got bumped to $500,000 and three firms were chosen Ron Book, P.A., Becker Poliak off, Capital and “the manager can chose another for specific initiatives,” texted back to the WDR Commission Chair ken Russell, re the finale selection.
>>>Rerun so important: Jackson Health System kicking off countywide, a Community Healthcare disparity study, required by IRS every three-years for not-for-profit tax status, will include input from U health, Nickolas Children’s info, study should include all health systems data in South Florid, to get accurate profile of any health discrepancies in area healthcare access.
At Tuesday’s PHT trustee meeting a staffer in charge of the study told Trustees the study is required by the IRS every three-years and U Health and Nichols Children’s data will be included in the study that is especially important after the poor 2020 Census Count, and given the comprehensive nature of the study all health systems data should be included to get an accurate picture of healthcare delivery in the county to give are leaders a true understanding of countywide healthcare availability for all residents. Further, CFO Mark Knight reported the health trust’s yearly “Audit was on time, not like ten-years ago, and had no deficiencies’, [was clean] and are substantially complete,” the CFO told trustees but warned that in fiscal 2020 balancing the budget will be a challenge, given the reduction in patient volume currently being experienced in what usually is a busy period, Knight concluded.
The WDR cannot wait to get back to reporting but I still have a sling on my broken right arm and a cast on my left wrist making it hard and it is painful to write during these challenging times, and under Baptist Health Home Care professionals and since I live alone, having a physical Therapist come to my home has been a lifesaver and I hope to get my cast off on Friday hopefully. Further, to the PTs, I give each of you a great thank you during this time of need.
Further the nation must get a handle on the vaccine rollout that currently has health systems committing personnel and staff in trying to give vaccines to the elderly but have no inventory and is costing money these systems do not have in excess, after the past virus surges. And must be addressed better by the federal government. Further, the county commission is holding meetings on odd days like on Jan. 20, Inauguration Day recently and was poorly attended.
He said the vaccine is safe and many employees’ nurses mostly who were hesitant to take it are changing their mind. He noted, “4,400 UM and JHS healthcare workers,” were vaccinated and patients have “had little reaction.” He noted the much-anticipated Madrona vaccine that does not have the low temperature requirements will be going out to some “175 hospitals next week.” Editor’s note when the polio vaccine came out in the early 1950s. Healthcare professionals used Elvis Pressley taking it to show it was safe to take and people like the singer PIT Bull, Gloria & Emilio Estephan’ should be shown taking it. Since cases have risen to 2,000 cases per day for 11-days in a row and is a very disturbing trend given how hospitals are maxed out with new patients.
The community is lucky to have Migoya in this CEO capacity and the former banker is working well with the other healthcare systems to end this public health scourge. Some of the past CEOs all of whom I have known since 1998 and they were not liaising well with the other healthcare systems in Mimi-Dade and during the uninsured crisis. Those past CEOs would not have been as successful as Carlos Migoya the respected former banker and City of Miami Manager. Further, Putney had a good idea on the show to create a lapel pin people could wear showing their support of the vaccines, like the I voted sticker people get after voting.
What about The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust meeting Friday?
The trust meeting was very depressing since COVID revenues are down and with an eviction moratorium ending some 7,400 cases have been filed and the trust does not have the funding and with “155 seniors in shelters,” the trust is tapped out since normally some $2 million a week comes in from the food and beverage tax that has dried up and there is a need for a capital efforts since the trust is short some $6 million to buy a building that could shelter some “260” single men said long serving chair Ron Book. He said he cannot sleep at night because “we can’t lose for the inhumanity,” of such a catastrophe, he said almost in tears. The trust has lost 7.1 million in revenue and has had to dip into the reserves, that the trust was criticized for maintaining but are now filling critical budget holes at Lotus House the Chapman Center along with Camillus House that has a fresh garden growing on the campus. I asked Book in an email what was needed, and he responded back, writing, “Minimally we need unencumbered eviction //foreclosure money in the range of $25-$30 million,” he wrote.
>>> AG commissioner., Fried needs to send inspectors on skimmer gas pumps, I was hit again, Identity Theft happening at several gas stations in South Florida.
Nikki Fried the secretary of ten Agricultural Commission and consumer protection needs to send a strike force inspection team to end skimming of credit cards on gas station pumps and is a persistent problem and I was hit with this nightmare on Tuesday and spent 5 hours at Wells Fargo trying to get this straightened out and since the state is number one in fraud in the nation and Miami-Dade County is the “graduate school for all frauds, and we actually export the fraud to elsewhere in the nation, said a past U.S. attorney a few years ago.
ecause she was concerned it could become septic, something, I had back in 2009, (thank you surgeon Jorge Rabaza, who operated on me at 2:00 a.m. because I could not wait and saved my life) and changed my whole life so I drove immediately over to the South Miami hospital ER. Since they had my past medical records and medications and while I was low on the triage pole that was fine with me since the lobby had many patients much more sick, and a senior nurse came out and apologized for the wait, but they had no ER beds available and I watched the 5:00 news to pass the time and there were clearly much sicker patients, so many than me, and that that was what stunned me, and personally seeing the strain COVID-19 is putting on our health care systems and physicians exhausted and nurses emotionally drained something, I saw in a JHS nurse and head of the nursing union Martha Baker, RN in an interview concerning how slammed JHS is and the toll on first responders who are described as first responders but actually should “be called the last line.”
Further, late in the night, which was fine given the misery I saw of so many potential COVID patients and that stress and toll on our healthcare workers and physicians is not appreciated when seen on TV. “Wear your mask damn it, said FOX reporter Chris Wallace,” and with the arrival of the vaccine we must keep are quard up says Dr. Anthony Fauci and while the calvary vaccine is coming he says “We still must fight on wear a mask social distance, and good hygiene,” and politicians who have politicized the mask and called the virus a hoax, need to open their eyes where in Miami-Dade we are tracking another day with 2,000 new cases. Further, on the hospital p.a. system a clear idea of the challenge was heard “Code Blue PPE,” and a room number gave a clear message of the tragedy to our residents many elderlies that the virus is causing.
I was worried this would happen back in February and March when we had the community lock down, but young people scarfed bout the virus and created a large pool of people who became vectors made worse by their disregard for prevention of community spread, and anyone who believes that, should change their ways the virus knows no party and thank God masks seem to work.
And was why there was no WDR last week because I was so emotionally stressed and stunned by the scope of a surge of the virus and its impact on people’s mental health in this stressful time. I also want to thank all the nurses who took such great care of me since my white blood cell count was high and kept me for observation in the east wing fourth floor at S. Miami hospital. You were the greatest.
>>>> District’s response how student hacker created a denial of service at beginning of school year with students and causing chaos online while teachers try virtual learning because of COVID-19, at the nation’s fourth largest public schools’ district.
Here is the schoolboard audit and budget advisory committee agenda
>>> County has served 15.2 million meals to seniors, CARE ACT funding spending 15 million to public schools for nurses.
I got a form letter saying Miami Mayor Francis Suarez wants to hear from me and sign a pledge to fight the Black Lives Matter movement regarding community policing and to counter act the ACLU and others trying to defund policing and it came from the not-for-profit National Police Association located in Stafford, TX.
On Friday, the Miami-Dade County commission held a special commission meeting under COVID guidelines, and the county budget director Jennifer Moon said the county has supplied “15.2 million meals.” She also believes that another COVID spike is expected on “the third week of November.” Further, the county in Care Act funds is sending to the public-school district some $15 million for school nurses, she said. The woman who balances her own check book is critical to understanding the 77 county revenue streams and the county’s some 22 billion in bond debt that includes the Miami Marlins stadium bond payments that are staring to climb higher.
>>> Supervisor of elections prayer, “may it not be close,” and Miami-Dade could be ground zero for attorneys challenging election results, after 50 ballots found at a Homestead post office and has state attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle intervening calling for an audit of post offices by federal IG.
With Pennsylvania becoming a key swing state, I grew up in Solebury Township and New Hope, in Bucks County. A tight knit community that is just miles from Washington’s Crossing where Gen. George Washington on Christmas Eve crossed the Delaware River in the snow and surprised the German Hessian mercenaries in Trenton and was a key event in the American Revolution.
Bucks County dotted with Society of Friends meeting Houses and since between New York City and Philadelphia has many new people, but civics and honor are still a big deal in the community that includes the Bucks County Playhouse and Perry Mansion restored by the New Hope Historical Society founded by my father and some of his friends and is a New Hope historic site.
What about the 2000 election Bush vs. Gore?
I was fortunate to be on a panel election night on WLRN 91.3 FM. Along with Topical Current host Joseph Cooper, Miami Herald columnist Robert Steinbeck and independent candidate John Anderson, and Tony Doris and I was the only one that when Bush was projected to win, “I said it was too soon.” After I h ad interviewed over 100 voters there was little passion. Since both candidates had trust funds and an Ivy League education and the energy was not in the race we would see in, later years like when President Barack Obama And to check if your vote was counted in Miami-Dade County go to this elections department site.:
Further, locally here is the Baptist Health South Florida’s take on the virus impact on the brain.
A discussion on mental health and Jackson Health System revealed the system has a mobile mental crisis van that should be tied to the 311 switchboards since suicides and domestic violence is on the rise, said county commissioner Sally Heyman last week.
Will governor’s gamble be opening Phase 3 no fines for not wearing masks cause COVID cases upturn, worries physicians
>>>> 20-years ago I started the WDR because in 2000 The 2000 Census was a disaster after it occurred after the young Cuban Boy Elian Gonzalez and fear of government resulted in a major undercount (that included curb counting). Which in 2010 cost the county some $20 billion in federal funding and in 2020 here are the municipalities numbers now that the census was terminated by a federal judge and the response rate is not impressive
Jackson Health System
Giant JHS pharmacy fills 300,000 prescriptions, saved $10 million in savings for indigent patients, has $125 million budget,
The public health trust is a giant of a pharmacy filling some 300,000 prescriptions a year at a cost of $125 million and resulted in an indigent healthcare reduction of some $10 million in preventative care for the indigent, said Vanessa Goodnow at a recent all day committee meeting. The women “is passionate about Jackson,” as well as her team she said, and she is associate Vice President Chief Pharmacy Officer for JHS.
A discussion on mental health and Jackson Health System revealed the system has a mobile mental crisis van that should be tied to the 311 switchboards since suicides and domestic violence is on the rise, said county commissioner Sally Heyman last week.
>>>> Baptist has zoom meeting on Breast Cancer and free mammograms with top physician speakers’ part of community service the not-for-profit health system provides and has low-cost CT scans for lung cancer. The Baptist Health Foundation is holding a zoom meeting with top physicians discussing Breast Cancer and for more info go to: And to request a mammogram at Baptist go to /Breast Health.
The Watchdog Report hopes several of my sponsors renew their support (which they are saying they will, and I thank them so much for that confidence) and I know everyone has many financial demands in the world of COVID-19 but the WDR is a low budget very efficient monitor of our government in this unusual time and government in many ways is getting a pass in their legislative capacity. Here is how to support the WDR in this time of need where readers have been so supportive thank you.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account WatchdogReport Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan go There is a national story done on the WDR:
Thank God wearing masks and other measures are working, should have not become a political statement, but good public health safeguard.
Thank God wearing a mask and social distancing bringing down the number of new cases as some 200,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 as the stricter health guidelines continue to bring the infection rate down. However, these steps should have been taken at the very beginning but became a political issue and statement of one’s political leanings that has left the economy in shambles, and now we have the Bob Woodward book on President Donald J. Trump, called “Rage” hitting the bookshelves including hours of recorded conversations with the veteran White House reporter.
Further for me this time pandemic could be the demise of the Watchdog Report since some sponsors have not reupped theirs support though I understand how tough times are for almost most families and businesses.
The correct count Census undercount back in 2010 cost the city of Miami some $81 million and perhaps some congressional redistricting. Further the commerce department is reducing the time to count and we as a community must go into overdrive, despite COVID-19, the presidential election, and other issues. the report is slightly dated.
>>>>And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time: Further, if you would rather send a check, send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to: 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you.
What about all the virtual zoom meetings?
The two-dimensional zoom meetings and decisions need to be reviewed after the pandemic is over some suggest in two years for the present system is ripe for corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse and individually the FBI just busted a fraud scheme. And here is another fraud scheme busted
Something back in 2,000 was not happening when Miami-Dade had almost 100,000 people without health insurance inundating hospitals. For the current state go to for more go to: >>
200,000 Miami resident’s driver licenses are suspended.
A commission subcommittee discussed the number of people with suspended licenses not for reckless driving but for not paying a fine on time. The county in the course of a year gives out 900,000 tickets and since the clerk’s office is partially funded by these tickets that have a “40 percent surcharge if goes to a collection agency, said judge Steve Leifman at a commission subcommittee on disparity in the community. These unpaid fines turn into felonies that follows a person the rest of their life the jurist noted and with COVID it is clogging up the courts said Leifman. Unfortunately, the only real solution must be done by the state and legislature re the high fines used to create revenue for the clerk’s office but given Miami drivers many sometimes do not even know they have an outstanding tickets and notification should be required suggested the jurist known for his work on mental health reforms in the 11th judicial circuit.
>>> Finally, Trump says wearing mask is OK precaution as COVID cases surge through the south, all government employees must ask people to wear a mask, because not working currently, even in front of Miami city hall Friday, could COVID sound trucks used with hurricanes in neighborhoods increase mask wearing?
>> Mayor’s July 1, financial disclosure lists no income as of counsel at law firm, talks about transparency, yet many secrets, may be a one term mayor, father’s county mayoral race may impact his future, see CORRECTION at top.
His son Francis the mayor of Miami is also working the media circuit talking about how he was criticized for taking strong measures trying to tamp down the spread of COVID, that needs to be bumped up to the highest level given the rise in positive tests and keeping the community in lockdown will not allow the economy open. As the community’s financial resources are being stretched to the breaking point and includes the feeding of seniors which will continue but through different organizations, like Catholic Charities.
And check out this national story on me that ran in all the Tribune papers back in 2003.
What about the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust?
>>>> Baptist Health South Florida is teaming up with Goodwill industries to create hospital care-kits to prevent COVID-19 and the to see a show on the subject go to:
>>> The Watchdog Report must raise money and I will return next week and to my supporters thank you for your past support. Further Zoom meetings are showing what a two-dimension binary political life looks like and there is little nuance on many hot button issues facing governments from the halls of the senate to the county commission.
Since 2002 the public has been promised synchronized traffic lights contract some 3,000 of them was finally achieved Tuesday. When county commissioners voted 8 to 4 to go with the Siemens $152 million Bid versus Horsepower a politically connected company in Hialeah where a $160 million saving variance existed. and had two of the top county lobbyists facing off former commission chair and state senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla representing Siemens and his foe was former state representative Miguel De Grandy who once lost an election by one vote and was instrumental in creating the county’s Domestic Violence Board in the state capita and both are Republicans.
>>> The Miami Commission held a special commission meeting Thursday to review how the Miami. Dade county Homeless Trust utilizes its some $67 million budget and how it is dealing with the COVID-19 homeless on the streets.
Miami 25-years ago had some 10,000 homeless in Miami and even had a mayor before the trust was created. Currently there are some 1,000 homeless on the street. However, this meeting and participants were able to explain about the lack of accurate information out in the community and Commissioner Manalo Reyes was not well informed and for many homeless there is “housing resistance,” even when there are rooms is a daunting problem.
Why are there so many trusts in Miami? Trusts from the Public Health Trust or Miami Bayfront Park Trust?
The many trusts were created usually After a scandal and was a way to lesson public officials’ interference which back in 2000. Commissioners at the county transferred some $70 million in county expenses for medical care in the jails into the PHT trust at a time it was hemorrhaging money because of the millions spent giving in charity care.
>>>> Celebrating 20-years of weekly publishing and I thank all of my supporters, this Platinum Anniversary
Twenty years ago, this Tuesday I started the Watchdog Report as a weekly report every Sunday, unless I had technical computer issue or was sick since I had two significant health issues during those years and while we are facing a new challenge COVID-19. My goal was to get these major public institutions to know what they were doing since they were like ships at sea and not communicating with each other and wasting money with a ground swell of corruption and scandal thrown in.
However, given the circumstances the saving of precious tax dollars is even more imperative, and some elected leaders are not handling the crisis well. Further, Miamians are not following social distancing and are rarely wearing masks and becomes a new aspiration, “like stopping at a stop sign or paying all your taxes,” said U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz when she was sentencing the de Cespedes brothers for Medicare fraud and years ago ears I attended the Miami-Dade County Commissioner’s James Burke corruption trial and so much more especially when one uses their own money. I would arrive early and stay late and knew where there was free food at public meetings, and I wrote a story on eating my way through government.
Further, had the little Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez not arrived I would not be doing this for a turning point was seeing a photo in The Miami Herald with homestead residents with confederate flags and African Americans shouting F…k the Cubans,” and we as a community had crossed a line that included the 1994 English in government only ordinance passed and rescinded later in the decade but it split the different ethnic groups like never before and reporter Vanessa Garcia wrote a great piece on how the media covered the story.
Further, the nation is seeing the important work of first responders, nurses, and physicians and when this health disaster is over many of these hard-working people will need some PTSD treatments given these professionals unable to wind down after their shift. However, the lack of PPE is unacceptable and clearly the national emergency stockpile of protective gear was inadequate and needs to be beefed up. “Social distancing is the new watchword,” and “shelter in place,” fist conceived in the 1950’s during the cold war on Civil Defense and included the jingle when you see the flash duck and cover. But with an aggressive virus keep your distance and face covered is the new fashion trend. While the county’s Homeless Trust is dipping into it reserves the trust chirr Ron Book is trying to get tests to the Chapman homeless Assistance Center that a few weeks ago had no one testing positive yet at the facility said the organization’s CEO but that may have changed since.
Also, with collapse of the American economy the printed media is under the gun and The Miami Herald is fighting to continue and while many people complain about the paper the loss of this tremendous and important institution would be devastating to Miami and South Florida as a whole and needs are support as reporters are exposed to perhaps asymptomatic people or using a ten-foot boom pole microphone as was the case recently with Miami Commissioner Ken Russell.
Baptist Health South Florida is offering tele-medicine and corona virus information online
Here are the histories of past pandemics and both my father Arthur J. Ricker, M.D. and my grandfather, Otto Lee Ricker, M.D. dealt with past pandemics including the one from 1957 -1958 and my dad used to talk to me about the quarantine process and why it was necessary and if you violated it, I believe back then someone from the county’s health department might intervene and included diseases like smallpox or the dreaded polio virus. Here are links to those past epidemics.
here is one from 2009: and here is the timeline for that more recent one.
>>> Today is the Watchdog Report’ 20th issues this year and when I started back in 05.05.00, having a 20-year platinum anniversary. I never imagined I would be doing this weekly publication for 20- years. I am not a big chest thumper and just try to be an informational electrolyte, between the many large public entities (That in total is about $16 billion and Miami $1 billion). that make up Miami-Dade County. However, many times it is at the lower level of government that deals are made, and other beefs are discussed and to my early supporters thank you for putting your trust in me. Further, the Esserman family gave $2.5 million to help The Miami Herald do investigative journalism and is asking for not-for-profit news organizations to apply to the Miami Foundation for possible grants, and these investigators should look at all the public institutions simultaneously for after 20-years many are all related and reporters need to know the many players and lobbyists to help understand the story and the WDR would be happy to help in any way I can in explaining the lay of the political landscape.
>>>> Further, the antics at the City of Miami by commissioner Joe Carollo, and Xavier Suarez is why I started the WDR back on May 05, 2000 and a recall effort is gaining steam with former manager joe Arriola kicking in $100,000 to help get the signatures needed to call for a recall of the Dist. 3 commissioner who has commission meetings a must watch affair, unfortunately since Miami needs stability given are diverse and poor sections of the city.
Check out the Knight Foundation’s forum for engaged communities and news sources a great read.:
What about the scooters that terrorize pedestrians and race around the streets and cause some thousands of head injuries in ER’s?
>>> Further in May. I had a surgery and the attendant bills have depleted my funds so if you feel the WDR is an asset to the community I need your help to continue with this faced this time of need and I know you have many demands but hope if you have been a past sponsor you could step up one more time to help me keep this endeavor going for another decade.
Thank you Unfortunately, last week that did not happen, though some may be the mail even though I just must hang in there to March when new funding becomes available. But surviving to that month. I have not dealt with since 2004, after using some $300,000 of my own money,
In this 20-year journey and all my historical knowledge. Especially since in Miami Commissioner joe Carollo has reverted to his crazy self and is determined to destroy the Miami commission where he had a new ally Alex Diaz de la Portilla (who is getting a private bathroom in his commission office) and Carollo is not the calm commissioner Miami hoped for but is just another proxy on the dais for Carollo. On Thursday, a whole new political dynamic has emerged with Carollo, 62 and DLP, 54 the new lions on the Miami plains and Mayor Francis Suarez are the gazelle and while Carollo keeps mentioning he has two degrees from FIU one in international relations there is no mention of these on his biographies that I have searched twice. Further, Carollo suggested there was a concerted effort to embarrass him as a commissioner citing tweets between assistant city managers. Including not being invited to a United Way check presentation event and believes Suarez is orchestrating this disrespect to the body.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time: Further, if you would rather send a check, send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to: 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan.
What about “big brother” privacy, with new 5G technology?
with the new 5G network infrastructure that includes a platform for license plate readers, video and other sensors and the information will be stored in the Miami police department but understands it could “wig,” people out personal freedom said Chief Jorge Collina. In the future these could include facial recognition used widely in China.
This technology allowed the police to identify a shooter in 30 minutes after a shooting at Kush in Wynwood and that is impressive, said Collina.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
After 20-years I need community help to keep at this and know you have many demands on your finances but if you can please keep me going when you cannot. Thank you!
I was once asked by county commission chair Barbara Carey -Shuler what I thought in the press room in the chamber? I said it was a blend of announcer and umpire occasionally like when MPO was going to give $10 million to an obscure a.m. radio station to do traffic up-dates that are already being done as a community requirement for free. The commission shot it down, but it had commissioner joe Martinez saying to the board member “you’re on fire, bail out,” and the commission did not pass it.
Further, I write about the homeless since back in 2002. I was one of the people laying on the government center plaza and learned these people were essentially looked on as trash.
Further, for some reason May has traditionally been a tough month when it comes to fundraising. So, if you appreciate what I have done for almost 20-years weekly using thousands of my own money go to: The WDR report will return next week. I need a break thank you for your support over the past 20-years.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time: Further, if you would rather send a check, send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to: 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you.
>>> Homeless dying on streets in Miami-Dade drops to 188 versus a high of over 200 souls last year.
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust met and there was some good and bad news. Last year over 200people died on the streets many by opioids and fentanyl and the hard life on the street. For the past year that number dropped to 188 people passing and getting people a job and housing is the goal and the Chapman Partnership placed 158 people in jobs and an apprentice program pilot is being tested with FIU learning construction skills.
>>> The public safety committee at the county passed a MOU with Pinellas County that has one of the largest facial recognition data bases in Florida.
Miami has become a premier cancer care destination, UM & Baptist $400 million Proton therapy celebrates 500 proton treated patients, at Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida all cutting edge cancer centers, community residents are lucky when it comes to new cancer therapies, Baptist giving low-cost mammogram tests during breast cancer month.
Miami has become an area destination for cancer care with University of Miami’s new Federal designation as a National Cancer Institution (NCI) and The Baptist Health South Florida Miami Cancer Institute is the health system with a Proton beam device. The only one in South Florida and a $400 million investment in cancer care, especially for children, and patients who no longer must go to north Florida to get this less damaging treatment than chemotherapy and is more precise for more go to: The institute just celebrated its 500th Proton treatment recently and the technology was highlighted on PBS Friday night and is used for a variety of cancers something I did not know and leave nearby tissue alone versus radiation :— for more on Baptist go to: Further Baptist has a low cost breast cancer screening program that is only $50.00 and for more go to
And when it comes to medical care early detection is key and as I age, I am becoming more cognizant of that fact.
Miami with two separate FBI Medicare fraud task forces and is “the graduate school of fraud,” and where new fraud beta sites are proven past U. S. attorneys have asserted over the years.
>And having a member of the press at public meetings gives teeth to the Florida Sunshine Law (and why you get a Flu Shot) and open meetings tape recorded keeps good governance in place and reduces waste fraud and abuse, and public corruption, and is why you do not speed in front of a state trooper for example. And hope you can support the WDR efforts to have informed residents to public institutions issues, in our community. Further,
I am a fanatic about having an accurate public record with no gaps in the conversion after I had an attorney challenge such a gap saying, “IS that God speaking from a burning bush?” He asserted.
>> Further the in South Florida is an established news service presence, because most people are too busy to go to these important meetings., and all the information comes through me as a central point allowing me to see things at a 100-mile altitude and being an early warning system when projects have overruns or other issues. But my job is to sound the alarm and I have done so many times over the past years in a host of ways.

Miami-Dade, Fla.
Vol.21 No. 39, May16, 2021 Celebrating 21 years of weekly publishing! & Former Miami Herald news & editorial columnist. EST: 05.05.00, I go when you cannot, for 20- years & a trusted community education resource & news service, without the attitude
ARGUS REPORT: Heard Seen on the Street
PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST: Here is an update of the $830 million Jackson Miracle Bond program that is moving right along and changing the JHS in 2009.Jackson has 8th year of clean audits not always the case years ago. I did a fraud issue. However, Jackson Health System was fined for some wayward employees selling or leaking medic medical records and I interviewed the FBI’s Special Agent in Charge(SAC) John Gillies and to read the story go to: -Joint PHT BCC meeting goes smoothly love fest versus the past CEO Migoya says, “Doral west on budget and on time by Nov. 2020,” can be seen from landing MIA planes The new AOA agreement calls for health trust to pay $130 million to UM for a host of medical services and below is a complete breakdown of the services and payments.
EDITORIALS: – Politicians do not realize voter’s frustration is they are such hypocrites, many times (like now when congress gets paid but no other federal departments with a gov. shut-down) Most politicians hate the press- Florida needs Sunshine Amendment many municipalities out of control and get little press coverage or oversight, legislators are on wrong side of this one
Check out the Knight Foundation’s forum for engaged communities and news sources a great read.:
>>> “You may not take an interest in politics, but politics may take an interest in you.” Pericles (430 B.C.)
Heard and Seen on the street
>>> U.S. $23 trillion debt clock, not being discussed by candidates, is a fiscal time bomb the nation will one day have to face!
With the nation’s debt climbing to $26. trillion none of the candidates from either party are discussing this fiscal time bomb on the campaign trail. I first became alarmed back in 2004 when it was just $4 trillion but the wars and Great Recession added new fuel to the rising debt and increased interest rates and the link shows the nation’s debt clock and please sit down given the velocity of the numbers.
Knight Foundation study on local media:
>>>> Elderly phone scam uses fear, persistence to try to take advantage and get personal information, hang-up, most government concerns come in the mail not by phone.
Update I got one pf these calls on Monday, so scammers are still trying to prey on older folks with a very scary message please disregard and hang-up, even if they call back.
I am starting to see how the elderly can fall for a scam given what they may be personally dealing with (perhaps a surgery) at the time. The current one is a phone call saying a bank transfer is occurring or that you are going to be charged with drug and money laundering charges and the FBI may be at your door. Part of this variation is that you will lose your social security and that your number has been compromised and cancelled and need to meet at a “target or CVS,” says the scammer and is very insistent asking “are you in your car yet,” since he has spent so much time and even asked you to write down his federal badge number. Most federal agencies contact you by mail and you should hang-up immediately despite their persistence.
>>>The Knight Foundation releases commission report on restoring trust in media.
The John. S. and James L. Knight Foundation has released a report looking at restoring trust in the media and its corrosive effect to Democracy to read the commission’s report go to:
>>. JHS to pay $130 million to UM for a host of medical services and below is a complete breakdown of the services and payments.
>>> Miami Dolphins super star Nat Moore tells school board without opportunity to attend Dolphin’s training camp, “he would have been a truckdriver like his father Edison High graduate 1969.
>>> The Miami Dolphins were honored by the school board Wednesday and the team needed some good news after the bruising battle at county hall and bringing F1 racing to the stadium and Miami Gardens. That brought out a host of residents against the race. A number of Dolphins and management attended the meeting and star player Nat Moore said if it were not food the chance to attend a Dolphin training camp “he would have been a truck driver like his father and is an Edison High 1969 graduate.
He said the experience gave him confidence is doing something different and the team at Edison High recently replaced football gear destroyed by a freak fire when no one else was in the building.
The school board is refinancing some Certificates of Participation (COP) bonds and the maneuver suggested by a treasury advisory board is saving the public district 468 million and the nation’s second largest district has an extensive bond portfolio and has been refinancing since interest have been so low especially a few years ago.
here is the link to the audit agenda:
School District Impact Fees Audit Check out the audit and what the county owes to the public district
What about the speeding boats on the Miami River and these hitting manatees? The river with a dubious history has restaurants dotting the shores and residents are asking for a more robust police marine patrol and say the fast boats are scarring the slow-moving sea cows that swim along the shore to avoid these boats.
Further, with multiple municipalities, hospitals utilities have been held hostage and cyber ransom blackmail to regain access to encrypted computers. To read more about these hacks and technology go to these two links and it will open your eyes on the danger of these actors including North Korea and is only evolving in complexity and even the CIA has been penetrated along with the ultra-secret NSA.
And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan.
informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. And I thank my supporters over the last 19 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to:
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
The homeless trust has a new program where people with rental housing can register their rental units with the county and for more on the program go to:
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan go to:
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2020, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
HUGH CULVERHOUSE, Jr (The first contributor)
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2007)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
Bercow Radell Fernandez Larkin & Tapanes – Land Use …
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
Shubin& Bass:
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
Miami Parking Authority www.mpamiami
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
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Please make checks out to Daniel A. Ricker and send to 3109 Grand Ave. 125 Miami, Fla 33133