Watchdog Report Vol.24 No.47 February 25, 2024 – EST:05.05.00 I watch when you cannot: A free community education resource

Miami-Dade, Fla.
Vol.24 No 47, February 25, 2024, Celebrating May 5th, 24 – years of free weekly publishing! & Former Miami Herald news & editorial columnist. 05.05.00, I go when you cannot, for almost 22-years & a trusted community education resource & news service, without the attitude.
>>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you. –Pericles (430 B.C.)
City of Miami
>>> For three months since December the Miami Code Enforcement Board has not had quorum and “1,000 cases are pending,” said city staff. This is a problem that also bleads into areas of the unsafe structure board in the city.
In code’s case some can be “life safety issues,” and the idea of getting better board volunteers was suggested after they went “through a thorough background check,” said commissioner Joe Carollo, who also rejected the use of magistrates that empowers certain lawyer friends and back deals to occur, which has happened in the past.
During Thursday’s Miami commission meeting personal attacks continued. The rising cost of outside counsel for the attorney’s office is becoming a hot unanswered topic, and should be known to taxpayers, why so much is being committed to Carollo given his numerous court cases. Documentary producer Billy Corben called it a “blackhole that should be looked at from 2017,” for the total outside counsel cost to the city.
>>> I have had a major fiscal setback after decades of support in so many ways. A new executive feels under the new circumstances. They can’t support me like in the past given their issues, though still supporting but at a major reduced rate thank you so much. I am also trying to get the correct format back and will you watch the public health trust board meeting this week? Because I will and will report back.
This is a real problem and I have been selling items, but the anxiety like I felt in 2000 starting this endeavor is coming back as I continue to scale back while still keeping at this given the state of the community and actions of elected leaders. I have been honored for the past support after I used some $300,000 of my own money to live as the city has gotten so expensive across the board. I wish it were otherwise. Here is a national story of the early years
This is also impacting my writing, but I still cover the school board audit committee, public health trust, IG, and ethics commission and I have the only long-term knowledge at all our public institutions.
Since 2000, and now almost 24-years of weekly reports also online for all free to view the last decades political drama and actions, always trying for government to make informed decisions and save money, reducing waste fraud, abuse and generally public corruption. I have lived through past miracles and interventions and hope a reprieve of some sort may come.
>>> Baptist Health South Floria recently offered low-cost CT Calcium Screening at a reduced price $49.00 versus $99.00 in February.
The screening I took gives a very thorough look at your body’s arteries and heart disease. I may, have missed the Feb.16 deadline to register but make a note for next year for it is a useful test at any price and for more go to:
>>> Miami could be at a watershed moment with the investigation of former commissioner Covo and many others.
For it brings together a political operative Christne Ulvert who dominates the political landscape. The man has run the county mayor’s campaign and has gone on two trips with her. He also ran the state attorney’s race and Covo’s and is well connected.
The WDR’s beef is he is also a lobbyist at many levels. Years ago, Phil Hamersmith a political operative told me “I get them elected and then tell them what to do.” And with many witnesses we may find some will be forthcoming about how some of the standard practices of the county are done. This is only speculation but with so many actors the public may see the status quo changing given who gets caught in the Broward County’s state attorney’s investigators snare.
>>> Another Miami investigation Covo, will Gov. DeSantis remove Carollo, after all his troubles, loses federal judge ruling, trying to keep house, Miami’s drama getting world attention, not a good look, will bond rating be impacted, did once before?
Once again, ex-Miami commissioner Sabrina Covo is under investigation for supposed corruption. She denies this but had rival James Torres claim she offered him a job for his support, at a decent salary and he may have gone to State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle with this offer. The state attorney once again conflicted requested the governor to assign the case to Broward, which he did.
What about Joe Carollo’s $63 million judgement and his house in Coconut Grove?
The City of Miami has had major turnover at its preservation office and no federal historic designations since the office came up at last week’s Historical Environment preservation board meeting. The board tries to preserve what is left of old Miami as condos rise like a phoenix, and staff turnover fails to include historical knowledge. The department since 2015 has had 7 officers leave with the last Anna Pernas and shows the low priority of saving the city’s few historical structures from the Olympic Theater to the Coconut Grove Playhouse, still in limbo and is slowly deteriorating.
>>> Miami gave out 86,000 traffic tickets last year & county commissioner Bastion in bad accident, “glad to be alive.”
“Stopping at a stop sign in Miami is an aspirational act, like paying all your taxes,” said federal judge Patracia Seitz, while sentencing two brothers for Medicare fraud. This is relevant to Miami where the city’s police driver safety department gave out “86,000 tickets last year,” said police staff Thursday. Miami has been known for poor drivers for years and we see the costs in car insurance much higher than other states.
>>>What happened to county commissioner Marlein Bastion, after she was in a bad car accident and “is glad to be alive,” she told commissioners last week and another example of the dangers of our roadways.
>>> Will 7 new vacuum trucks 24/7 help reduce flooding throughout Miami, the hope is yes to enhance drainage, flow, now badly needed.
Flooding was the topic Thursday at a Sunshine meeting in the Miami commission chambers. The meeting brought three commissioners, the South Florida Water Management District staff and how to control the extensive flooding impacting large areas of the municipality. Including Brickell with dense condos and poor drainage. The city has acquired 7 new vacuum machines for drain cleaning working 24/7 said city staff to commissioners Manolo Reyes, Damian Pardo and Miguel Gabela, new to the dais. The water district has 2,175 miles of canals in the tax district. There are also 2,130 miles of levees and berms and these miles impact Miami-Dade County.
>>> Miami residents give electives dressing down, mayhem of commission hurting “Miami brand, Cocaine Cowboy days,” without killings, but perceived still Banana Republic around the world in media. Political instability will hurt bond rating in the months ahead.
City of Miami commissioners got a public dressing down Thursday, one for never starting on time and damaging Miami’s brand, that we again are perceived still like the cocaine cowboy’s era without the killings and a “banana republic,” said one brand expert Thursday. Billy Corben, a thorn in the side of Carollo for years, called out commissioners in a host of ways, “he was never paid by Caroll’s adversaries as the commissioner,” has repeatedly claimed from the dais. Corben, a documentary director also pointed out the influence of former commissioner Marc Sarnoff in campaign donations through his PAC.
Sarnoff is also the lobbyist for the controversial LED sign in Ferre park next to PAMM and has Frost Science objecting to the 100-foot LED billboard, with projected $1 million guarantee or $20 million over the life of 20-year contract say museum representatives.
However, Sarnoff when in office called billboards “eye pollution,” and was against them but he has been raking in the dough handling various city legal issues, and the meter is still running and the man’s campaign contributions to commission races is considerable. Editor’s note: The city wants to look at its governance method and should research the suggestions back in 1997 reports on good governance in the city already done to apparent no avail. Sarnoff is also representing commissioner joe Carollo in his suit with eighth street businessmen awarded a $63 million judgement being appealed.
>>> Mr. Alberto Ibargüen, a mentor, arts and journalism maven and teacher of the WDR publisher has stepped down as the president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation after 18-years and the man has been a blessing for me. The man a former publisher of the Miami Herald, and Ivy League trained attorney, veteran Peace Corps member was a dynamic leader and gave me incredible vocal support and encouragement in the early years of the WDR, and it was touch and go many times including my security. He was an inspiration to many, and the foundation’s support of journalism and the arts is well established under his nurturing. I cannot thank him and Tom Fiedler enough allowing me to have a featured column for eight years, a unique experience for me with a degree in Chinese Studies rather than journalism. Further the Knight Foundation’s past president Hodding Carter, III. The man told me what I was doing “was fundamental journalism,” and I was not on the wrong track for Miami that at the time had a community in South Dade red necks, confederate flags and blacks protesting the Cuban community in 2000.
>>> Here’s AI’s take on me and the WDR: I assume you are asking about the Watchdog Report by Daniel A. Ricker. The Watchdog Report is a weekly e-mail newsletter that covers government news from the nation, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Public Schools, the Public Health Trust, Miami and other municipalities in the county 1. Daniel A. Ricker is the publisher and editor of the Watchdog Report 1. The Watchdog Report is widely read by government insiders and a veritable who’s who of Miami 2. It is a compilation of the tidbits and observations he synthesizes from his tireless rounds 2. The Watchdog Report is estimated to bring in about $30,000 a year 2. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Learn more.
>>> The Florida ethics Commission updated their financial disclosure system and it’s terrible. I tried multiple times to review county mayor Daniella Levine Cavas’s financials and nothing came up. Further, county commissioner Rene Garcia’s disclosures are not online and the commission webpage in this are needs to be corrected Here’s a link to the page:
>>>Further, financing of the WDR needs help and if you can support a neutral long serving news source, consider supporting
>>> I had an opportunity to talk to a group of 5th6-7th graders washing cars at a McDonald’s Saturday and I asked them how life was in young people world, and they all looked down and when I joked my generation’s gift to you was think of the technology your kids will have. When I told them when the iPhone was released in 2007.Many said they hadn’t been born yet which caught me by surprise. The kids Ransom Raider soccer players were a joy to watch wash my car, and their observations were a pleasure for me at 73.
>> Modified school bus shocks Joe’s stone crab customers versus high end cars waiting to get in, was local Swiss artist Fleischman, creator of harmony strand for peace and harmony, lost leg on i-95 accident UM grad, visiting a friend.
In the midst of high end cars lined up a modified school bus drove into Joe’s Stone Crab valet and caused a stir of excitement, wondering who could be driving the school bus and a former amazon driver now a valet parked the vehicle for the local artist Cynthia Fleischman who lost her legs in a motorcycle accident on I-95 when a car crossed the yellow poles.
Florida has now welcomed more than 340 law enforcement officers from Illinois, California and New York
>>> Will Florida get Gov. Ron DeSantis back after Iowa caucus? Planning to stay the course in GOP legislature, poor showing could end presidential hopes. He folds.
>>> PRESS RELEASE: Summary of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust Meeting Held on February 14, 2024
>>> $13,000 Fine by ethics commission court costs: Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Lieutenant Stipulates to Probable Cause Finding
C 24-02-01: Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Lieutenant, Jairo Rodriguez, stipulated to a finding of Probable Cause and entered into a settlement agreement for violating the Exploitation of Official Position, Conflicting Employment, and the Prohibition of Outside Employment sections of the Miami-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. Following a joint investigation by the Commission on Ethics and Miami-Dade Office of the Inspector General, the Public Advocate filed a complaint against Lt. Rodriguez, alleging that he intentionally used his official position on four different occasions at the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department to purchase thousands of dollars in equipment company, FireTec1, Inc. for which he served as president. Additionally, the complaint alleged that Lt. Rodriguez outside employment as president of Fire-Tec1, Inc., conflicted with his county employment and impaired his independence of judgement in the performance of his public duties when he repeatedly caused MDFR to purchase products from his company. Furthermore, the complaint alleged that Lt. Rodriguez failed to file, under oath, an annual report indicating the source of his outside.
employment and any amounts or type of money or other consideration received as required by the Ethics Code.
Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Lt. Rodriguez will be required to pay a fine of $13,000, investigative costs of $3,500, and will be issued a Letter of Reprimand.
Complaint Filed Against Miami-Dade County Department Director Found Not Legally
C 23-57-11: A complaint filed against Miami-Dade County Community Action and Human Services (CASHD) Director, Sonia Grice, was found Not Legally Sufficient and dismissed. The complaint alleged that Ms. Grice violated several provisions of the Miami-Dade Citizen’s Bill of Rights including the Convenient Access, Right to be Heard, and Notice of Actions and Reasons sections. The complaint specifically alleged that Ms. Grice led an effort to prevent the respondent from participating and voting in the elected Community Advisory Committee for the Hialeah Blanch Morton Center by allowing her staff to not follow the CASHD guidelines, protocols, directives, and rules.
Complaint Filed Against City of Miami Commissioner Found Not Legally Sufficient
C 24-03-01: A complaint filed against City of Miami Commissioner, Miguel Gabela, was found Not Legally Sufficient and dismissed. The complaint alleged that Commissioner Gabela violated several sections of the Miami-Dade County Ethics Code, including the Exploitation of Official Position and Further Prohibition of Transacting Business with the County Sections, when Commissioner Gabela voted on a resolution that allegedly involved a personal and financial benefit.
Complaint Filed Against City of South Miami Commissioner Found Not Legally Sufficient
C 24-04-01: A complaint filed against City of South Miami Commissioner, Josh Liebman, was found Not Legally sufficient and dismissed. The complaint alleged that.
Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava wants voters to approve a $2.5 billion bond but the community is hurting and any increase in taxes is a problem. The mayor with a net worth pf around $6.2 million is insulated from the sharp rise in rental rates and of course there needs to be an independent oversight board, but confidence in local governance now is low and MIA is always a perennial problem for the county and is considered a lifetime job for contract winners, and overruns are the rule of the day. She is also holding fundraisers with county lobbyists, which is suspect in the future and is marring her reelection campaign.
>>> Former Miami commissioner Joe Sanchez has thrown his hat in ring for county new sheriff constitutional office. Sanchez, a state trooper but is he up to managing a force of 4,700 strong. Sanchez had mixed success in Miami. I will go into it next week. He was swayed by a developer’s attractive lobbyist back in 2002. His biggest challenge is being associated with the Miami commission.
>>> Homeless deaths on Miami streets down for year, was 189, last year over 200, says Trust chair Book: >>>New version next week with my computer finally back thank you supporters.
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust did its annual somber ceremony remembering the people passing on the streets. This past year. This year it was 189 and down from last year when over 200 passed last year. The trust a national model has helped transform the homeless issue facing so many American cities. The county decades ago had over 6,000 homeless with even a mayor, and through community efforts and tourist sales tax funding has created a continuum of care capability.
with a sergeant-of-arms standing by.
>>> Legislators at PHT, President Migoya evaluation 4. Which was highest grade, man has been a miracle worker for past troubled public Jackson hospital system, now the envy of communities around the nation.
From Jan 31,24 agenda: Dr. Richardson open by expressing his though on the exemplary work and time the members of Jackson’s leadership team spend in Tallahassee educating our legislators about Jackson health system and why it’s such a critical source in Miami-Dade and across the state of Florida. Dr. Richardson stated that Mr. Carlos Migoya, Esther Caravia and Nathan Ray work behind-the scenes meeting with legislators to help protect Jackson’s public funding sources which upholds Jackson’s mission to continue providing high-quality expert care at Jackson Health Hospitals. In addition, state legislators and board member Senator Calatayud, are deserving of recognition for their continued support to Jackson and its role as the state’s largest public, safety net health system.
To conclude, Dr. Richardson hand-off presentation to Mr. Migoya who will introduce and welcome guest legislator and representative. 4 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST BOARD OF TRUSTEES TELEVISED MEETING MINUTES – October 25, 2023 Mr. Carlos Migoya, President and Chief Executive Officer, Jackson Health System introduce State Senator Ileana Garcia and Representative Demi Bassuta-Cabrera. Mr. Migoya acknowledged that these legislators have done a tremendous job representing the people of Miami-Dade County in Tallahassee. During the last legislative session, Senator Garcia and Representative Bassuta-Cabrera led appropriations and were able to secure $750,000 for an outpatient burn clinic at the Miami Burn Center, which is housed at Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital. The Miami Burn Center is among the nation’s best and is staffed by world-renowned burn experts like Dr’s. Louis Pizano, Carl Schulman and Nicholas Namias. Mr. Migoya made mention that there are so many miracle stories of patients whose lives were saved after catastrophic burn injuries and with this funding, they will be able to provide follow-up care to more patients.
On behalf of PHT Board of Trustees and Jackson Health System, Mr. Migoya express gratitude to Senator Garcia and Representative Bassuta-Cabrera for their unwavering support to Jackson Health System and for recognizing the important role Jackson plays in maintaining the health and well-being of every person who lives in this County. A token of appreciation was presented to both legislators as honorable members of Jackson Health System.
REVIEW OF FISCAL YEAR 2022 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Julie A. Staub, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer reminded everyone that it is the time of year to present the fiscal year 2022 tabulated results of Carlos A. Migoya, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Public Health Trust. As part of the evaluating process, each board member completed the evaluation forms and presented feedback regarding the performance of the CEO. The quantitative section of the evaluation had a rating scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being the lowest level of performance and 4 being the highest. The CEO received an overall 4 in every category; and the qualitative section of the evaluation results were all highly favorable. Distributed at the meeting was the tabulated results of the annual evaluation of the President. There were no issues or concerns raised by members of the committee regarding the tabulated results for the annual evaluation of the President. Mr. Lopez-Castro, III and members of the committee congratulated Mr. Migoya and the Jackson Health System Executive Team.
>>>> I almost died from sepsis: PHT AGENDA MINUTES Jan31,2024: SAFETY METRICS JWMC on Sepsis management has re-educated medical providers on the importance on following Sepsis protocols and bundles that were created based on national best practice standards. Hyper-focus has produced positive outcomes in the last eight months. Medication errors and bar code medication administration is consistently below the national average and trending positively. Patients falls consistently below the national average, including falls with injuries. Hospital acquired infections only two cases since FY22 due to implemented prevention plans. JWMC has implemented initiatives allowing patient engagement and empowerment to ensure zero wrong site blocks and surgery. JWMC Miracle Experience overall rating is currently at 89%, goal is 85%. JWMC has achieved top 3% in nation highest ranked hospital in South Florida and top 200 hospitals in nation for overall experience and willingness to recommend. JWMC obtained AHCA approval for ACS level 1, which allows ability to perform percutaneous coronary intervention procedures.
David Zambrana, Chief Executive Officers express that Mr. Borrego and the JWMC Team should be commended for continued outstanding performance since day of opening. He also asked Mr. Borrego, how can the rest of Jackson system learn from rigorous patient experience created at JWMC? Mr. Borrego shared that at JWMC they created formalized tactics, cultural changes and shifts. JWMC put together a playbook specific on observed behavior by every caregiver. In late November, JWMC rolled out a learning institute for all Jackson System which including a course for two hundred nurse managers. As part of the Jackson Re-imagine Plan, JWMC developed more culture components and training with HR partners and has implemented them as part of the onboarding process. 5.
>>> The benefit of two medical schools in Miami-Dade came through recently that up to 120 to 130, (I lost the notes on the exact number,) fellows and residents at JHS who were in good standing in their specialty graduated from the programs.
This is good news because physicians many times stay in the community where they trained. The FIU medical school and UM, via Jackson Memorial Hospital, and Baptist Health will be helping the community when more physicians and staff will be needed with our ageing population.
>>> Dade residents get numerous medical choices, from FIU & Baptist affiliation, to public JHS, preventative care main mission, reduces uncompensated care costs countywide.
Miami-Dade County will be benefitting from the relationship with Baptist Health and FIU’s Wertheim College of Medicine, a school dedicated to preventative community-based medicine after its first dean Dr. Joe “Pedro” Greer instilled preventative medicine to the school’s students and has many FIU trained physicians doing a good examination of the patient, given my own personal experience.
This along with public JHS and UM affiliation will give residents top notch medical care, and keep more physicians in the community they train in. Further, it helps south Florida be a medical destination, offering specialized healthcare here. Jackson Health System is also benefitting from the approved county wide $830 million bond program that in the end financed almost $2 billion in capital projects drawing a host of new patients with a past campus that was frozen in time. For more go to: :FIU medical school launches partnership with Baptist Health | Miami Herald
>>> The arrest of ex School Board member Lubby Navarro for misusing her district issued P. Card for questionable items, her attorney says is false, potential for misuse of cards first identified back in 2009 police dept in IG report. The school board ignores past IG report in 2009 last week, wants five-year of audits of all past members. The fact board unaware of past reports and suggested improvements, problem is also culture of getting along with board members requests. Board should review past board members expenses but needs to get ahead of this failure to watch over funds, “only 11 employee travel cards issued,” thank goodness, board members given great deference, but “need more than just trust and verify, says Supt. Dotres.
>>> I was, Reminded the WDR that this issue had come-up before with the district’s police department in Nov.25,2009, after an inspector general report that found and “tested 452 charges and found 73 or16 percent of the expenditures were prohibited,” states documentation. Further, “eight purchases were split into smaller values to avoid documentation requirements.” Further, Navarro was a longtime aide to chair Perla Tabares Hantman before being appointed by Rick Scott. The IG should check past board member use as well.
>>> Miami leaders say a search is necessary for a new city attorney, yet commissioner Reyes says, “I have a candidate in mind,” past city attorney when asked by me who he works for? “I work, for three votes on the body,” That is the problem and was big discussion at county ethics commission in years past, but problems persist.
>>> Carollo starts his retribution tour goes after Gabela in macho way, potential fight broken up, “claims “8th Street boys cause of problems,” and filmmaker Billy Corben. Editor’s note last time, bond ratings dropped after political instability, during Elian Gonzalez, controversy Carollo brought to fever pitch, residents started throwing bananas at city hall, why Manny Diaz was elected mayor back then. Federal Marshall’s seize his home drama of Miami goes worldwide as young mayor Suarez ducks the press, as investigations pile-up. The WDR first reported on his rapid net worth increase years ago.
Both men, were separated by a sergeant -of arms, moving swiftly, he calmed the situation down. (Then mayor Carollo in 2001 almost got into a fist fight with deceased commissioner Art Teele, J.r, a former airborne ranger officer in Vietnam and was separated by a staffer, after Carollo disparaged Teele’s mother at the dais, with a stunned crowd frozen in their seats including me.
The recent exchanges are harkening back to all the challenges the man faces barely holding on to his house, and he blamed the Miami Herald and the 8th street boys for his problems citing a Jan3, 2023, profile of his mixed results in public life. He also went after documentarian Billy Corben making an anti-Semitic remark about his new name, he uses in the film business. Here is the exchange at the end of the meeting of the two men
>>> All Miami employees go through county’s ethics training, never takes after in laws of manager get furniture contracts, says WLRN investigation of wife; why at county all employees went through training, under Stierheim administration in 2000,
Includes mayor Suarez under SEC & FBI investigation, with mayor representing middle East countries, from Qatar to others, Isreal Flag replaces Ukrainian Flag at city hall entrance, WDR first reported on mayor’s income rise 9 months ago from 2013 disclosures which he now has to explain the high new worth and outside income as calls for his resignation increase, Carollo is waiting to stick political knife in wounded mayor
The revelation that City Miami manager Art Noriega’s wife is involved in a furniture company…, and contracts with the city, will make the man’s tenure in doubt and expect Commissioner Joe Carollo to pounce on it in his attack on the mayor and his own investigations and corrupt administration.
This is an example why all county and municipal employees go through ethics training, that in Miami is having mixed results as a friends in the family atmosphere exists in the city.
>>> All Miami employees go through county’s ethics training, never takes after in laws of manager get furniture contracts, says WLRN investigation of wife; why at county all employees went through training, under Stierheim administration in 2000,
Includes mayor Suarez under SEC & FBI investigation, with mayor representing middle East countries, from Qatar to others, Isreal Flag replaces Ukrainian Flag at city hall entrance, WDR first reported on mayor’s income rise 9 months ago from 2013 disclosures which he now has to explain the high new worth and outside income as calls for his resignation increase, Carollo is waiting to stick political knife in wounded mayor
The revelation that City Miami manager Art Noriega’s wife is involved in a furniture company…, and contracts with the city, will make the man’s tenure in doubt and expect Commissioner Joe Carollo to pounce on it in his attack on the mayor and his own investigations and corrupt administration.
This is an example why all county and municipal employees go through ethics training, that in Miami is having mixed results as a friends in the family atmosphere exists in the city.
>>> PAST WDR: Miami Mayor Suarez under the gun re outside income, net worth in 2014 was $13,000, in 2023 estimated $5 million, year earlier $1.3 million, ethics & state attorney investigating young presidential hopeful mor investigations ongoing man not ready for prime time, a persistent Miami problem.
When it comes to Miami Mayor Francis X Suarez. He believes since the trolleys run on time he can moonlight to his heart’s content and residents should not worry.
He also questions why the Miami herald is so obsessed with his outside employment claiming the recent stories about his outside income is a frivolous ‘smear,’ by the paper of record and is consistent with the paper of records history of trying, to “assassinate the character of Hispanic leaders, ‘he told the
The WDR report has his financials since 2014 after he was elected as a commissioner. The young man,43, scion to a prominent Cuban political family. He went through The Good Government Initiative run by former county commissioner Katy Sorenson (And Suarez has a PAC named after the program, which was not effective given his actions).
However, the family man a potential presidential candidate who told Fox he knocked on “15,000 doors,” when he ran for office. His election helped his controversial father Xavier overcome his moniker of mayor loco, after his time in office as the first Cuban mayor of Miami, later elected to the county commission. The son has also received numerous VIP events undeclared re value and who paid.
The Miami-Dade Ethics Commission and the state attorney’s office have opened an investigation into his outside income. He says he welcomes it to clear his name and he believes he always follows the law.
Editor’s note: I am holding off on condemning this man until the investigation is over, but the Miami Herald has raised some serious concerns. The attorney growing up was treated like a prince in Miami’s Cuban community and used to spend time in his dad’s mayoral office growing up. He also believes what people do in their free time is their business, after I pointed out they were in fact public figures, which he tried to blunt with privacy something his dad a former mayor was short on doing multiple odd antics when in power.
The ART Warehouse
>>> Xavier Suarez, “wishes Dan Ricker Happy Holidays,” when I asked about his son Francis Miami’s mayor and the investigations, and should he resign. The normally chatty former mayor and county commissioner demurred when asked about his son’s problems.
>>>My Holiday gift this year is having my computer back after it died weeks ago and was brought back to life by Kent Electronics and Abdon Sarmiento’s work, and I am back. >>>>> Help PAST WDR after: For three weeks now, I thought my 23 years of weekly work was in vain after a cataclysmic IT incident and for weeks I thought the extensive list was lost and this is a test issue in communication after a fiscal disaster also has hit me after a decades long significant support was impacted by Covid costs and inflation.
I am one of the few people who report on all our public institutions weekly and have been honored to have been able to do this without scandal or favor except to keep the public informed, like the swearing in of Miami city commissioner Manola Reyes, Who raised $400,000 in political contributions to his challengers $1,000 in his war chest and Reyes got 68 percent of the vote Nov.7.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is getting calls for his resignations after some investigative stories on his outside employment while in office. At the law firm he is at s his sister Olga Suarez and some wonder if she is a beneficiary of her brother’s clients.
>>> De Santos adds county clerk Barquin to his list, republican state legislator net worth $290,651 in 2020 $340,387.
With Gov. Ron DeSantis populating the state with appointees, adds The Miami-Dade County Clerk Juan Fernandez Barquin to the mix. The former state legislator has been a supporter of the governor’s agenda. He is replacing long time clerk Harvey Ruvin who passed suddenly and was a democrat to Barquin a republican.
The WDR pulled up his state disclosure forms. In 2018 his net worth was $290,651, and in 2020 it rose to $340,387. And the man has some real-estate investments but on the whole benign disclosures. He has a critical role as the co-controller of Miami-Dade with CFO Ed Marquiz, with the County’s $13 billion in bonds involved, that were floated when interest rates were low but have been creeping up. It will be interesting how he will change the compliant office to the administration with a democratic mayor.
>>> County’s use of herbicides on foliage reduction, variation of Round-up to control foliage run-off to Biscayne Bay, says county resiliency officer Murley, trying natural solutions, when possible, coastal storm surge walls out for now with corps new diagrams show.
Miami-Dade County with “366 miles of canals,” uses pesticide to keep foliage trees later leaches into Biscayne Bay. The county is trying to use natural efforts but herbicide like Roundup is frequently used and shows up in fish and peoples urine state Florida universities’ studies on the chemical impact of such foliage removal compounds. Further cars in canals have been a persistent problem. They are also trying to reestablish the Balsam Torchwood tree, long extinct.
The issue came up Friday at the Biscayne Bay Watershed Advisory Board in the commission chambers and Chief Resilience Officer Jim Murley, in discussion with storm surge. The corps plan for surge walls along the water are being replaced with natural solutions if they fit the circumstances after the walls faced a huge public outcry and two charettes to discuss the plan are in the months ahead, with a final plan in 2027, anticipated. The cleanup of Biscayne Bay with state and federal governments, spending millions to clean up the bay.
Which is also should be using the scavenger vessel more with only one in operation and is a technological bargain at $1 million for a second such vessel, to help the bay and Round-up use should be reviewed in Miami-Dade County.
>>> Anniversary of life saving procedure when I was septic at South Miami, Baptist Health, hospital in 2009, and I thank you Dr. Jorge Rabaza for saving my life, back then.
The next few days is the anniversary of my almost passing in 2009. I was septic and operated on at 2;00 p.m., “because I could not wait,” not something you want to hear from a surgeon, said Jorge Rabaza,M.D. at South Miami Hospital back then and he said, “I was a flip of the coin,” that I survived, he said and since then every day is a free day.,
The Miami-Dade County Children’s Trust is celebrating its 20th anniversary and during its time. There have been no scandals except some trust tee shirts being sold in little Havana decades ago. They trust the brainchild of former Miami Herald publisher David Lawrence, Jr. and mayor Alex Penelas and Will Bleckman, M.D. For more on the trust go to:
View a comprehensive list of all the previous project updates at
Charter schools have expanded to 155 schools and receive $797 million from the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The schools do not have to follow the same procedures as public districts, and many are managed by private for-profit companies. The district does audits of these schools. Further, the Fla. proposing expanding vouchers, which could cut funding by over 20 percent, adding to the charter school hit. However, many scandals with these schools many sexual in nature, and need better background checks.
What about students’ threat assessment teams?
The board’s student advisor Ms. Cori Anna White, with a unique perspective, made some saliant comments recently when the school’s code of conduct was being discussed. With all the mass shootings she noted “student safety was paramount regardless of zip codes. She inquired about the role of “threat assessment teams,” and “reporting lines,” and their role “in identifying patterns of behavior,’ of students.
Dr. Steven Gallon, III, a former principal overseeing 3,200 students said the goal was not “to suffer situations that take away opportunities to educate. He said, “parents send the best students they have, and the district policy was going to be applied with “firmness and equity.” Noting a large public school “is one of the most challenging education jobs there is said the veteran teacher
>>> Past WDR: Cardiac EKG screening should be required by state, number one killer of young athletes in schools, highlighted at school board Wednesday, after Bills player cardiac arrest should ACDs? be included on the field?
Student Athletes dying from sudden cardiac death, was highlighted at Wednesday’s school board meeting. Sudden death is common with athletes and the need for an EKG screening is important. And advocates say screening should be mandatory. And Florida has nine districts that have this screening requirement before entering school. Further, some parents are hesitant to screen, and just have to be notified, said advocates including a girl with an implantable defibrillator. For more go to:
>>> The Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel & Sun-Sentinel articles on the Watchdog Report published over the years.
Published on September 9, 1999, Page 1EA, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 3, 2000, Page 1B, Miami Herald, the (FL)
Published on January 20, 2003, Page 1E, Orlando Sentinel, PAPERWORK TIGER, Miami’s citizen watchdog piles up government files in his quest to keep the “little people” informed.
>>>Watchdog Report publisher named ‘Best Citizen’ 2003 by the Miami New Times
The publisher would like to thank the weekly alternative paper Miami New Times for bestowing their 2003 Best of Miami, ‘Best Citizen’ award to me and I am honored. Thank you. To read the full story go to
>>> And to support the WDR go to my Pay Pal account that is easy to use and right now would be a great time:
Further, if you would rather send a check send it made out to Daniel Ricker and mail it to 3109 Grand Ave., #125 Miami, Fla. 33133. Thank you, Dan.
>>>And having a member of the press at public meetings gives teeth to the Florida Sunshine Law (and why you get a Flu Shot) and open meetings tape recorded keeps good governance in place and reduces waste fraud and abuse, and public corruption, and is why you don’t speed in front of a state trooper for example. And hope you can support the WDR efforts to have informed residents of public institutions issues, in our community.
>>> Further the in South Florida is an established news service presence, because most people are too busy to go to these important meetings., and all the information comes through me as a central point allowing me to see things at a 100-mile altitude and being an early warning system when projects have overruns or other issues. But my job is to sound the alarm and I have done so many times over the past years in a host of ways.
Publisher’s Statement on the mission of the Watchdog Report and the special people and organizations that make it possible: Government Subscribers/Corporate Subscribers/Sustaining Sponsors/Supporting Sponsors
***** LIFETIME FOUNDING MEMBERS & Initial sponsors since 2000
HUGH CULVERHOUSE, Jr (The first contributor)
THE MIAMI HERALD (2000-2007)
WILLIAM HUGGETT, Seamen Attorney (Deceased)
LINDA E. RICKER (Deceased)
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $2,000 a year
>>> Watchdog Report supporters – $1,000 to $5,000 a year
BERKOWITZ POLLACK BRANT Advisors and Accountants
LINDA MURPHY: Gave a new laptop in Oct. 2001 to keep me going.
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
>>> Public, Educational & Social institutions – subscribers at $1,000 or less
To contribute to the WDR send and make it payable to Daniel A. Ricker
Daniel A. Ricker
3109 Grand Ave.#125
Miami, Fla.33133