Watchdog Report Vol.22 No.14 March 6, 2022 – EST:05.05.00 – I go when you cannot for 22-years
>>> World holds its breath, as war increases refuges and civilian deaths, sanctions not helping slow Russian juggernaut, in Ukraine
A nation and a world could be at a tipping point, and while allies are calling for a no-fly zone in Ukraine, Florida Sen. Marco, Rubio, R-Fla., told ABC Sunday that such a zone “would start WWIII,” since it would involve contact with Russian Migs and defensive missiles. Given the global stakes writing about local government seems trite. Americans know very little about President Putin,69, and “Frontline,” a PBS production has done great biographies on Putin, called “Putin’s Way,” and “Putin’s Revenge, Part II.”
For me who grew up in the 1950s and remember because of all the above ground tests of nuclear bombs made the snow one year radioactive and could not be eaten. I think about this after a shell landed close to the entombed Chernobyl nuclear reactor and could create a radioactive cloud to float over Europe.
Thanks to my initial founding sponsors, the WDR will continue for another year.
I am pleased and thankful to announce the WDR will be here another year after founding sponsors came through this year and I thank all the people who have kept me going over the last 22-years, despite some medical issues, like last year after I broke my hip and was repaired and I have no pain thank God and can walk after physical therapy.
>>> The Miami-Dade County commission needs to keep a eye-on the Omni community redevelopment authority, with controversial Miami commissioner Alex dela Portilla becoming chair of $66 million annual budget agency helping to pay for the Adrienne Arsht Center debt, some $5 million yearly.
Miami-Dade County commissioners need to keep A close eye on Miami’s Omni CRA, an important $66 million budget entity that helps fund the Adrianne Arsht Performing Arts Center. Since a purge is taking place for political reasons. This began after Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla (DDLP) was appointed chair of the Omni board, replacing commissioner Ken Russell as chair by the commission.
The alert goes up after the long-time director Jason Walker was fired by DLP recently and replaced with Barnaby Min a city attorney till early March. The entity’s mission is to fight slum and blight, but of the 11 CRAs the county helped create some have become a political tool to hire people for no show jobs and one felonies employee Jenni Nillo, has been hired by DDLP as his outreach employee after she was fired by Walker at the CRA for being a ghost employee. She further did three years in prison after pleading guilty to mortgage fraud and money laundering .And for more go to : Also Felon fired amid investigation, then quickly re-hired by Miami commissioner (
What do we know of DDLP”s finances?
The mans net worth on 12/31/21 was $1.3 million and owes Hm holdings. A snack food manufacturer a revocable loan of $600,000 and owes Wells Fargo $630,000.and the WDR is doing more research on Hm that received $253,860, in PPP loans and has a local Miami address.
The middle brother Alex of the prominent Cuban family that had two of them being a Florida senator Alex and his lobbyist brother Miguel.
What about the annual Miami-Dade Domestic Violence Annual Board report?
The domestic violence trust has opened a new 60-bed shelter in South Miami and with Covid domestic violence cases have been on the rise. Further, there is new software that allows a caller to use facetime if the approve and is great for prosecuting domestic violence.
>>> Russian nuclear forces on high alert ups global stakes of Ukraine invasion, for Putin, local institutions brace for possible cyberattacks, during conflict, world prays no nuclear accident of use, with NATO unified
With Putin putting Russian nuclear forces on ‘on high alert,’ the stakes on the invasion of Ukraine( remember the 1960s movie “Fail Safe,”) have risen with the UN holding a special security council meeting this afternoon. Putin in office 22-years has become increasing isolated and like all autocrats hears only things that he wants to hear and has local South Florida governments beefing up their cybersecurity from threats including the city of Miami.
Putin’s mind set is also being discussed and he may have been surprised by the stiff resistance the Ukrainians are putting up bogging down Russian forces as demonstrations erupt around the world condemning Russia. Given the situation the world is praying no mistakes are made in this tense period of high nuclear alert, rarely seen over the decades and both sides arsenals are bristling with nuclear weapons though Ukraine gave them up when the Soviet Union dissolved, an empire Putin wants to recreate.
>>> Clean-up efforts of Biscayne Bay kick into high gear with “120,000,” homes on septic tanks countywide, county commissioners “want to see specifics, one by one,’ since the first Bay study in 2015.
On a different note: than above. The county’s Biscayne Bay task force is revving up its efforts since the first study of the bay in 2015. Funding finally has been surging from the state and federal government. The one main polluter of Biscayne Bay is the est. 120,000 septic tanks countywide and converting septic to sewer can cost up to $20,000, and the desire is to reduce that amount to around $1,000, and there is new septic tank technology, that uses baffles in the interior of the tanks but the bay is at a tipping point say environmentalists and chair Commissioner Daniele Cohens Higgins, wants to see “specifics,” and true goals and time lines. Further, one of the first conversion areas is Schenley Park area in commissioner Rebeca Sosa’s district next year, after years of delays.
Past WDR: What about the issue of homeless children in Miami-Dade?
The point count recently was 947 kids on streets since this most recent count? “The count found 49 percent were ’homeless the first time,” 65 percent were non-Hispanic, and 40 percent were LGBT and 180 people were moved into new homes and the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust participated in the 100 Day challenge and above is some of the results I asked trust chair Ron book about the program discussed at the trust meeting Friday and he responded: “The 100 Day Challenge relates to ending youth homelessness, and we were 1 of 5 Communities identified nationally. We accepted the challenge, and there are now 15 Communities in the Country that have accepted it. We are considered probably if not the most successful to complete the one hundred Day Challenge ranking in the top 2 or 3.”
We did things to create new best practices, and if you had the opportunity, which you may already have seen the video from the Chicago Summit, you would see that the other four that participated in this 100 Day Challenge were truly taken by our efforts, commitment, and our success. We blew our goals out of the water, and we will continue to push, and pursue every youth that are on our streets until we have everyone out, and taken care of,” wrote the long-time chair.
What about water in the school district?
During Wednesday’s school board meeting the student advisor asked about getting water for students and noted what happened in ‘Flint Michigan schools,’ and lead in the water system as Miami-Dade which pays for schools’ water is under-going a massive replumbing under a federal consent decree. This caught my eye because there may be a rumor that the county water is suspect and here are a couple reports on the matter
>>> Regalado says Playhouse negotiations with county and state “have come to an end at the county,” she told school board members
A group of protesters were outside the Coconut Grove Playhouse Thursday and about two dozen people attended with signs that said “Just say no,” the protest signs said and the issue of the county’s plan to destroy parts of the historic structure and coming to the Miami commission on April 28 to see if the county’s plan is approved but has preservationists fighting down to the wire. Update: County Commissioner Raquel Regalado at a school board meeting that as far as negotiations on the historic structure. “It has come to an end,” at the county’s negotiation that she was involved in, she told the board Wednesday.
I am trying a new format and will go back to the usual format next week
>>> Further today is my Vol.22, No.14 and 22-years of weekly editions since 05.05.00 of publishing the Watchdog Report and while I have had a variety of health issues over the past years, I thank my supporters again for the confidence and privilege of doing this free news service along with the internet. Further, during that time I have had no scandals or personal controversies and sometimes returned money like I did with ex-judge Martin Zilber, who resigned after abusing his judicial staff.
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time: Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan
>>> And having a member of the press at public meetings gives teeth to the Florida Sunshine Law (and why you get a Flu Shot) and open meetings tape recorded keeps good governance in place and reduces waste fraud and abuse, and public corruption, and is why you don’t speed in front of a state trooper for example. And hope you can support the WDR efforts to have informed residents to public institutions issues, in our community.
>>> Further the in South Florida is an established news service presence, because most people are too busy to go to these important meetings., and all the information comes through me as a central point allowing me to see things at a 100-mile altitude and being an early warning system when projects have overruns or other issues. But my job is to sound the alarm and I have done so many times over the past years in a host of ways.
Miami-Dade, Fla.
Vol.22 No.14, March 6, 2022, Soon Celebrating 22 -years of weekly publishing! & Former Miami Herald news & editorial columnist. 05.05.00, I go when you cannot, for almost 22-years & a trusted community education resource & news service, without the attitude

>>>> Scuffle at Morton’s Rest., has rival political families embarrassed, young Gimenez lobbied with DLP’s older brother Miguel.
STATE of FLORIDA: Check out Children’s Trust heart gallery, kids needing forever homes, will break your heart Disruptive pre-k children getting “suspended,” new challenge for Children’s Trust — Complete 2020 Census count critical to get our share of $675 billion annually, some $29 billion in 2010, undercount costs $1,400 in lost revenue
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Past WDR: M-D County Youth Commission finds “rampant,” bullying and “code reds,” climate change, vaping new issues, body creating the leaders of the future, and note Miami is one of the first “cities to run out of water say,” studies show- Will the county float a new GOB for infrastructure, getting thousands off septic tanks–Commissioner Souto says with humongous county government mayor should “crack the whip,” believes, running slower, “wants more eyes on major contracts”– Last week’s hot topics were, vehicles & furniture, “4 to 10 police,” vehicles a week can be processed by county in new police cars, $84 million contract, $38 million from previous year “1,006 new cars from that amount
Miami-Dade County Public Schools; After years and rumors of loss of independence WLRN and public district sign agreement, along with land deal for new administrative headquarters. Carvalho held tough over the years, wanted employees to be under district policies, after Friends CEO John lebonia, salary causes a stir.– Charter schools 134 of them are asking to receive some of the $1.2 billion GOB proceeds passed by county voters, teacher raises and facilities upgrades, is running into protests.
PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST: Continuum of care center coming for homeless with mental issues, JHS involved one stop center– New wellness program cohort had a “600 Lb.” loss of weight and another cohort had 29 employees getting their B.A.’s at MDC, says JHS trustee Dr. Lipof —
CITY OF MIAMI: Miami commission Attorney Victoria Mendez did not read investigation file on Ricardo Gomez, selected to investigate corruption with three city commissioners, insists she is keeping her distance three investigators hired she said.–Hiaasen’s “Bad Monkey,” coming to Virginia Key for filming, est. to bring in $80 million, through life of show, shot in arm for dormant film production in Miami – Carollo claims chief Jorge Colima did “black ops,” against commissioners, citing controversy of commissioner Alex DLP and car crash, commissioner Russell no longer chair of Omni CRA, replaced with DLP, Carollo now vice chair, still makes wild accusations–
EDITORIALS: Disgraced Miami politicians making a comeback: including jailed ex commissioner Hernandez, sad so little progress made in transparent government — Most politicians hate the press- Florida needs Sunshine Amendment many municipalities out of control and get little press coverage or oversight, legislators are on wrong side of this one
Community Event :Lotus Village gala Margulies Warehouse new show,
>>>IFyou wish to be deleted, just e-mail me with that message.
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
ARGUS REPORT: Heard Seen on the Street
>>> Scuffle at Morton’s Rest., has rival political families embarrassed, Gimenez lobbied with DLP’s brother Miguel.
It is not the first time a relative Carlos, “CJ” Gimenez of an elected leader his father congressman Carlos Gimenez creates controversy. It happened in Coral Gables when the son slapped the head of a Miami commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla (DLP) and a scuffle occurred only broken up by a Miami commission Sergeant-of-arms in plain clothes and technically out of his jurisdiction, under a municipal MOU that usually applies to hurricanes or very unusual circumstance but in this case that was not the situation, and the son was arrested and spent a night in jail, later released on a $15,000 bail. Political siblings as in the case of lobbying use their connection and, in this case, Gimenez, the younger used to lobby extensively with DLP’s brother Miguel in Miami.
What happened at the Grove Playhouse?
While passions ran high Thursday at the Miami commission meeting regarding the fate of the historic Playhouse in Coconut Grove, the objectors to the county’s plan did not realize the battle and fate happened long ago at the selection committee meeting at Miami-Dade County, here is the county’s description of the process and its members one of which had to get an ethics commission ruling that found a conflict with the FIU member
And to read about the early years of the WDR go to the national story that ran in all the Tribune Papers in 2003:‘I GO WHEN YOU CANNOT’ – Sun Sentinel (
>>>The Knight Foundation releases commission report on restoring trust in media
The John. S. and James L. Knight Foundation has released a report looking at restoring trust in the media and its corrosive effect to Democracy to read the commission’s report go to:
>>> Check out Children’s Trust heart gallery, kids needing forever homes, will break your heart when you see their smiles
The Miami-Dade County Trust is featuring its heart gallery on children looking to be adopted into lifetime homes and to see the gallery that will break your heart go to
Miami heart Gallery
>> PAST WDR: M-D County Youth Commission finds “rampant,” bullying and “code reds,” climate change, vaping new issues, body creating the leaders of the future, and note Miami is one of the first “cities to run out of water say,” studies show
A joint meeting with county commissioners and the Miami-Dade County Youth Commission created by the body in 2011 is always an eyeopener. These young members say what they mean with the bark on and in the past years school violence and bullying was a number one concern and after the tragedy at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas students expressed concerns when it comes to “code red,” drills that they need the teachers to explain more what the “procedures,” should be and that these drills “should end after some six minutes the students,” on the council said.
Further the issue of vaping and e cigarettes is a big concern since some 2.3 million students in the county are vaping and has a variety of Side effects that still need to be studied more but it has become increasing number the student representatives said.
These members also did community service like Books for Tots where they give out children’s books like Vegetable Soup and others to get preschoolers reading early.
They also traveled to Washington, D.C. PAMM and a school board meeting where they believe “zoning changes should be modified where vaping stores in strip malls should be outlawed in the county code close to schools. Further, each member talked about the programs impact on them from a roundtable meeting with Miami-Dade County Police Department and changed people’s perspective about officers that was different from what you see on social media.
>>> Will the county float a new GOB for infrastructure, getting thousands off septic tanks, ?
On Tuesday, the county commission had a discussion on whether the county should consider another general obligation bond since the 2004 GOB projects have mostly been completed and he noted many municipalities voters have approved recent bonds citing Miami Beach and Miami but while these were approved many people are asking when the taxing will end in a poor community
>>>> What about the Homeless Trust and this year’s number of who had died on the street, a new high many opioid related, last year 138 passed this year 201 passed state’s medical examiner confirms.
The watchdog Report contacted Book about the solemn but stirring meetings after the students spoke and he wrote back, “It was even more because we had the vigil for an hour and a half before in the lobby and it was extremely emotional and painful. Last year, 138 individuals died on our streets. The number jumped up this year to 201, which is the highest year yet and 77% are confirmed by the medical examiner to have died from opioid overdoses. That is simply unconscionable, unacceptable, and disheartening.
Secondly, if that’s not bad enough, the national average from a life expectancy perspective on someone who lives on the streets is 79 years of age nationally. Our average this year amongst the 201 was 55 years old. Think about it, our average is 24 years younger than the national average and we don’t have minus 44-degree weather. It was very emotional and very hard and draining. Then we go to the Trust Meeting, and it just becomes a high, but it was a high after one of the worst downers in the 25 years I’ve served this Board. Then right after the Board meeting, I had to judge with four of my team members, our annual essay and poster contest amongst elementary, middle school and high school kids. Just a hard day around on homelessness, wrote the long-time chair Book. For more on the Sadowski trust go to;
>>> Commissioner Souto says with humongous county government mayor should “crack the whip,” believes, running slower, “wants more eyes on major contracts”
“Let’s crack the whip,” says commissioner Javier Souto to mayor Carlos Gimenez Tuesday when discussing a controversial water and sewer contract and believes things are slowing down with a “Humongous,” county government and he believes it is important “for people to watch the process, the more the merrier.” He said the county is “sweating money at MIA,” and the county is floating some $700 million in new aviation bonds for MIA and I was reminded of the county’s “Review,” committee in the 1990s chaired by attorney Norman Powell and they were reviewing some $400 million in change orders twice and explained in a one paragraph memo referencing new airline “alliances,” but there was no discussion and it took about three minutes to pass the change orders and that trend ballooned the cost of MIA to over $6.4 billion and at one point having to pay some $1 million a day in debt payments.
What about shot spotter more cameras and extra police for school safety.?
Mayor Gimenez told commissioners recently shot spotter and their use by police that someday drones may be found “on police cars in the future,” after commissioner Javier Souto went into a discussion about the need for police “to have eyes in the sky,” he thought and would decrease gun violence.
Further the county has “three dome areas,” which is what the shot spotter areas are called and the Ring security camera on people’s homes is reducing crime and Gimenez at his home has one and he can keep track of his home.
Gimenez said the one-time funding to have county police guard schools cannot be sustained and will approach school district Superintendent Alberto Carvalho in January since the district had a bond passed to enhance teacher pay and more school security that the county cannot cover any longer. MDPD director Juan Perez that shell casings collected by ATF is an invaluable tool along with license plate reader technology. He noted two officers killed in south Dade end the shell casings showed the gun was “used five times before,” in a crime said Perez
Will elections and sheriff be political patronage havens, or repositories for termed out elected officials to land?
Lack of competency in candidates in new elected offices, highlighted during the last election cycle has many concerned what the future of key elected officials will be. For example, Miami-Dade state attorney in office since 1992 has said she was not running again back in 2015 her last election and there is no current successor of an organization that handles some 250,0000 cases. This highlights the problem when offices are political like a supervisor of elections, sheriff and a host of others recently created by statewide voters and create political patronage rather than competency is one of the reasons Broward elections supervisor Brenda Snipes had problems in November’s elections.
What is the new elderly crisis coming seniors & children housing money their lack of permanent long-term homes?
Homeless seniors are becoming the biggest threat facing the county in the future and it is a “Crisis, said Ron Book,” the Miami-Dade County Homeless trust chair. At past trust meeting and the need for permanent housing for this emerging group is critical and he is on a crusade to find permanent housing the trust can buy but in Miami the inventory is small an expensive he has said in the past. And to review the task force recommendations and has some elderly having to live in shelters for up to “1,000,” s and that number qualifying will only increase in the future.
Ron Book has been making the political rounds speaking at a Miami commission meeting about a new encampment in the inner city that has been blocked off by the health department after open sexual acts and drug dealing has resulted in a spike of AIDs cases and the finding of drug paraphernalia around the local schools and the trust has gone into emergency mode to get these people into rehabilitation and other programs and those coming back are being addressed where one Women had “black lips,” gangrene and was “spotted having a rat eating the food in her mouth,” in her stupor condition said Book to city commissioners and she was taken into rehabilitation but this is the challenge the county’s homeless trust faces. For more go to
The trust has a new program where people with rental housing can register their rental units with the county and for more on the program go to: http://www.homelesstrust.rg/rentconnect.asp
>>> New continuum of care center coming for homeless with mental issues, JHS involved one stop center, upcoming special PHT board meeting to ratify new committee chairs
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust along with Jackson Health System is opening a one stop public facility for homeless who qualify for a new diversion program with a mental illness and includes many veterans on the streets and is an old facility previously used by the state, but it will offer a continuum of care and was briefly discussed at the trust board meeting Friday. The whole community has been seeking ways to resolve the mental health issues of the homeless now drawing in people with opioid addiction and a drop of fentanyl can kill and many times is cut with cheap yellow Mexican heroin that appeared years past and is causing thousands of overdoses and the city of Miami spent $150,000 in procuring the miracle drug Narcan that can revive a overdosed person almost immediately and these people cut across all ethnic lines and the issue was discussed Sunday on “This Week in South Florida,” and to see the show go to Chapman, Jr. partnership go to:
>>> New wellness program cohort had a “600 Lb.” loss of weight and another cohort had 29 employees getting their B.A.’s at MDC, says trustee Dr. Lipof
Trustee Dr. Irene Lipof at this week’s televised board meeting noted a new wellness program cohort had a “600 Lb.” loss in weight. She further said that another program collaboration with MDC had a host of nurses getting their B.A. degrees and these programs are proving to be quite useful and while the trust given its payer mix is facing some financial strains and resulted in some staff administration cutbacks the health system believes it will be in the black by April and March (where cash was good). And there is 50 days of cash on hand that years ago was only 9 to 10 days, but a leaner JHS has improved that condition.
>>> After years and rumors of loss of independence WLRN and public district sign agreement, along with land deal for new administrative headquarters. Carvalho held tough over the years, wanted employees to be under district policies, after Friends CEO John lebonia, salary causes a stir.
The district has signed an agreement with WLRN the district’s public NPR station with studios next to the district offices. Editor’s note: For years I was on the station as a frequent quest reporter on local governments. However, I followed this controversy on the station’s independence and oversight, and had the station manager making almost more, not true, than the schools superintendent while other employees had no medical benefits and to see more from the past go to:
The agreement also includes a land deal and new administrative offices. For more go to Carvalho sells district property for millions; makes WLRN independent | Miami Herald
>>> Pop artist Romero Britto gets first district emeritus of the arts award, started in Brazil doing graffiti, now art seen throughout south Florida
>>> Charter schools 134 of them are asking to receive some of the $1.2 billion GOB proceeds passed by county voters, teacher raises and facilities upgrades, is running into protests.
Charter schools are asking for a portion of a 1.2 billion property tax that was expected to raise teacher pay and upgrade some schools and the district has 134 charter schools that are managed by private firms and upgrade private property with public funds and these entities do not have to follow the same rules and do not have to accept all students versus the public district and the legal battle is occurring in Tallahassee during the session, and these local tax dollars should go to the public district the fourth largest in the nation with 350,000 students. for more go to:
Check out the OIG report on the selling of GED documents:
>>> Mentoring is being emphasized at the public schools’ district and was sponsored by board member Lubby Navarro who was mentored by board chair Perla Tabares Hantmen the school board chair and this activity can have profound effects on young people.
I called Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes a “hypocrite,” in the lobby of city hall Thursday because he rarely wears a mask when he is walking around the chambers and during a prayer made a big deal that he had survived a bout of Covid and here he was ignoring the contagious nature of the disease. He angerly shot back that I was referencing “false science,” since he was vaccinated and boosted, even though that does not mean you cannot be contagious versus less likely to be admitted to the hospital.
What about city attorney Menendez?
>>> Miami commission Attorney Victoria Mendez did not read investigation file on Ricardo Gomez, selected to investigate corruption with three city commissioners, insists she is keeping her distance 3 investigators hired she said.
I caught up with city attorney Vicky Menendez and asked her if she had read the file on the Ricardo Gomez who she picked to do the investigation of commissioners accused of corruption in the fired police chief Art Acevedo 8-pafe letter to the mayor and FBI about corruption in the city. The man now a defense attorney was fired as police chief of Doral, after questionable contracts, yet was cleared by the state attorney’s office. However, a reliable source who read the report called it a “whitewash<’ but this is the man supposed to do the investigation. He further, donated $500. To the Joe Carollo campaign and Mendez did not consider it a conflict since he disclosed it. She seemed confused when I asked if she had read the investigative report and indicated “no” and I was reminded that when I asked a past city attorney if he worked for the citizens? He responded, “I work for three votes on the commission,” he brazenly said to me.
>>> Hiaasen’s “Bad Monkey,” coming to Virginia Key for filming, est. to bring in $80 million, through life of show, shot in arm for dormant film production in Miami
A television series based on Carl Hiaasen’s book “Bad Monkey,” is going to start production on Virginia Key and with 10 episodes ordered it is estimated to bring in some $80 million said the local promoter to the Miami Commission a few weeks ago and it will be the first series to spotlight Miami, since “Burn Notice,” packed-up and the old convention center was torn down and replaced with Regatta Park next to city hall.
>>> Carollo claims chief Jorge Colima did “black ops,” against commissioners, citing controversy of Alex DLP and car crash, commissioner Russell no longer chair of Omni Carapace with DLP
At Thursdays Miami commission controversial commissioner Joe Carollo went on a rant about forces in Miami trying to print falsehoods to hurt commissioners and claims former Chief Jorge Colina was directing “black ops, campaigns,” against commissioners
>>> Will commission turbulence affect bond ratings, “you are not the chair,” shouts Carollo, says he “knows one Harvard idiot [referring to mayor’s father and political The WDR writes about this because this simmering rehash of past political battles is making commission meetings real theater and eventually the rating agencies are going to pick up on this and could potentially downgrade the city’s bonds given the cities past fiscal issues.
>> PAST WDR: Commissioner Carollo attacks staff and administration for dereliction of duty and code enforcement, end of meeting like a Tchaikovsky sympathy’s climaxes,
The Way Back Machine was in full use Thursday at the Miami commission meeting when commissioner joe Carollo had what was likened to a star chamber interrogation of code enforcement staff and past lapses, including verbally attacking Mayor Francis Suarez and his law firm. Further hours later commission chair Ken Russell later apologized to city workers for the way they were spoken to by Carollo who believed there was a plot to get him out of office based on his demands for code enforcement saying it was selective enforcement and some people connected got a pass especially if they used attorneys from the firm that Suarez is of counsel and he promotes the firm on his twitter page. Carollo used terms like corruption and had one sharp exchange with Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina, who shot back that the commissioner “cannot bully him,’ like he was doing with a lot of other staff.
Suarez on his twitter account had him giving blood with a tee-shirt that said, “not all superheroes wear caps,” but on Thursday Carollo’s relentless hammering had the man and attorney sliding low in his chair at the dais and clearly Carollo bested the man in the heated rhetoric on selective code enforcement and had Suarez, saying the city follow’s the “law,”
Further later in the night Bill Fuller the owner of the Ball and Chain restaurant
came to the podium and accused Carollo being like Castro’s Cuba and the man said his uncle in 1960 “was executed in Cuba,’ and what was happening to him was like the communist country. The man also noted he had a federal case against the commissioner
What about Reyes and corruption?
Commissioner Manolo Reyes said he was shocked by all the comments about all the “corruption in the city and noted in the media Miami,” was again cited as one of the most corrupt in the nation and the read the report go to:
What about Carollo verbally pounding Suarez like a punching bag?
At the last commission meeting Carollo verbally decimated the mayor and the mayor’s nonresponse has made the young man and scion of his father former Mimi mayor Xavier Suarez an arch enemy of Carollo after a disputed mayoral election.
>>> More ammunition for Carollo as Suarez holds public meetings on housing in mega law firm Akerman where former Miami mayor Neisen Kasdan works, Magic City in Little Haiti is represented by the firm.
Suarez in a press release says he is holding a public meeting at the mega law firm Akerman managing partner is former Miami Mayor Nelsen Kasdan and he is the attorney pushing and representing the Magic City project in Little Haiti. But the public meeting should be held in a public location like the commission chambers and the mayor is having trouble getting his political sea legs in his new job as mayor.
Further, Suarez an attorney is very mum about his clients but at a previous law firm he was hired by the ritzy Fischer Island residents to lobby Miami-Dade county Carollo has raised the conflict issue with the new father and has bought a $1.4 million home in the south Grove but is very coy about how he could afford such a high end home given his net worth and previously reported in the watchdog Report. The man blows off any criticism of any conflict many times saying it is not anyone’s business, but Carollo keeps needling him and he allows a doubt of his true interest is the city or running for higher office, but many are now saying he is not ready for prime time. And he is shocked when challenged on the matter and seems oblivious why some would even ask
>>>> Disgraced Miami politicians making a comeback: including jailed ex commissioner Hernandez, sad so little progress made in transparent government, one reason county I.G. created,& Ethics commission, in 1996
When I started the WDR it was because so many Miami-Dade politicians were going to jail, and the recent incident of a lobbyist slapping the back of someone’s head, had actually happened to me in 2004 at the PHT nominating council trustee interview meeting when former Miami manager Joe Arriola slapped my head hard and after the meeting I spoke saying to the chair commissioner Rebeca Sosa. That if it happens again, I am calling the police. For citizens or politicians should never be subject to physical attack. Even though some of them seem to draw this. Further the slapping incident resurrected some past jailed Miami commissioners Humbert Hernandez, whose mother died recently but is now a Miami lobbyist and is a friend to Miami Commissioner Alex,(Net worth 12/20 $1,301500) who sat at the table with another lobbyist. But Hernandez, a dapper dresser when in office and a bon vivant was removed from office after he was indicted for federal Medicare fraud and later voter fraud. Editor’s note: his removal was followed by Miami commissioner Miller Dawkins) After his removal he had the guts to run again and won in the Little Havana district and was later convicted spending 264 days in prison after his attorney was seen making out in a Grove bar. These kinds of events are not good for public confidence in their local government and politicians don’t seem to get or care that being a hypocrite is the worst thing they can be and will ultimately be catch-up with them.
>>> Carollo claims extensive corruption in code enforcement, verbally beats down mayor Suarez and administration, not a good look for commission, political daggers out
What happened Thursday at the Miami commission meeting where commissioner Joe Carollo went after the mayor and city staff reminded me of the Sen. Joseph McCarthy hearings since words like corruption possible incompetence were thrown around like confetti and it was only the police chief Jorge Colina who stood up to the inquisition by the former mayor, “saying he would not be bullied,” a man that had the moniker of “crazy Joe,” and chairman Ken Russell got his first baptism of Miami political fire but it was Mayor Francis Suarez who had it worse and the man just got up and started to walk away (realizing anything he said was useless) under the tirade and has the magic city becoming one of the counties dysfunctional governments
>>> Elected leaders’ foreign trips could determine if they are Marco Polo, to county and city voters!
Since Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is termed out next year he is a lame duck and he is using this time to become the community’s Marco Polo as he travels the globe with his wife in tow and while he pays for her trip it comes across to the public as someone with entitlements and is his reward for being the strong mayor since 2011 and while luckily the region is booming people are wondering what is being accomplished on what used to be called junkets in the congress. However, Miami is not some unknown place throughout the world, and I used to joke. I could be with headhunters in Borneo and say Miami and they would come back with a response. The man a former Miami Fire and Rescue Chief should consider what his legacy will be in the twilight of his political career and these types of trips are little dings, especially since he never admits he might be wrong and bristles when challenged with is lobbyist son C.J. Gimenez his biggest liability as he ply’s the halls of the municipal governments.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan
informed and saving taxpayer monies in the process. And I thank my supporters over the last 17 years. And to read a national story and profile of the WDR publisher in the early years and background back in 2003 go to:
Daniel A. Ricker
Publisher & Editor
Watchdog Report
Est. 05.05.00
Copyright © of original material, 2019, Daniel A. Ricker
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
HUGH CULVERHOUSE, Jr (The first contributor)
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2007)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
Shubin& Bass:
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
Miami Parking Authority www.mpamiami
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report publisher over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
>>> Readers who would like to read the complete University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Southeast United States Media Report go to view the complete report or download
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Daniel A. Ricker
3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fl 33133